Monday, May 17, 2010

TRanscrips 1941-1946

"Instead of accumulating during one hour,one must try to keep constantly the organic sensation of the body.Sense one's body again,continually without interrupting life's ordinary occupations......the key to everything REMAIN APART
Our aim is to have constantly, a sensation of oneself, of one's individuality, this sensation cannot be expressed intellectually.because it is organic. It is something which makes you independent when you are with other people."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

You dont work enuff. You let the dog yang you around. You forget your life is not for yourself. Merde. How do u expect to pay for your existence? Die like a cockroach? Death is round the corner. And ur wasting ur life.
Either do it or get out of the way!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


The distance from the body seems lot more tangible. I am always confused if I should let things flow or keep experiencing these distances. Its amazing to sense ones body as a warm ball that one is hugging.
The work out is helping more and more in keeping a sensation of the body. Somewhere is the source of this all. Its not in my body but the route to there is thru it.