Saturday, April 28, 2007

Interface with the illusion

There are moments when there is a clear sense of the separation from the "reality". Visual impressions seem to appear like projections in the inside of the head. Increaingly it appears that sensation is the key. Sensation without imagery. Imagery, it appears is the biggest villian and the biggest barrier to the understanding and "seeing". Consistent sensation seem to help to keep the images away - but it is so fascinating to see that without imagery the brain seem to have difficulty experiencing. Even in a massage, I see that the sensation of one's feet being massaged cannot be separated the image of the feet being massaged. Just experiencing the pure sensation of the massage seem so difficult. But once that barrier is crossed, sensation then opens up a new relationship to the reality around. The relationship with the body then becomes the sensation. I sometimes sense that this relationship with the body is really a small spot in the brain and the rest is made up of imagery.
Nisargadatta talks about a practice that we just have to belive that we are not the body. Gurdjieff says that we must use the imagination to intially practice that the reality is that I am. Stephen Jourdain says "The Central rivet of the hallucination is nothing other than the absolute belief in myself in the act of producing a thought of dreaming this or that. ….if people corrected the way they situate themselves they would eliminate 98% of their problems. Then they would be in the zenith of their dream and close to bursting it".
Then Dzogchen texts mentions - "But then, one might ask, how does samsara arise? How does one enter the dualistic vision that is the cause of transmigrations? If, at the moment the energy of the base manifests, one does not consider it something other oneself and one recognizes one's own state as the indivisibility of essence, nature and potentiallity of energy, the movement of energy self-liberates...understanding the essence that is the very nature of primordial enlightenment".

So it appears that the practice is to constantly plug into being in this space of sensation in the heart where one is constantly reiterating to oneself the "unreality" of things around us - visual, thoughts, emotions.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sexual Desire

Sexual desire. This looks like a very fast centre. The sight of a woman, a pretty woman moves the “read-write” head of the brain to the sexual centre in the head and immediately releases a chemical that gives a sensation that is “agreeable”. I see sometimes that the stimuli is iconic. The shape of the woman, hair, even the voice automatically leads to this movement in the brain. Images from the brain stored from past memories, movies, and pictures are instantly fitted and the movement to the “happy centre of the brain” is made. This is so damn quick. It seems the hardwire is so strong.
Sometimes this is without stimuli. You wake up in the morning feeling this ache, this sensation. This appears to me as the ache of the soul wanting to know itself. When it is temporarily freed from the bedlam of noises or from the hammering of the self calming mechanisms we employ like smoking, drinking, movies, plays and so on that down its voice. So I wake up. And the ache is felt. The brain I have experienced immediately goes to the imagination centre and picks up a story, a face, a person to whom the attention is directed to and then a fantasy happens. Sometimes it leads to spent itself in sex or masturbation. Again this is so hard wired. I watch the brain quickly do this. It seems like a quick fix to get the ache to stop. I think each time there is an ache – do watch a movie, to have sex, to fall in love, it is the call. For me to respond to it as a responsible human being, I need to teach the brain to take the “read- write” head to the source of the ache. To put my ear close to that source and hear it. I cant be downing that noise with something louder. I need to be there. Stay with the ache. Not with commentary. Not with judgment. Just listen to it with my heart. Feel it. And try to understand its language. With complete attention.

Journey back to oneself - an actor remembers !

And so one embarks into this long journey. To find oneself. It’s a pretty hopeless start in the beginning. Especially when one begins at a point when one realizes that things one knew about oneself were not entirely true. Most of this was things people told us or what we believed without entirely verifying facts for ourselves. It sounds pretty strange. But I have a name. I have my parents. I have my memories. So what is this facts that I keep looking for? The startling realization that hits one that gets the journey started is the sense that one existed before one was born. Its bizarre. But it seems to be true. Its almost as though one discovers that one’s parents are not real ones. We have been adopted and we didn’t know it. And then one day someone tells us. And then the search begins for one’s origin. It’s a sense of completeness that one seeks for. Not that it negates the current “adopted parents” – they are as real. Yet one wants to know and meet one’s true parents. Same with identity. My identity as far as I remember comprises of my name, my parentage, then my memories, thoughts. Everything that I call and has a face, a visual reality. So when I realize that I existed even before all this, it means that my current face, this name, this parentage is only an external layer that covers something more real.
But it seems so difficult to comprehend this. So I try to understand this first with analogies. So the play analogy – Im an actor and I get so involved in my role that I forget who I was before I got on to the stage. Im in the stage. Now. I have another name, a character – into whose role I as an actor is performing with great élan on the stage. I have a family, a job, a wife, kids and I have ambitions, emotions, dreams and even memories. I have forgotten. Forgotten who I was before I got on to the stage. Mid-way through my performance I can remember something. Fleeting. That something’s not quite right here. Some faint memories. There is something uncomfortable. The scenario in the play does not give the sense of what I am or where I truly belong. I can sense that Im acting. There is something artificial here. But I don’t know what.
So Im in the middle of the play. And Im here on the stage. No clue as to where I can begin. I cant see the audience or the separation from me to the audience. If I could, then I would remember and take that leap from the stage to the audience. But right now im stuck in this situation where Im in the play and I not sure that Im this character in the play. But I don’t know where the audience is sitting. I don’t even know where to begin but I know if I find where the audience is then Ill remember by association. Ill remember how I reached here. Now that I remember that Im not quite the actor, my acting has been affected. When I remember Im someone else, Im “acting”. Othertimes, when I don’t remember Im a natural.
Now the play analogy is fine. But how do I know if this is for real. That Im not in play and that this is for real. My own sense is that it just happens. Like an old song that you suddenly remember. From nowhere.
So from where does the journey to remember begin? It appears to me that the first thing to do is to separate myself from the actor. Say physically first – do I walk, talk, behave like the actor? Suppose I suddenly stop doing this and act differently ? Say I smile when I have to cry or remain serious when there is something funny? Or the opposite of what the “actor” in me naturally does out of the conditioning of the role. Let me try that. When I try that, I am sure there is something that will happen. Don’t know what. Because when I stop acting as the actor, I will probably be able to experience what is it not being an actor. But I have to be cunning. And first find out what my “natural” reaction is to the situation and then act the opposite. I have to be fast or the actor will deceive me. My warning signal will be pain or discomfort. If Im acting in opposition to the “actors” reactions, then I will feel the discomfort, embarrassment, self consciousness even fear sometimes. So that becomes the first leg of the journey. That is the external layer of the journey. The biggest pitfall that would come in the way of smooth execution of this leg of the journey will be the constant internal commentary saying why this is such a stupid thing to do.
So what is the success criteria of this strategy of “stopping being the actor”? I think the success criteria would be the ability to remember to do this often enough and then experience fully in those moments what is it not to be the “actor”. It is possible that the audience may throw tomatoes – but that will only help more and maybe even point me to the direction from where they are throwing.
What are the other directions to the journey? Like the physical habits of the actor, the actor will have thinking habits and emotional habits. I think unlike the plan above where one acts different or opposite from the habitual physical reaction, it maybe difficult to do so with thoughts or emotions – say thinking opposite of what thought comes or feeling opposite of what comes. These come too fast and in the case of emotions I cant seem to “create” an opposite emotion inside. Cant create anger or happiness or sadness. So, in this leg of the journey, I will observe and register. Register what is the automatic thought reaction to a stimuli from the senses. Or in a situation. Similarly watch what emotions run inside the “actor”. As I observe, I hope to have a list of the actor’s emotions and thoughts. Im hoping that when I have the full data about the actor – his physical reactions, his thoughts and his emotions, I will truly remember who I was before I became the actor. Then maybe Ill go back to acting again – but then this time will always remember myself.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Active attention

Active attention. A constant awareness of what is happening inside and outside. Then desire comes. There is just a watching of the desire. with curiosity even. And watch. The desire comes and goes. Our awareness is like watching trains come and go in a railway station. Im not going into any of the trains. I just watch them as they come in and then watch as they go. This "watching" is more a sensation, a tugging. What is this sensation I wonder. And where is it happening? Inside the body or outside?