Friday, June 25, 2010


First Breathing : Breathe in like sucking with a straw
Breathe out - relaxing with a moaning sound- Pulling up the perinium.

First : face to face breathing together
Then : Breathing on sides
Then : On top. alternating
Hold : Do the three bandas. Hold breath. Not let go. Or Bastrika.
Watch the movement of energy

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sublimation Exercises - 6th Rite

Combined Kaya Kalpa with Tibetan 6th Rite

Did the Ashwini and then did the Tiebtan 6th rite. The key is to keep the focus on the agna chakra while pulling the energy up the spine. To do when im horny. It seems to work.


Life in its manifesting give clues by mirroring the Reality that we cannot access somehow.

So Nisarga says - When you dream, do the people in the dream know that you have dreamt them up? What will happen if they come to know ?

Nisarga says that one just needs to believe that one is not the personality. The witness is the proof of the Being. Over time, this belief will break the illusion. But it is important to believe deep within that this is true.