1. How do I understand the workings of the Law?
If I get angry and if Im identified with it, then I am at that level.
If I get angry and I am aware that I am angry then the force of anger can sense the other force of the watcher. It is as if this force of anger tries to do things sneakily it will work but if someone catches it in its act it kind of freezes and gets embarrassed.
There seem to be some memory of this incident and therefore this force does not seem to come or comes when the being is drained of energy.
2. When I look at the human body I see that there is an intrinsic connection and support between muscle groups. If the arms cant carry something heavy, the shoulder muscles come to its aid. Stomach and back muscles come to the aid of legs. It must mean that aid or help must be a natural part of things that are connected.
Our wish to help or compassion for someone in trouble could be following the same law?