Uniqueness is one of the the characteristics of the one ness.
Even if one is enlightened the I remains. But of a different quality
Am I being breathed our am bring breathed ?
CanI allow breathing too flow through me just like I allow actions of the universe to flow through me ?
2. The expense of a lack is sometimes in ability to do, sometimes inability to offer sometimes inability to receive.
Ravi ji said my source of lack as the gap between what I know and what I am.
I do not have the permission to speak.only the deva can speak if they feel out fit to use this body. I need to allow only the sacred from this mouth and therefore this instrument cannot be defiled by my use.
Every sound that I hear is an authentic expression of the divine. I can hopefully experience God thus. Just like my breath is.
Ravi ji said that the Most important thing is to bring to bear attention at this point. That is my role here. This will slow the right thing to happen add the Devas wish.
How can I allow myself to receive help still holding the responsibility.
I need to die to myself. my effort is however not towards the higher. I need to look below to ensure that the marauding forces don't enter my inner sanctum do there is place for the higher to descend.
To not know is to die. I am in a space whet I do not know what Congress next. It is am experience of death at that level. How can I cultivate this and experience this ? Each time I'm in solution mode I'm grasping against death.
Rumi-When I died I was born as a fish. When I died as a fish I was bitten add human. So when have I not gained by dying ?
From tamas to sattva you need to travel through rajas. Then you are back to tamas again in a spiral. Because now tamas is in a sense of stability.
Allan Daniel Hindu polytheism.
Dharana dhyan samadhi are the forces of mind. Our qualities of the mind.
Dharana is more concentration. Dhyan is more waiting for the object to respond. I am here to listen.
In Dharana the focus is I not the object. In dhyan there is an equal force between object and subject. The samadhi there on only the object.
The deepest party of my psyche corresponds to the deepest party of the psyche.
kunti asked of Krishna for a boon replied I ask for crisis and difficulty
Because ranch time this happens you Krishna also come along.
Mi fa I can awaken me
Sol it is the point where I remember that I have to work on my self and not reform the world.
The idea of invokinga deva is really starting any undertaking that it is not my enterprise. The intention is a requirement of the consciousness that had now entered the material field in way of an idea on me to start an enterprise. I am the medium. I am the servant to carry this in the manner as the Devas had intentioned. I need to be sensitive to doing what is truly needed.I will then get my rewards as a servant doing his job well.
I need to bring in attention to whatever I do. Then this attention wool take it to the right direction. otherwise the direction will be at the level at which we are.
Bringing an attention to what I am doing or wish to do is like invoking a deva. An intelligence above my ordinary level.
I need to assist the quality of seeing.
I wishes to see. I wishes to do something. A way to invite the deva.
I need to watch the centres of my gravity. Otherwise it will atrophy. My seeing changes its quality.
when someone speaks it nerds to go to many places in my organism. If I don't pay attention inside me then it will not go to all the places it nerds to go.
Everything is transient do work diligently. last quote of the Buddha
When I do business if I remember that wahe guru is also present so I would do business fair.
I can either kill one I and make the other I win. Our I can see both I's with clarity.
Or I can kill the asura or make asura and deva to work together.
Another way to understand freedom from law is to see a change in the quality of being. 48 laws are laws that apply to world 48. Not that there are 48 laws.
To be present is nothing to do with time. You can be present to your past. It its a state of being.
Instead of chasing dreams aggressively, realise your dreams over time. It is important to work with the life-energies not against it. I know if I aggressively pursue something it will cause me to fight the universe's energy.
This read along with Raviji's mantra
Yajña is a collaborative activity between human beings and devas (higher levels within us as well as outside), often involving sacrificing an attachment to 'I am doing it' (which in Sanskrit literally is 'ahamkara' which gradually and rightly came to mean 'pride') and other convictions keeping one attached to lower level of me-me-me.