Man reports on his actions to the North
Man toils in West and South
Its correspondence in seasons:
Earth is receptive in Winter and Rains (Receptive Receives from Creative)
Earth toils in Summer and Autumn (Receptive Works for the Creative)
Thus in my life there is Winter where I need to be receptive and hold the seeds of my ideas deep inside and be receptive like earth. The indication of Winter is when I can see that my activity does not yield any results. Then it is time to cease activity but be in active receptivity.
"The attribute of the hexagram is devotion; its image is the earth. It is the perfect complement of THE CREATIVE—the complement, not the opposite, for the Receptive does not combat the Creative but completes it
It represents :
nature in contrast to spirit, (Prakriti-Purusha)
earth in contrast to heaven,
space as against time,
the female-maternal as against the male-paternal
Receptive connotes
spatial reality in contrast to the spiritual potentiality of the Creative.
potential becomes real and the spiritual becomes spatial through a specifically qualifying definition - that of perseverance, devotion and gentleness.
The Receptive therefore is the the Devi who brings into manifestation the Potential that is Shiva.
Applied to
human affairs, therefore, the heart of the matter is the Lawful action in conformity
with the situation. The person in questions not in an
position, but is acting as an assistant to the forces. This means that he must not try to lead—that would only make him
the way-but to let himself be led. Why would he lose the way? because our ordinary actions are driven by self benefit and personal agendas.
How is one led? One gets clues from nature. One does an action based on one's initial state of being. Then one gets a feedback from nature. Then the action is recalibrated or action is restrained. Thus begins a series of interactive engagements. This is where the Law of Three comes into play since the Action will originate from a space of the ego originally but as the dance of the two forces proceed, the seat of Action moves slowly away from the intial elements of fear and self importance and more towards the Will of the Divine reducing the selfish elements in its span of action and thereby create a broader influence from the action.
Here it is said in Ching 2 " If he knows how to meet fate with an
of acceptance, he is sure to find the right guidance"
Thus the role of man is to "Release Active forces". If he understands this role very clearly, then " The wise man gladly leaves fame to
others. He does not
seek to have credited to himself
things that stand accomplished. "