Monday, June 17, 2019


From a meeting with Madame de Salzmann

Thursday March 1


The concept I have of transmission is of knowledge passed from someone to someone else.  This concept is so strong, or, rather, my belief or unconscious acceptance of it is so strong, that even though a possible new understanding has been glimpsed it cannot be altered without very strongly experienced proof.  If transmission were a sort of exchange of substances along a route or channel existing between the one transmitting and the one transmitted to, it would mean that something would flow in two opposite directions. If real change of understanding is possible it would mean that the level of both the giver and receiver would change, the receiver giving and the giver receiving.

            To begin with, if I am in the position of transmitter, a change is needed in my state.  If I am searching for a more active attention, freer to listen, freer from associations connected with and my reactions to what I hear, there could be a greater freedom to explore the question with the questioner—to go into it more deeply with him, without being caught in it from outside, as it were.  If my attention is more actively engaged there could be a participation in the whole exchange that would permit the exchange to flow in two directions, and activate the ‘hearer’ in both the giver and the receiver.

            If this active attention is not being searched for, if I hear the question passively with my ordinary attention, I will reply passively and nothing can be transmitted, no matter how clever my words or how strong my emotional force. Instead of a new quality of attention and receptivity, permitting the flow of new knowledge both ways, there is a one-sided relationship of dependence, already existing and now strengthened.  Instead of an increase in activity and freedom, a mutually harmful attitude of dependence is more and more fixed.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


The Great Garuda in Flight

Then, in order to grant the possibility of keeping the mind in its natural condition, the supreme source, pure and total consciousness, taught this fundamental lung, the origin of the teachings beyond action:

Listen, Great Sattvavajra! Just like space, the state of non-action cannot be localized. The path of Dharma of absence of thought, without abode or support, derives from a subde desire tied to intention. However, such conceptual meditation does not at all touch dharmakaya because self-arising wisdom is the absence of thought naturally present in everything.

Thus, self-arising wisdom is the true non-discursive state, the natural condition present in everything. It does not get attached to the notion of non-action as if it were an object, nor does it need antidotes in order to be corrected.

Even if one were to seek the fundamental essence through [the twelve links of] interdependence, the non-discursive state has no form, thus one accedes to it only by remaining without concepts. As the essence manifests naturally, only this can be dharmakaya.

It is beyond all the possible parts or divisions of the atom From this non-conceptualizable state, the wisdom of qualities spontaneously arises: this is the essence of total openness in which the discursive state is directly present.
Whoever enters this pure path achieves supreme equality.

As this state is unchanging and not subject to transformation, there is no room for attachment. Likewise, as no object exists, there is no room for the mind. Those who get stuck in the desire for a concrete achievement always meditate on a cause, but the state of equality does not derive from the pleasure of attachment to such meditation. (but resting in being?- blogger)

As the single dimension [of pure and total consciousness] is all pervading, there is nothing to add. As [self-arising wisdom] is without limits, there is nothing to take away from the ultimate dimension of phenomena.

The manifestation of the ultimate nature does not give rise to any special exaltation: everything naturally abides in the state of total wisdom There is no marvellous object to see: the [nature] cannot be seen or heard and transcends all definitions.

What is deemed 'Dharma" and what is deemed "non-Dharma" are always joined: an absolute reality to be considered a higher dimension does not exist. Judging the path of enlightenment in terms of illusion and non-illusion one achieves nothing. Self-arising wisdom transcends the limits of words. In the condition of primordial expansion of the totality of one's state thoughts arise as if they were a shadow. It is not non-exisent insofar as this non-existence has a core that manifests. It is not empty insofar as this emptiness has its own dimension. When one remembers the nature of the sky, even without wishing for it, one obtains the happiness beyond action and already present from the beginning.
It is not an object to conceptualize, but from [this condition] wisdom manifests. Some sages of the past, fixing their minds with attachment [to their object of meditation], have been caught up in the torments of effort and engagement.
Omniscience arises only when one enters the path of the essence; when one conceptualizes the condition "as it is," meditation becomes conceptual

Desiring bliss is the disease of attachment: unless one cures it with the efficacious medicine of unmovable equanimity, then even the causes of rebirth in the higher states get stained by the passions.

The perilous disease of those who adopt as their path what is not a path, drives them to want to reach a goal, just like deer pursuing a mirage. However they will never find their goal, not even by seeking it throughout the three worlds. In fact, even though in this way one might reach the level of one of the ten bhumis, the essence of enlightenment remains hindered.

Instantaneous wisdom beyond all thoughts is like a precious jewel that comes from all the teachers. It cannot be objectified and without needing to change, by its very nature, it completely satisfies all wishes. Examining it, one does not find anything, but leaving it as it is it is the source of all qualities. It does not appear visibly yet it displays itself in all the aspects of manifestation. Whoever is able to teach without the dualism of self and other is a precious treasure because he or she teaches selflessly and compassionately the universal object of realization.

It does not move from within, yet there is nothing to seek within. It is not an object to which to get attached or on which to fix one's aspiration. In the state beyond entering and leaving there is no need to act [intentionally] for the benefit of beings through selflessness and compassion: everything takes place naturally.

Wishing for happiness, one moves away from it because happiness is already present, and seeking it is like happiness seeking itself. Not recognizing the essence of enlightenment, one aims for an outer object to confirm.
However, following this direction one does not see enlightenment.

As in reality no "enlightenment" exists [as a separate phenomenon], nor does its name exist; displaying enlightenment and designating it with this name are errors. Hoping to achieve enlightenment from outside is the wrong  path. [In the true nature] no form, not even an atom, exists of all phenomena that appear.
 It is already perfect, beyond attachment, serene, immaterial, and not confined in a form: the nature of the great nectar cannot be grasped by concepts.

Immense, great, total existence, antidote for those who adhere to the lesser vehicles!
However one should not get stuck on the concept of "great" because [the nature] transcends the concepts of great  and small The words of the scriptures and their commentaries tied to concepts are like the drawings of a conjurer.
The darkness of the wisdom of entering and leaving [does not] allow the birth [of true wisdom]. This is the supreme vehicle.

This nature, which leaves everything and holds everything, is beyond desire and grasping. It does not give birth to even a grain of complacency. Like a gamda in flight, it has no worries; it is not afraid of losing anything nor does it wish to accept anything.

That which from the beginning is like the ocean, gives life to the variety of phenomena. Qualities are infinite as  space and have no specific place whence they spring forth. As soon as [one understands] the essence of enlightenment, supreme contemplation manifests. Vision becomes like a vast sea, and the non-discursive state as immense as the sky. The sphere of experience of Samantabhadra is unborn and unchanging.

The twelve causal links [of interdependence] are explanations created for the benefit of the deluded: let the wise know this! Even though the six classes of beings appear, they are nothing but the primordial path! If enjoyments are anointed by compassion, in any object of pleasure one enjoys the essence of enlightenment. Butchers, prostitutes, those guilty of the five most heinous crimes, outcasts, the underprivileged: all are utterly the substance of existence and nothing other than total bliss.
All phenomena being such, this is the true nature of existence. Thinking that reality can seek itself, that the sky can seek itself or that an "outer" reality can exist is as useless as attempting to put out fire with fire.
This essence of the non-discursive state is not hidden in anybody's mind. For those who experience the essence of enlightenment beyond action, it becomes naturally present in all circumstances.

[22. The chapter on the state beyond concepts: The Great Garuda in Flight, 87.2-91.61]

Monday, May 27, 2019


The MOST IMPORTANT THING is that this is not the end of the road. Its the first step of an awakened authentic life.  While the belief in a separate and real "you" may be gone, chances are, a big part of the ego-based  structure built on top of that belief is still in place.

How big, only you can know.

It is likely that at some point doubts will come up, reactions that may  be considered "not  useful" and possibly (deep) negativity will arise. 

The important thing here is that all these things used to cling to, and be fuelled though, the idea of the self (personality), which is now seen as an illusion.

So whenever thoughts or emotions come up that are judged to be negative, dont avoid, dont fight, dont argue.  Just stay with them, and watch them happen and unfold.


 This kind of clean up is obviously not a pleasant process but you're likely to realise that it actually works.
All you have to do is to take your hands off the steering wheel and let things burn when they are set on fire ! 

(from the APP "Englightening Quotes" - After Gate )


 How can one even express gratitude at such an insight ? And then the pointing that "Once you are in the orbit of the sun and free from the orbit of the moon then it will pull you very rapidly to itself"

Monday, May 20, 2019


From the Six Vajra Verses

The nature of phenomena is non dual

But each one, in its own state,
is beyond the limits of the mind

But there is no concept that can define
the condition of "what is"

But vision nevertheless manifests;
all is good

Everything has already been accomplished
and so, having overcome the sickness of effort

one finds oneself in the self-perfected state
this is contemplation

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Reminders again

Now its only reminders. Each day brings in the friction that evidences traces of the person and the seeing allows its dissolving. Today it feels so special to write this. The journey has been so long yet what was Real was always there waiting - as if the process of search itself eluded it.

Here's today very special reminder from Ekhardt Tolle that embraced my being.

Many people do not realize until they are on the death bed, and everything external falls away, that nothing ever had anything to do with who they are

In the proximity of death, the whole concept of ownership stand revealed as ultimately meaningless. 

In the last moments of their life they then also realize that, while they were looking throughout their lives, for a more complete sense of their self,  what they were really looking for, their Being, had actually always been there, but had been largely obscured by their identification with things, which ultimately means identification with their minds.

***Reminder 2

"Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we dont struggle with it, we are in harmony with reality."