Sunday, September 28, 2014

Work Period Mumbai Sept 2014 Notes

1. Biggest sin against the Holy Spirit is despair. Psycholgically giving up.

2. To always divide one attention to onesef and the other on the listening or the activity. To create a separation. So I can see Harish and the person or activity

3. Laws of World creation. What is world creation. Is it intention? world creation does not just apply to our current world - external world as we see it. Maybe the clue is intention.

4. Law of three is about shift  of level. Law of seven is a law of |process in time.

5. On Sharing - the person who is sharing is Three Centred as much as possible. Or atleast anchored in the body. Listeners also similar. But the idea that there is no closure. The question is widened. The inquiry is deepened.

6. Tathagat means - Thus gone.

7. Ego is always when one is at the centre of the universe. Freedom from ego is when I am not the centre of the universe.
Conscience is when one finds one is not at the centre.

8. Now that I am aware of my Work what is my action now ?

9. Eyes of the flesh see things of the flesh. Eyes of the spirit sees things of the spirit.

10. Naish karma - ? Is it unidentified doing? Ravi ji says one is not compelled to act. Lao Tsu - act without doing. Sages don't do anything but nothing is left undone. ( Is this more about bringing down a quality of attention so the right things get done ?  )

11. The only mechanism  of transformation is seeing. It belongs to a level higher than my functions. When I'm seeing then I'm in contact with a level higher than my functions.

12.There is a field and there is a knower of the field. And  I am the knower of all the fields.

13, When the tempo of my attention as compared to the tempo of my body is fast there is a certain restlessness. When the tempo of my attention as compared to the tempo of the body  is slow my, mind wanders. How does one balance the tempo of attention.

14. There is no lower emotional centre. It is driven by the body.

15. All  feeling is the coming together of the energy of the mind and the energy of a the body. Feeling does not exist by itself.
It is a child of the love making between the mind and the body.
So if the body is in touch with a lower mind the resultant child would be lower emotions.
But if the body is in touch with a higher mind  then a higher feeling results.

16. Si 12 and individuality

17. We can't be against anything. We need to see its place. What function does it do - in my psyche, in the society and in the cosmos.

18. What are the laws that apply to me ? say what can free me from the laws of Like and Dislike - Mumbai group activity till Feb

Post WP feeling

1. Felt I didn't receive any thing. I have been in reaction. Small minded.

2. I have not worked well before the WP. Need to start the running and the protein and kidney and liver flush to start battle against daibetes.
3. Feeling of exhaustion - mental. I am not expending energy smartly
4. Task - how to understand myself as I see people who oppose my views. I have seen people who oppose me are of great help to pull things out, that are deeply embedded in me.

Sharing of others from WP

Remarks which stayed with me.
1. All spiritual practices are contrary to our usual tendencies.

2. Giving up is sin against the Holy Spirit.
3. Whatever I can understand, cannot transform me.
4. All transformation and insight comes from the other side, but I have a
role to play.

5.Even a mosquito has a being. But when I say " I wish to be" it means I
wish to have a greater being.

One thing that I take away from this WP is that the day can start with
something other than tea!
[And thanks to Harish, Anu and the others who got up an hour earlier to cut
(tar|khar)buj for the rest -- I actually experienced this feeling of thanks
today -- Got up; decided to start with kallingar... was struggling to cut
and remove seeds and realized that you folks were cutting for 30 more

. If I am called to work right now, what will be the appropriate action? 
2. My lower mind can assist in enhancing perception. So not be against it. It can play a role in assisting perception. 
3. There are large ideas. Many of them. But how do I start to relate to them. Here. And Now. At my level. Otherwise they will remain great ideas. 
4. Every spiritual experience results as an experience at the level of this body. 
5. World Creation need not be about the cosmic world only. We create our own psychological worlds too and maintain them.  


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jupiter enters Cancer today

This is the study of personal impact on Jupiter in Cancer. June 19, 2014.
Jupiter is most exalted in Cancer. My ascendant based on Moon signs is Jupiter.

Jupiter will be in my 8th House.

June 19th:

Morning 10:26 : Nothing special since morning. But noticing that problems are getting fixed quickly. They appear and then if I stay curious they vanish. Vicious fight with wife. Next moment its normal. Cockroach in car. Vanished in seconds.
Evening : Two strange events linked to money. Both were instances where I had given a word to someone for a certain amount of money to be given and both were overruled by someone and I had to pay from personal funds. In short my money was extracted from me.

June 20th : Was down emotionally. Feeling of envy. Feeling of when will my time come. Feeling that my views and opinions didnt matter. Went to bed with an anxiety that was more organic.

June 21st. Morning : Woke up with a low feeling in the heart. The day was uneventful except
that one activity on which I had worked hard got discarded. I began thinking about why was I made to do it in the first place. I felt bad that there is no value to my effort or that maybe that activity had some other intent that i was not aware of.
I feel the universe is constantly working on pushing obedience and surrendering of inner wishes or opinions.
Everything is being overruled.
So at this point Jupiter is not showing any signs of dominance of any material that is coming from me.

June 22nd.
Worst part of the phase so far. Very low and feeling of no ground beneath my feet. Urge to go back to religious security. Loss of connection with higher with the feeling of no hope.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

No need to pray or ask. There is a plan

It is more and more clear that it is completely stupid to plan a life for oneself or to even plan a day. Emotionally investing in any wish, or a plan is a product of ignorance.

There is a plan for us. We dont have to do anything. Then we dont suffer. We take everything as the crop of that moment. And do activities for the moment. Nothing is valid beyond that moment. It has another event. We suffer because we carry a moment to the next. A bad news is the crop of a moment. It has no relevance the next moment. When we dont plan or wish, everything is a surprise. A gift.

We dont have to pray for anything. We will get what is as per our plan. Then karma is not created.

My suffering comes from the fact that my plan for myself is not the same as the universe's plan for me. So if I drop my own plans for myself, I am seeing the universe's plan for me. That in itself is grace.

Monday, February 03, 2014

Two schools of Shaivism in North India.

Monistic Saivism developed in the North in two schools, one being the Trymbaka School which flourished in Kashmir (the Medhapitha) and is known at present as the Kashmir Saivism, and the other being the school named Ardha Tryambaka which developed in the Kangra area called Jalandharapitha. Many systems of practical Sadhana (spiritual discipline), e.g. Vama, Daksina, Koula, Mata, Trika, etc., were prevalent among the followers of Saivism. The Trika system of Sadhana was highly popular with the Saivaites of Kashmir. Abhinavagupta, the greatest among the authors of the Trika system, had picked up the highest form of the Kaul system of practice from his most esteemed preceptor, Sambhunatha, the presiding teacher of the Ardha Trymbaka School. Kaulism also became sufficiently popular with the practitioners of Trika system in Kashmir since then.

This Jose Pereira identifies seven Saiva Schools by a clear schema. 
These seven schools are each represented by a black trident arranged in 
a cluster. 'Standing erect at the center of the cluster beneath the 
yoga flame - is Trika, greatest of all the schools. 

The other six tridents are linked in pairs on either side of the center. The first 
pair, adjacent to the Triadic trident, in this order, consists of the 
two rival saiva siddhanta schools - the Southern or Devotional 
Orthodoxy (dravida) and the Northern or Gnostic Orthodoxy (gauda). The 
next set consists of the newest of the schools - the Hero-Saivism 
(vira-saiva) of Basava and the Saiva Nondualism (sivadvaita) of 
Srikantha. Lastly, there is the Dualist Pastoralism (pasupata) of 
uncertain foundation and the Monist Pastoralism (lakulisapasupata) of 
Lakulisa. The white tridents at the periphery of the cluster represent 
the Logicism (nyaya) of Gautama and the Atomism (vaisesika) of Kanada. 
They began as Saiva schools but were later demythologized.
Although the black trident schools are more or less distinct, they all 
have three basic ideas in common: Master, Beast and Bond. It is on this 
triad that Saiva Orthodoxy is built.'

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Towards understanding my place in the Order

Man receives instructions from the East
Man reports on his actions to the North
Man toils in West and South

Its correspondence in seasons:

Earth is receptive in Winter and Rains (Receptive Receives from Creative)
Earth toils in Summer and Autumn (Receptive Works for the Creative)

Thus in my life there is Winter where I need to be receptive and hold the seeds of my ideas deep inside and be receptive like earth. The indication of Winter is when I can see that my activity does not yield any results. Then it is time to cease activity but be in active receptivity.

"The attribute of the hexagram is devotion; its image is the earth. It is the perfect complement of  THE CREATIVE—the complement, not the opposite, for the Receptive does  not combat the Creative but completes it 

It represents :
nature in contrast to  spirit, (Prakriti-Purusha) 
earth in contrast to heaven, 
space as against time, 
the female-maternal  as against the male-paternal

The Receptive connotes spatial reality in contrast to the spiritual potentiality of the Creative.
The potential becomes real and the spiritual becomes spatial through a specifically qualifying definition - that of perseverance, devotion and gentleness.

The Receptive therefore is the the Devi who brings into manifestation the Potential that is Shiva.

Applied to human affairs, therefore,  the heart of the matter is the Lawful action in conformity with the situation. The person in questions not in an
independent position, but is acting as an assistant to the forces. This means that he must not  try to lead—that would only make him
lose the way-but to let himself be led. Why would he lose the way? because our ordinary actions are driven by self benefit and personal agendas. 
How is one led? One gets clues from nature. One does an action based on one's initial state of being. Then one gets a feedback from nature. Then the action is recalibrated or action is restrained. Thus begins a series of interactive engagements. This is where the Law of Three comes into play since the Action will originate from a space of the ego originally but as the dance of the two forces proceed, the seat of Action moves slowly away from the intial elements of fear and self importance and more towards the Will of the Divine reducing the selfish elements in its span of action and thereby create a broader influence from the action.

Here it is said in Ching 2 " If he knows how to meet fate with an
attitude of acceptance, he is sure to find the right guidance" 

Thus the role of man is to "Release Active forces". If he understands this role very clearly, then "  The wise man gladly leaves fame to others. He does not seek to have credited to himself things that stand accomplished. "

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

From Bennet's autobiography - On Eternal Will

".......As I put my cup down my attention was drawn to my breathing and in the brief instance when the flow of breath changed from inspiration to expiration, I became aware of Eternity. This was the first time in my life that I lived through a timeless event; though it is common enough between sleeping and waking to have long and vivid dreams that occupy seconds and seem to last for hours. This was not at all like a dream - there were no visions, no images, nothing happened, not even a thought.

It was a state of pure cognition., a luminous certainty. The central truth was the IMPERISHABILITY OF THE will. Body perishes, all the functions that depend on the body turn into dreams and eventually fade away.Even my very self, my own existence and the feeling of "I" that accompanies it could  endure only for a time.
But my will was out of time and space and nothing could destroy it. As long as the will was the prisoner of my own functions, that is of my sensations, my thoughts, feelings and desires, it must be involved in their fate. If they perished, it must perish with them.
But if my will were free from all these, especially from "being" anything at all, then it would be truly imperishable, immortal and able to create for itself whatever vehicle it might need in order to exist and work. This freedom is the will to do God's will and I understood once and forever that this is the secret of everlasting life...." page 276 Witness Bennet's autobiography

Monday, November 04, 2013


(as per Greeks)

1. The act of experiencing or observing
2. and then comprehending
3. through consciousness, which is called the nous or "eye of the soul"
 (leading to ?)
A.Insight into being and becoming (called noesis)
B.       Through the intuitive truth called faith, in God (action through faith and love for God),
C.  leads to truth
D.                     Through our contemplative faculties.

This theory, or speculation, as action in faith and love for God, is then expressed famously as "Beauty shall Save the World".

Tuesday, June 18, 2013



A.   1 to 10 appears to be divining. Page, knight, queen and king seem divining.
B.   Wands is action, fire
C.   Cups is emotions, water
D.   Swords is thought, air
E.    Pentacles is material world, earth

The Fives usually represents conflict.

1.    Aces

a.    Wands : New beginning a new venture, new action
b.    Cups : New beginning of love, or a new emotion
c.    Swords: New ideas, clarity of thought
d.    Pentacles : Beginning of prosperity or a new venture that will bring in the money.
2.    Two
a.    Decisions to be made after the first steps have been taken. Time of next steps.
b.    Beginning of a new relationship based on mutual attraction and respect. More lawful. Male and female energies coming together.
c.    Wanting to avoid taking a decision because one is in inner conflict. Neither solution nor the problem is clear yet. One needs to wait and then take the decision. Indecision will not make the problem disappear.
d.    Need to balance two opposing priorities. Say work and family in terms of attention. And showing that you can do it.

3.    Three
a.    Expansion into new horizons.
b.    Time to let hair down and celebrate with friends and near and dear ones. The sense of friendship during periods of success.
c.    Betrayal separation and grief. To know that pain is the way to learning in this life.
d.    An apprentice who has made an initial progress and showing it to superiors. It’s the end of a probation and progress thereafter towards the larger goal.
4.    Four
a.    Enjoying a period of stability happiness and celebration after a Perfection of work. Harvest of hard work done in the past.
b.    Time for contemplation to go inward before taking any decision of an opportunity presented to you.
c.    Time to relax after a battle before you get into the next battle.Heal the body and mind.
d.    Self sufficient monetarily but holding on so tight to your possessions that you are tied down by it. Call for a beginning beyond the material.
5.    Five
a.    Conflict hindering progress.  Conflict and change.
b.    Trouble letting go of the past and therefore not receiving the good things that are waiting to happen.
c.    Victory but not all is well. To watch for ambition at what costs.
d.    Card of material loss with spiritual comfort available for solace.
6.    Six
a.    Victory after labor. Public recognition of success.
b.    Represents nostalgia, reflecting on the wonderful times of the past. Possibility of a return to familiar environment.
c.    Leaving behind a turbulent past to calmer futures. Indicates a need for letting go and for rationality to prevail over emotions and feelings.
d.    Time for charity and share your wealth if you are poor then there is chance of getting unexpected wealth as help from someone.
7.    Seven
a.    A flight or opposition to defend what one has but others want to take away from you.  The fighter is wearing different shoes on each leg – maybe lack of clarity or balanced footing.
b.    Need to dream but now take a practical call in which of them are just illusions and which are the choices to take that that real and which are illusory.
c.    Deception and betrayal. Could indicate that if you are trying anything cunning be careful or you could get caught. On the contrary try to achieve things by hard work instead of cunningness. Or better to face issues than sneaking away.
d.    Time for harvest. Hard work has now blossomed into fruit. Don’t wait.
8.    Eight
a.    An impulse for a new goal or vista approaching. Optimism and high energy to now build on success.
b.    You have experienced your desires and achieved so much but there is still a restlessness and you are now ready to walk away from it all for something meaningful.
c.    You are trapped in your own thoughts and therefore cant see a solution. The problem must be approached from a new angle. Maybe even bringing in emotion or intuition rather than cold rationality. Once the blindfold is removed we would see that the path is actually open.
d.    Indicates you are working to perfect your work. With lots more focus to master it.

9.    Nine
a.    Nearly there. Final bits of obstacles before the final goal is reached. And preparedness. Be resilient.
b.    Satisfaction at all levels after struggles with 7 and 8. Spiritual, material,physical. It a counting of blessings too. Its also a maturity of a relationship that is an emotional bond.
c.    Too much worry and anxiety.
d.    Material prosperity that will last for a long time giving self sufficiency, confidence and independence. Will provide opportunities now for leisure, rest and pleasure.

10. Ten
a.    Lots of success after a long struggle but the burden of brining the success home is heavy. One now needs to enjoy the fruits of the labour and let go for that.
b.    Joy, contentment, plenitude, esp in the area of family and relationships.
c.    Things cant get any worse but this was needed to get a new beginning. It came suddenly and without warning because universe had to take things in its hand when you didn’t do anything about expecting the impending change.
d.    Financial security with reserves. Culmination of financial success not only for oneself but also for larger extended family.
11. Page
a.    There is an idea that is waiting to be expressed.
b.    An idea that is beginning to burst thru your unconsciousness. Most unexpectedly. And thru all kinds of means like deams or intuition.
c.    Abundant energy inside of new ideas and plans  bubbling to start something.
d.    New material beginnings. A new project that will lead to material growth.

12. Knight
a.    Ready to put ideas into action
b.    It is the sign of the arrival of some message or event that will bring about a high energy from an emotional experience. It also undertakes the execution of the idea the started with the page of cups.
c.    The Knight of Swords is a powerful figure full of life and energy who needs to be balanced with a realisation of responsibility and compassion. It happens sometimes that once we have  set our mind on something we find that  there is no stopping him! He does not see, nor care about, any upcoming challenges, risks or dangers, and instead moves forward with his strong intent to succeed and win. This needs to be balanced.
d.    Engaged in hard toil to meet and fulfill the dreams  Time for focus, good planning and execution skills.
13. Queen
a.    Creative energies are high and you can sustain and execute your creative vision.
b.    Rely on your own institutions rather than logic etc. Also maternal feeling of focusing on the well being of others.
c.    Clarity of mind. Thought that can rise above and look from above.
d.    Prosperity as well as nourishing home environment with nurturing vibes all around that a certain level of material security brings.
14. King
a.    Visionary and goal oriented. Your ideas will create a series of actions by everyone who will gravitate towards you.
b.    Balanced emotionally. Does not get carried away by emotions but does not repress them.
c.    Courage and intellectual authority. Now is the time to use rationality and clear thought rather than emotional or physical urges.
d.    Pinnacle of material achievement and the power that comes with it.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I have seen that money gives power and allows me to achieve the wishes or impulses. On the other hand when I have no money, I see clearly What universe wants to be done through me and When. Without money I cannot accelerate things or bring to action whatever I wish.

Not having money therefore allows me to see a clear filter and a training to understand and separate the sources of various impulses for action - those that come from the level of the ego and those that come from an action sought by the Universe. Further I need to train and look for clues to understand  the Timing of such Action and to Wait for the moment to act.

CHing 34 has something very amazing to say about this.
"The hexagram points to a time when inner worth mounts with great force 
and comes to power. But its strength has already passed beyond the median 
line, hence there is danger that one may rely entirely on one's own power 
and forget to ask what is right. There is danger too that, being intent on 
movement, we may not wait for the right time. Therefore the added 
statement that perseverance furthers. For that is truly great power which does 
not degenerate into mere force but remains inwardly united with the 
fundamental principles of right and of justice. When we understand this 
point—namely, that greatness and justice must be indissolubly united—we 
understand the true meaning of all that happens in heaven and on earth."

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ching 5

Even in the midst of danger there come intervals of peace when things go
relatively well. If we possess enough inner strength, we shall take advantage
of these intervals to fortify ourselves for renewed struggle. We must know
how to enjoy the moment without being deflected from the goal, for
perseverance is needed to remain victorious.

  This is true in public life as well; it is not possible to achieve everything all
at once. The height of wisdom is to allow people enough recreation to
quicken pleasure in their work until the task is completed. Herein lies the
secret of the whole hexagram. It differs from Chin OBSTRUCTION (39), in
the fact that in this instance, while waiting, we are sure of our cause and therefore do not lose the serenity born of inner cheerfulness.

Friday, January 11, 2013


How does one have a larger perspective when one has resources at one's disposal? How does one protect oneself from being trapped in wanting to use the resources for personal benefit?

How can I see the larger perspective? What is needed? Where should the resources be channelised?

How will I know if my perspective is large or small? Maybe I can get a taste or smell of my intentions - that it could be lead by wanting to retain control?
I need  to watch this urge of wanting to retain control without also being indifferent. To see what is needed and what is the right thing to do?

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

In Search of the Right action by not interfering with the Laws

This life has been quite an experience in trying to learn the laws of the universe - especially of Action in the world. I have learnt for example that Revenge is an interference with the laws of the universe. There is a larger Law that will provide the right justice and our action will interfere.
All right action it appears is about non-interfering with the laws. Most of the time I interfere out of say fear or anger or self importance. If someone blames me, I should keep quiet. The person who said it or the others who heard it and belive it, will know the truth and with that knowing will experience remorse - this remorse is important for the healing of their souls - this is a precious material. If I justify myself, at that moment of being blamed not only do i prevent this remorse from coming, I also prevent the material of blame to come to me so I can use the material for transformation of that descending energy and thereby coat my inner material with  a higher transformed material.

1.  This applies to events when I avoid something unpleasant - a person or an event.
2.  This applies when I force events by not having patience for a thing to unfold naturally, lawfully.