Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Planets and their action 4

Meaning of the keywords

This section is about the meaning of the keywords for the planets, and this is different from dealing with the meaning of the planets. Here we expand on the meanings of the keywords. If you are using different keywords, then you might choose to follow these pages in principle.
Whatever you do, ensure that you really know the meanings of the keywords and use a dictionary often to get the definitions in your mind.

The Sun sunS.jpg (955 Byte) (to integrate)

The Central Planet

  • rulership
  • creation
  • vitality
  • impress
The keyword for the sun is "integrate". Integrate means to make whole, or to bring together. When we rule, we bring together the people under one authority (us). When wecreate, we bring together different things into a new whole. This implies that we expressourselves in some way (reveal to the world). And when we vitalise, we make strong and healthy (whole). These all add up to making an impression.
The sun is closely related to the heart or centre of things. This leads us to the "royal" aspect of the sun. The sun represents, therefore, power. The sun is also related tovitality, and therefore health. All of these meanings can be traced back to the keyword "integrate". The position of the sun in a chart shows how the person integrates themselves and consequently their world.
The Sun indicates what we ought to do to attain our life-purpose.
The sun rules Leo.
The sun is also associated with the "Will". When we have integrated the supportive and disruptive elements of our personality, then we have a strong "Will".

The Moon moonS.jpg (973 Byte) (to react to)

The Planet Of Needs And Feelings

  • feelings
  • reflection
  • change (rhythmical), fluctuation
  • take in
  • need
The keyword for the Moon is "react to". The sun is the source of light and energy in our solar system, and the moon reflects this light (as do the other planets, but less so than the Moon). Reflecting implies emotionssympathy and feelings, and showing others weunderstand. Understand here refers sympathy rather than understanding the universe (Jupiter), or understanding a mathematical formula (Mercury). The feelings associated with the moon are mainly those of sympathy, or even feelings about the past. Venus, too relates to feelings, which are those of pleasure and they are personally based. The moon "takes in" or receives the light of the sun.
Reflecting also symbolises the idea of acting in response to something else, rather than by being the cause ourselves. This gives us the clue that the moon is concerned with our inbuilt responses to things, and suggests the importance of our past experience and habitsand learning in how we do things. How we react depends on our past learning and on our past experiences. We react without thinking, and we do what we have been trained to do, either through education or through traumatic experiences. The type of learning associated with the moon is unconscious and refers to early learning and upbringing over which we had little choice or awareness. Basic and instinctive responses are related to survival and thus to our needs.
The Moon is concerned with memory, imagination and dreams. The Moon tends to give a good memory, and imaginative ability. It also brings regular dreams, and dreams such as longings and sentimental desires. While Uranus may be concerned with intellectual dreams of a better more humanitarian future, the Moon's dreams are more emotionally based.
The Moon rules Cancer.
The moon is also associated with security, because our automatic reactions are often related to survival and hence security.
The House and Sign where the Moon is found is where we feel most comfortable, and indicates what we do to feel good, or what we do habitually ... what we need to do. Contrasted with the sun, which indicates what we should do to attain our life purpose, and with Saturn which indicates what we must do.
The Moon is feminine and governs growth and decay, as it governs the ebbing and flowing of the tides. And as it shows in its waxing and waning and in its periodic action. The moons natural sign is Cancer, and its natural house is the fourth. Its keyword "react to" implies change, and change in relation to other events.

Mercury mercuryS.jpg (984 Byte) (to communicate)

The Planet Of Mind

  • speech
  • thought
  • short journeys
  • inquiry
The symbol for Mercury represents the caduceus, the staff with the two serpents, indicating the solution to the riddle of life. Another meaning is the crescent of receptivity (the moon) is above the circle of spirit, which is above the cross of matter.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
The keyword for Mercury is "communicate". We often communicate using language, and we use words to communicate. Language implies reason and reasoning, because to be rational we need to reason.
Mercury is concerned with transport and journeys (types of communication), particularly short journeys. It is also associated with mentality and intellect. Mercury seeks to understand (know) by inquiryquestioning and analysing (It is, after all, the ruler of Virgo!)
Mercury is also related to the nervous system, because the nerves are the communication system of the body. It is therefore associated with co-ordination, both physically and mentally.

Venus venusS.jpg (952 Byte) (to harmonise)

The Planet Of Pleasure And Luxury

  • liking (enjoy, link)
  • evaluation
  • attraction
  • joining together
The symbol for Venus is often taken as a hand-mirror, which seems appropriate here. The circle can represent the sun or spirit above the cross of matter, indicating the spirit (or even self) is above the material. Differing from the symbol for Mercury by lacking the crescent (or mind), indicates that Venus uses taste and feelings to evaluate.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra.
The keyword for Venus is "harmonise". Venus is concerned with attraction andrepulsionbeautypleasurecomfort and luxury. Beauty is often synonymous with harmony, while ugliness is associated with disharmony. When we are in harmony with someone, we are attracted to them, we like them (or love them). Harmony also suggestsbalance.
Venus indicates where we get our pleasures. The keyword "to like" is worthy of closer examination. When "we like" someone or something, it means we have good feelings about them, and we are attracted by them. When we are like someone or something, it means we similar in some respects. The keyword to like is meant to imply both pleasure and relating; that is liking things (pleasure) and noticing how one thing is like another (similarity). This includes the idea of joining together or uniting with someone or something.
Venus is creative in the sense that it brings forth beauty. It also, like the Sun, expresses itself (seeking admiration) or impresses.
Venus is the goddess of love, and people under Venus are often magnetic and extremely attractive, sometimes in the physical sense and sometimes in the mental sense. Wealth, love, comfort and pleasure - are associated with Venus.
What we are attracted to, or what we consider beautiful is usually what we value.
If Mars is the God of War then Venus is the Goddess of Peace, or at least of Non-War. Venus will tend to harmonise people and fight against injustice. Whilst Uranus might seek to make all people brothers and sisters, Venus is more limited in her peace making. When Venus seeks to unite, she seeks to unite interpersonally; she doesn't seek to unite the whole world.

Mars marsS.jpg (961 Byte) (to assert)

The Planet Of Physical Energy. The Planet Of Action

  • action
  • initiation
  • energy
  • division
The symbol is Mars' shield and spear. It can be considered to be the circle of spirit directing its force outwards. The arrow can be thought of as a distorted cross of matter, indicating that the material is important to Mars.
Mars rules Aries and, traditionally, Scorpio.
Mars is the god of war. He is the assertive military man who acts rather than thinks. The keyword for Mars is "assert", which means to act boldly or forcefully. Mars is the planet of energy and it is sometimes referred to as aggressive. In some cases, Mars can be aggressive in the physical sense, but the force is also related to active and assertivethinking, feeling and acting. Acting before thinking or feeling or considering what is expedient. While Venus seeks to unite, Mars seeks to divide or separate. The sign Mars is in shows us how we are active.

Jupiter jupiterS.jpg (889 Byte) (to expand)

The Planet Of Expansion

  • generalisation and abstraction
  • truth seeking
  • benevolence
The crescent of the Moon, receptivity is above the cross of matter. Our nature is raised above the material to higher levels. Jupiter represents higher education while Mercury is concerned with lower-level education). The crescent of the receptive is directly above the material, without the intervention of the self or the spirit.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and, traditionally, Pisces.
The Jupiter force has the keyword "expand", and this force expands the mind, body and the environment. Jupiter was king of the gods, and all the others had to obey him. Another name is Jove, which suggests jovial, a quality produced by the planetary force Jupiter. When we wish to expand our minds, we seek higher education and may travel to distant places, to learn more, to expand our experiences and seek the truth. We would study philosophy. Jupiter is therefore concerned with the big picture, or withgeneralisation and abstraction. We tend to think we can expand when we feel safeand secure, and we are optimistic about the future. If we are optimistic, we might tend to invest in stocks and shares and even gamble, because we feel lucky.

Saturn saturnS.jpg (930 Byte) (to control)

Planet of Time, Discipline, Responsibilities and Hard Work

  • limitation
  • discipline
  • responsibility
  • rejection
  • must do
The symbol for Saturn is the inverted Jupiter sign. With Saturn the crescent of the moon is below, or subjugated to matter. This also means practical.
The keyword for Saturn is control. It means the tendency to limit, discipline and give responsibility. The young person, as he or she grows older has to take on responsibilities and give up his or her youthful ways. Saturn can reject and expel. Saturn is referred to by old astrologers as a malefic, a planet that brings ill fortune. This is neither right nor wrong.
Saturn does indicate areas where we have been deprived, and where our deepest fears lie. It is a sad fact that what we most want or need, is what we cannot accept or what we fearfully reject. It therefore indicates what we must do in order to avoid problems.
Saturn's Greek name is Cronos (Kronos), Old Father Time. Saturn ruled the world until he was overthrown by his son, Zeus, (Jupiter). His time had come and he had run out of time. Saturn particularly rules our subjective time.
Saturn rules Capricorn.
Because Saturn expresses control, it can also mean holding back or delay. It can produce a shortage of time, or too much time.
Jupiter, the Greek god, expanded out of the control of Saturn and became the ruler of the Olympians.

Chiron chiron.gif (1209 Byte) (to bring out the fullest potential)

The Wounded Healer (The Great Teacher)

  • to teach
  • to unlock
  • to find what is essential
  • to reconcile opposites (shaman)
  • to heal holistically
The expert on Chiron astrologically is Zane Stein.
Chiron is not a planet, but an asteroid or a comet. It was discovered on 1 November, 1977 by Charles Kowel.
In the symbol, we see the circle of spirit is below the cross of matter, indicating that the spirit can transform ideas, etc into practical workable form (like Saturn). The symbol is asymmetrical: the right hand can be thought of as half of an "X", with the left hand bit missing. The cross of matter isn't whole, and it lacks the other half, or opposite part. The circle of spirit is a bit squashed so it is somewhat unconventional. Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus, crossing the orbit of Saturn regularly, and that of Uranus occasionally, and its symbol seems to contain part of the essence of each of these. Saturn brings about an awareness of problems and Uranus brings insight for their solution.
Chiron was an immortal centaur, half man, half horse. Unlike the other centaurs, who were unintelligent and brutish, Chiron was intelligent and kind. He taught many Greek heroes the arts of music, war, poetry, surgery, astrology, healing, etc. He had the gift of guiding his pupils to uncover their highest potential and to discover their destiny. Chiron's pupils were the heros, who gained famed, yet Chiron was always a support-character, and never great himself. He epitomised the saying, "It is a poor teacher who is not excelled by their students". Essentially, Chiron was a great teacher who brought out the the fullest potential in his students, so they greatly excelled him in ability.
One day he suffered a poisonous wound. Because he was immortal, he could not die and lived in terrible pain and suffering. He did a deal with the gods, offering his life (and freedom from pain) for the release of Prometheus, who was imprisoned by the gods for giving man the gift of fire, and therefore betraying their secrets. Chiron was immortalised by the gods in the constellation Sagittarius. .
The suggested keyphrases are "to bring out the fullest potential", and "to heal holistically". Heal is used generally here to refer not only to healing bodies, or even healing minds, but also to such things as healing lives, groups, societies, environments, etc. The kind of healing which Chiron does is shamanistic. That is, the shaman goes to the depths of the underworld to reclaim the lost soul, or healing is done through re-experiencing the pain and bringing the whole together in holistic healing. Another way of saying this is to heal through bringing into conscious awareness (that is uniting the unconscious problem with the conscious mind). The glyph for Chiron has half of its cross of matter missing, symbolising the broken state which is healed through finding and re-uniting the missing part. The keyphrase, "to bring out the fullest potential " is similar to healing holistically, in that we seek our fullest potential through finding that which is lost and uniting it with its other half.
Another way of saying this is that Chiron could help his students find what was needed, or what was missing in order to attain greatness.
Chiron is essential concerned with problems. Problems are largely dilemmas. In other words, a problem is one thing opposing another. For instance, you want to care for your family. You could do with more money. It seems the only way to get more money is to work all hours. If you work all hours, then you won't be with your family very much, which means less caring by being with them. therefore the problem: wanting to care for the family by providing more things, but by doing so you are with them less.
Chiron sometimes does this through exposing, or revealing something hidden so it can be dealt with (sometimes bringing about some generally small pain and suffering on the way to resolution). What is revealed is sometimes an evil in society which is shown so it can be inspected and handled.
Chiron differs from Uranus in that Chiron isn't a rebel as such, but a maverick. That is, someone who goes his own way independently, not rebelling against something because it is conventional, as Uranus does, nor being slavishly conventional, like Saturn.
Chiron. like Saturn, is said to control subjective time.

Uranus uranusS.jpg (1005 Byte) (to deviate)

The Planet Of Revolution

  • invention
  • inspiration
  • freedom
  • awaken
Other glyphs: uranus2s.jpg (1227 Byte)
The symbol for Uranus,uranusS.jpg (1005 Byte) , appears to be two crescents pointing in opposite directions. The cross of matter is equal with the higher spirit. The cross and the lower circle are the symbol for Venus inverted. The two semicircle-circles could be a split circle, or spirit. Originally, it was just an "H", for Sir William Herschel, who discovered it on 13 March, 1781.
Uranus rules, or is the co-ruler of Aquarius (with Saturn). It is the first of the modern planets to be discovered. It is considered a higher octave of Mercury.
The keyword for Uranus is "deviate". This can sometimes mean drastic change from one thing to another. In another way, it can mean originality and invention.
Uranus is called the Planet Of Revolution, and its purpose is to bring about freedom,independence and remove restraints. Uranus can awaken us from our mental slumbers and liberate us.
Uranus governs electricity and astrology,
Uranus was the sky-god whose wife was Gaea, the Earth. He was eventually killed by his son, Cronos (or Saturn).

Neptune neptuneS.jpg (1267 Byte) (to refine)

The Planet Of Transcendence

  • transcendence
  • delusion
  • mystery
  • capitulation
  • dissolution
Other glyphs: neptune3s.jpg (1257 Byte)
Traditionally, the glyph is Neptune's trident, neptuneS.jpg (1267 Byte). The crescent of spirit is above the cross of matter.
Neptune was discovered in 1846 as a result of the computations of the French astronomer, Urbain Leverrier.
It is considered a higher octave of Venus.
Neptune has the keyword "refine". By refining, we raise something to a higher degree and this can mean idealism or illusion. Neptune is a force that transcends the physical world, and is associated with religion and belief. In Greek mythology, Neptune was the god of the sea. When our minds turn to the refined and unworldly, we can sometimes bedeceived. We move into the unreal and the unprovable. Neptune rules film, where flickering lights create the illusion of reality. It also rules conjuring and similar arts of deception and mystery. Neptune is also concerned with the glorious sacrifice: giving up the self for the sake of religion or ideology (capitulation). This can mean the same as non-resistance, as in judo and similar martial arts from the East.
The Greek God, Neputune, was god of the oceans. He was also a shape-shifter: he could change his own form and that of others.
Neptune is also associated with dodging and weaving, escaping from traps and being hard to catch. It is hard to pin a Neptune person down because barriers dissolve or do not exist, and non-resistance causes strong force to dissipate
Neptune can dissolve anything, and the self can be dissolved into the infinite. Also Neptune can dissolve barriers, so far more can be achieved in an area than any rational person might expect to be possible. Neptune dissolves problems, barriers, conventions, impossibilities, etc..
Neptune is associated with alcohol and drugs.
Neptune rules, or is the co-ruler (with Jupiter) of Pisces.
Neptune is also associated with nebulousness, illumination and impressionability.

Pluto pluto1S.jpg (868 Byte) (to transform)

The Planet Of Transformation

  • eliminate
  • regenerate
  • purge
  • redeem
Other glyphs: pluto3S.jpg (1209 Byte)pluto2S.jpg (916 Byte)
The normal symbol for Pluto is pluto1S.jpg (868 Byte). This one,pluto2S.jpg (916 Byte). is the initials of Pluto's discover, Percival Lowell, who discovered it in 1930.
The glyph for Pluto, pluto1S.jpg (868 Byte), shows the circle of the spirit (the sun) within and above the crescent of receptivity, which is above the cross of matter.
It is considered a higher octave of Mars.
The keyword for Pluto is "transformation". Pluto was the god of the underworld, ruling over the dead. While the god, Pluto, was not a god of death, which was determined by the Fates, he was concerned with the transition from life to death. The planet Pluto, however is associated with death, mainly as a transformation from life, in one form, to death, or rebirth, in another form. Life and death can be considered a transformation from one state to the other. "Life and death" should be taken as an allusion to a process whereby something is completely destroyed and is transformed into something new and usually better.
This is made clearer by another keyword for Pluto, to regenerate, that is, create anew, in a better way. This can mean changing from being an unethical person to an ethical person, as in spiritual regeneration.
Pluto the planet is associated with hidden and secret things, often deeply buried, perhaps in the mind. It is associated with psychoanalysis and similar deep therapies. It is also associated with atomic energy, which often involves the transformation of one element to another, with the release of vast amounts of energy. Pluto, like the atom, tightly holds onto its secret energy, but when it is released, it occurs suddenly, unexpectedly and powerfully. Not surprisingly, Pluto is associated with sex and the orgasm. The sudden explosion of energy naturally associates Pluto with aggression, passion and conflict.
To understand the secret matters which Pluto is concerned with, we need to remember that, for instance, much of science deals with uncovering secrets of nature. As Pluto is associated with life and death, some of these secrets refer to understanding how to create life and transmute events in the biological cell. It is also concerned with life prolongation (death).
Of course, Pluto's secrets are also secrets of the mind. Areas where we might have hidden shame or guilt, the skeleton in the cupboard. But really these are areas that wecannot own or have because they are considered bad or they are considered too good. We hide both the saint and the sinner within us. When Pluto digs up any of these, it causes serious conscious conflict, and the good may horrify us more than the bad! The personal secrets also include areas of possibility and potential that we dare not even dream about (except symbolically). Normally, such areas are only made manifest when we are ready to receive them and to transform. Pluto also gives us this ability.
In a natal chart Pluto indicates how a person will cut through the veneer and get down to life or death, sex and survival matters. The expression, "cut the crap" is Plutonic because Pluto is concerned with elimination and cutting through to the cause or basis.
Pluto is considered by astrologers to be neither good nor bad. For instance, where the keyword "annihilation" is used, it is probably only half the truth. Pluto does destroy the old, but it does so to create the new, and the better new (regenerate).
Some more keywords related to Pluto are: elimination, purification, exposure, intensity and extremes.
Pluto rules over the basic conflict between spiritual development and worldly living. While Uranus will change the old into the new, Pluto will destroy the old to make room for the new.
Pluto is the ruler, or co-ruler (with Mars), of Scorpio.

Moon's North Node moonNorthNode.gif (1000 Byte)

The Moon's North Node indicates the direction, area and manner in which the being seeks his or her destiny.

Moon's South Node moonSouthNode.gif (998 Byte)

Indicates the resources and gifts the being brought into this world, which could be used to achieve his or her destiny.

Part of Fortune partOfFortune.gif (1482 Byte)

Indicates those areas where things will come very easily; where the Being is lucky.

Time Spent By The Planets In Each Sign

Jupiter and the more distant planets spend so much time in one sign, that the meaning of the planet in the sign for the individual becomes less a distinctive mark of their existence than a distinctive mark of those born during that period. While these planets do have a personal meaning in terms of the Houses, Pluto in Scorpio, for instance does not have a unique personal meaning for those with this placement in their natal charts.
Planet/ PointTime in one sign (approx.)One revolution (Years)
One revolution (Days)
Daily Motion (degrees)
Ascendant2 hours
Moon2¼ days
Mercury73 days
Venus18¾ days
Sun30 days
Mars57 days
Jupiter1 year
North Node1½ years
Saturn2½ years
Chiron4¼ years51186280.02
Uranus7 years
Neptune14 years
Pluto21 years (12-31)

Planets and their Action - Part 3

Planet Basic   Positive/ Negative KeyphraseNote
SunsunS.bmp (4982 bytes)I integrateTo make whole. Manage or control.I am ... (basic nature)
I am known..
I am important
I vitalise
I maintainPositive: nobly and generouslyNegative: EgoisticallyPlanet of Self (Central Planet)
MoonmoonS.bmp (3974 bytes)I reactTo act because of...I respond (to emotions)
I regulate rhythmically.
I change rhythmicallyPositive:sympathetically (in synch)Negative:moodily (out of synch)Planet of Needs and Feelings
MercurymercuryS.bmp (4454 bytes)I communicateExchange ideasI think
I tell
I bring the newPositive:preciselyNegative:variously
Planet of Mind
VenusvenusS.bmp (4982 bytes)I harmoniseMark as different, to valueI love
I harmonise
I join
I create (beauty, art)
I want
I maintain harmonyPositive: fairlyNegative:greedilyPlanet of Pleasure and Luxury
MarsmarsS.bmp (4982 bytes)I assertExpress positively, to fight for (beliefs)I make (something happen)I destroy the enemy and fight for justicePositive:energeticallyNegative:violentlyPlanet of physical energy, Planet of Action
JupiterjupiterS.bmp (4870 bytes)I expand I mature (develop people fully:  bodily, intellectually, spiritually, culturally, materially -  wealth, power, and status. ).
I go to discover and  understand.
I develop the old into the newPositive:optimisticallyNegative:extravagantly
Planet of Expansion
SaturnsaturnS.bmp (4982 bytes)I controlTo activate, change and stop thingsI build.
I discipline.
I regulate.
I maintain stabilityPositive:constructivelyNegative: to punishPlanet of Time, Discipline, Responsibilities and Hard Work
UranusuranusS.bmp (4198 bytes)I deviateTo be out of line with. freedom and responsibility.I change
I convert from within (without destroying)
I awaken.
I create the new (alongside the old)Positive:inventivelyNegative:unconventionallyThe Planet of Revolution. Bring about something new, often drastically change
NeptuneneptuneS.bmp (2342 bytes)I refineExtract the essence
Detect what is behind things.
I dreamI create, reveal,  new worlds (non-physical)Positive:idealisticallyNegative: to escapeThe Planet of Illusion
Plutopluto1S.bmp (4646 bytes)pluto2S.bmp (5094 bytes)I transformTo change into a different form, substance, or state. Thoroughly change.I regenerate
I eliminate
I destroy the existingPositive:constructivelyNegative:destructivelyPlanet of Transformation

Things Governed By The Planets

Planet BasicQualitiesObjects
SunsunS.bmp (4982 bytes)I integrateSelf, will, energy and power, basic self-belief , staminaaffection, ambition, authority, burning, children, citrus fruits, coins, constitution, courage, creativity, dignity, domineering, ego, emperors, energy, extravagance, fame, father, fiery, fire, gambling, generosity, gold, haughty, health, honour, hot, husband, identity, individuality, jewellery, joy, laughter, life, light, lions, magnanimity, nobility, ostentation, orange, passion, peacocks, pomp, popularity, positive, power, pride, prosperity, purpose, royalty, simplicity, spine, spirit, spotlights, stardom, strength, Sunday, superiors, vitality, warmth, will, yellow
MoonmoonS.bmp (3974 bytes)I reactchange, dreaming, emotions, fretfulness, frivolity, habits and emotions personality, imagination, incorrect impressions., indecision, instinctual mind, personal magnetism.negativity, procrastination, psychic qualities, unconscious mind, vacillation, visionaryagriculture, changes, childbirth, community, dairies, emotions, families, fecundity, feelings, fermentation, fluctuation, fluids, general public opinions, health, insanity, instinct, intuition, mariners, maternity, Monday, moods, mother, nursing, oats, plumbers, public, reproduction, response, silver, tears, the common people, the people, water, women, women
MercurymercuryS.bmp (4454 bytes)I communicatehands, ideas, information, intellect,communication mental outlook, intellectual endeavours, manual dexterity, mechanical skills, methods, mind, mode of thinking and communicationair travel, authors, bargaining, books, clerks, clothing, commerce, computers, dealing, documents, editors, history, hygiene, intellect, language, lectures, logic, mercury (metal), messages, mind advertising, nerves, post, respiration, signals, talking, telephones, trade, transport, transportation, typewriters, Wednesday, wind, wit, writing, youth
VenusvenusS.bmp (4982 bytes)I harmoniseaesthetic tastes, feelings, female values, higher emotions and artistic sensibility social attitudes and behaviour, loveamusement, art, beauty, boudoirs, brass, confectionery, dance, desire, dimples, doves, emeralds, entertainment, fashion, femininity, flowers, grapes, humour, immorality, intimacy, justice, lingerie, love, marriage, marriage, money, music, partnership, partnerships, pleasure Adornment, relationships,social interactions ,romance, relaxation, sexual intercourse, social centres, societies, style, women
MarsmarsS.bmp (4982 bytes)I assertenergy, passion, drive, determination action and the expression of will through activityarmour, armies, blood, butchers, cars, controversy, disease, drive, energy, engineering, executives, garlic, guns, heat, heroes, incense, inflammations, iron, knives, locks, murder, passion, penetration, pipes, pirates, radiators, razors, sarcasm, stamina, sport, surgery, tobacco, virility, war, wrestlers
JupiterjupiterS.bmp (4870 bytes)I expandThe abstract mind,  higher learning   exploring ideas, both intellectually and spiritually. Ideologyexpansion, growth and co-operation
amplification, big, capitalism, celebrations, college, courts of law, doctors, expansion, feet, foreign countries furry animals, glory, gluttony, grand, humour, joviality, large, law, legality, luck, ceremonial magic, merchandise, merit, millionaires, monasteries, optimism, orthodoxy, over-indulgence, philanthropy, philosophy, preachers, prestige, professors, profit, pulpits, religion, science, ships, splendour, success, thighs, tin, Thursday, travel, truth, wisdom, religion, priests, The Law, courts and justice, aristocracy, publishing, overseas travel
SaturnsaturnS.bmp (4982 bytes)I controlstructure, limitation, experience and discipline
Agriculture, archaeology, architecture, bones, cattle, civil service, death, domination, fatigue, history, land, leather, minerals, monogamy, monotony, obstacles, old age, perseverance, restriction, Saturday, self control, time, twilight, underground, widows, yesterdays. Old Father Time, Traditions, history, stability, authority, order, mines, death
UranusuranusS.bmp (4198 bytes)I deviateinnovation, nonconformity, higher intuition and inspiration perverse,
Attraction, break-ups, chaos, disruption, divorce, earthquakes, eccentric, exciting, fanatical, freedom, major change, outrageous, quirky, rebellious, revolutionary, shocks, sudden, surprises, unconventional, unprecedented, unpredictable, unusual,  changes, revolutions, anarchy, innovations, technology, earthquakes
NeptuneneptuneS.bmp (2342 bytes)I refinetranscendence, higher faculties, psychic abilities, sensitivity
Alcohol, art, confusion, cynicism, deception, deep, disguise, disillusionment, dissolving, dreams, drink, drugs, escapism, fraud, ideas, imagination, instability, music, mystery, mysticism, oceans, poisoning, sea, smoke-screen, socialism, softness, transcendence, veil, water, yearnings, reform, ideals, trends, art
Plutopluto1S.bmp (4646 bytes)pluto2S.bmp (5094 bytes)I transformdeep, impersonal energies and transforming forces, intense, obstinate, obsession, penetrating, persistent, power, secretive
Communism, compulsive, crime, darkness, death, deep, hidden, magic, mystery, nuclear energy, occult, orgasm, paranoid, profundity, psychology, rebirth, recycle, reform, renewal, reproduction, revolutionary, self-transforming therapies, healing, sex, subconscious, taboo, transformation, unconscious, underneath, undermining, underworld, volcanoes, the underworld, detectives, disruption, decline, regeneration

Planets and their action

Planet Keyword Planet Keyword
1SunsunS.bmp (4982 bytes)Integrate6JupiterjupiterS.bmp (4870 bytes)Expand
2MoonmoonS.bmp (3974 bytes)React to7SaturnsaturnS.bmp (4982 bytes)Control
3MercurymercuryS.bmp (4454 bytes)Communicate8UranusuranusS.bmp (4198 bytes)Deviate
4VenusvenusS.bmp (4982 bytes)Harmonise9NeptuneneptuneS.bmp (2342 bytes)Refine
5MarsmarsS.bmp (4982 bytes)Assert10Plutopluto1S.bmp (4646 bytes)pluto2S.bmp (5094 bytes)Transform
 Moon's North NodemoonNorthNode.gif (1000 Byte)Destiny Moon's South NodemoonSouthNode.gif (998 Byte)Karma
 Part of Fortune
partOfFortune.gif (1482 Byte)Luck   

Astrology - Planets and their actions - Part 1

 the Sun is the essence of the soul of the universe¹
- the Moon is the essence of the Mind²
- Mercury the essence of speech and worldly knowhow
- Jupiter the essence of all knowledge and happiness³
- Venus the essence of desire
- Saturn the essence of misery⁴

The flavor and energy that is the essence of a particular planet expresses
itself through those substances, actions and beings which
resonate with it
Now think of the One True God, who as the universe explodes into being
divides into rays. Mars is one of God' rays, and as Mars shines down into
the world its energy displays itself most strongly in those things that
best resonate with it, such as red lentils, red cloth, the vulture, the
ram, the jackal. thorny trees and copper. Each of these items reflects the
energ of Mars, but being complex, the Martian energy they reflect is
fragmented by interaction with the other planets. Thus red lentils reflect
Martian energy as they are red but also reflect lunar energy since the Moon
rules all food. As we move further into the thicket of diversity, the
planetary energy of each manifestation becomes further tangled and so less
useful as an upaya, for a good upaya faithfully reflects its planet's
A better upaya will be to connect with the Martian energy directly, by
opening yourself to Mars's ray through sincere homage to Mars. Worship of
Mars will awaken the image of Mars within you so that you can enter, vai
that image, into a direct relationship with Mars, and so with the One. The
relationship thus created will be much more profound than one created
through the use of a more material upaya, which is further removed from the
ethereal, subjective reality that is the graha Mars

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Change is death. Allowing change is dying without agitation

It appears to me sometimes that none of the contents of my emotions are mine. Depending on the state of my being, my mechanism makes a  connection with different parts of the Cosmos - some which have pain and suffering (the new worlds that are gross and waiting to be born) and some which have joy and peace (close to heart of creation). These places exist even without my visitations and each of my visitation is a responsibility.

 Nothing seems to be really "mine" or "personal" except say localised physical pain and the association of thoughts. 

Then who am I ? If the collection of memory again is a visitation to a local storage or the physical body is seen as a tool for action, then what remains of what I call as me? 

What am I when at  rest. When not in active action? 

What happens at death? A hard disk format of memories and the withdrawal of the tool of action and experience - which is the body? 

Can I live differently then? Can I change my engagement with my memories? How can I enter into a new relationship with this body? Like a tool or like a pet animal who works for me and who I need to take care of.
And the ideas and the intelligence - what should be my engagement with them? Are they mine or do they "arrive" as impulses of a larger intelligence? 
What about my experiences - physical and emotional? What should be my relationship to them? They govern me and act as calibration for fine tuning of the action.

How can I live truly now rather than wait for death to walk me through the experience of what I truly am?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Two Master and Eyes

Let us remember how it is written and said that the soul of Christ had two eyes, a right and a left
eye. In the beginning, when the soul of Christ was created, she fixed her right eye upon eternity
and the Godhead, and remained in the full intuition and enjoyment of the divine Essence and Eternal
Perfection; and continued thus unmoved and undisturbed by all the accidents and travail, suffering,
torment and pain that ever befell the outward man. But with the left eye she beheld the creature
and perceived all things therein, and took note of the difference between the creatures, which were
better or worse, nobler or meaner; and thereafter was the outward man of Christ ordered.

Thus the inner man of Christ, according to the right eye of His soul, stood in the full exercise
of His divine nature, in perfect blessedness, joy and eternal peace. But the outward man and the
left eye of Christ’s soul, stood with Him in perfect suffering, in all tribulation, affliction and travail;
and this in such sort that the inward and right eye remained unmoved, unhindered and untouched
by all the travail, suffering, grief and anguish that ever befell the outward man. It hath been said
that when Christ was bound to the pillar and scourged, and when He hung upon the cross, according
to the outward man, yet His inner man, or soul according to the right eye, stood in as full possession
of divine joy and blessedness as it did after His ascension, or as it doth now. In like manner His
outward man, or soul with the left eye, was never hindered, disturbed or troubled by the inward
eye in its contemplation of the outward things that belonged to it.
Now the created soul of man hath also two eyes. The one is the power of seeing into eternity,
the other of seeing into time and the creatures, of perceiving how they differ from each other as
afore-said, of giving life and needful things to the body, and ordering and governing it for the best.
But these two eyes of the soul of man cannot both perform their work at once; but if the soul shall see with the right eye into eternity, then the left eye must close itself and refrain from working, and be as though it were dead.
For if the left eye be fulfilling its office toward outward things; that is, holding converse with
time and the creatures; then must the right eye be hindered in its working; that is, in its contemplation.
Therefore whosoever will have the one must let the other go; for “no man can serve two masters.
- From Theologica Germanica

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Being Completely Open

Early one morning, time stopped. I picked up the phone, then turned to Natasha [Parry] to tell her that Jane Heap had died. The powerful magnet at the center of every activity was gone. “What were her last words?” we asked, only to realize at once the absurdity of the question, because the whole of a teacher’s life work is her only statement. There was grief, there was emptiness and a useless scramble to fill the void. But the pain of deprivation needed to be cherished and respected, and only after mourning was allowed its time and place could new lines of life emerge with their own determination.
“You will see,” said a friend when I first met Madame de Salzmann, “she is like a fan, which gradually opens until more and more is revealed.” After Jane’s death, Natasha and I went frequently to Paris, where Gurdjieff’s work was being maintained with increasing intensity by Madame de Salzmann, who had been close to Gurdjieff since she had met him in the Caucasus during the First World War. Through her own unremitting struggle, she had gained the capacity to transmit to others a unique quality of experience, and I now made a vow to myself always to be available whenever the opportunity arose to be near her.
I would like to be able to draw a portrait with words of this remarkable person, but I know how inadequate this will be. In my work with actors, I have learned that impersonation only succeeds if it can capture the rigid areas in which a personality is imprisoned. Someone whose life flows freely has none of the rigidities on which imitations or even descriptions can comfortably hang.
Madame de Salzmann had achieved this freedom through a life devoted to the service of that unknown source of finer energy that can only become manifest when the human organism is completely open—open in body, feeling, and thought. When this condition is reached, the individuality does not vanish; it is illuminated in every aspect and can play its true role, which is to bend and adapt to every changing need.
Madame de Salzmann would always rise graciously to welcome a visitor. She would sit upright, still and contained, and would respond with laughter or seriousness, finding precisely the words and the idiom that corresponded to the age and understanding of the listener. Her speaking was not for herself, she was never carried away by her own memories or her ideas; out of an awareness of what was needed, out of listening to the other person’s state, she would speak directly to the person so as to evoke a meaning or encourage an action to arise. She was always present, as close as the need demanded—yet in this closeness she was never to be grasped. No one could hold her, and she held on to no one.
There are many reasons for describing a human being as “remarkable”; for Gurdjieff the essential quality of a remarkable man or woman was the capacity to watch equally over “the lamb and the wolf” in his or her care. To cherish the tenderness of the one and the ferocity of the other, to give to each its place, is only possible if there is a special kind of presence that reconciles, unites, and holds them both in balance. Often Madame de Salzmann would describe how at her first meeting with Gurdjieff, she had immediately recognized this remarkableness in him. From then on she had stayed by his side, working with him through a multitude of forms of teaching and conditions of life, watching over both the wolf and lamb.
At Gurdjieff’s death, Madame de Salzmann found herself virtually alone, inheriting the gigantic and volcanic output that Gurdjieff had left behind. All over the world there were groups of students left rudderless, in a state of confusion that seemed destined to splinter, distort, and degrade the material that they had been given. There were unpublished writings, a bewildering quantity of musical compositions, an even greater number of dances, movements, and exercises that she herself had taught and of which she had the truest living memory. Recognizing that uniting all these strands was now her unavoidable role, she devoted all her energy to this task, traveling indefatigably between Europe and America. I would meet her often and was always fascinated by the same observation. Wherever she went, she seemed always in the same place, her stability unaffected by outer change.
One day, I asked Madame de Salzmann a question that gnawed at me constantly, for it was connected to all my major decisions in life. On the surface, all seemed balanced and harmonious, and I certainly had no right to complain. But, deep down, nothing could quench a sense of meaninglessness, both in my own activities and in the world around me—yet to solve this by breaking away or dropping out seemed arrogant and futile. It was a personal version of the ancient dilemma of determining what belongs to Caesar and what truly belongs to that “something else.” “I have an inner search that I cherish and respect but also a work in life for which I am grateful and cannot despise. Both seem valuable, but in different ways,” I said. “What can help me to assess how much I should legitimately give to each, so as to maintain a balance?” She looked at me for a moment, then answered quite simply, “Come back at nine o’clock tonight.” When I returned, to my bewilderment it was not to resume our conversation but to find myself included with others in a session that she guided, leading step by step to a complete silence.
I had expected something to be said that would clarify my question; only as time went by did I see how precise and practical her seemingly indirect answer had been. It was the answer of direct experience. It became clear that it is the quality of silent wakefulness, informing and uniting the organism from moment to moment, that gives meaning to each choice and to every action. On an ordinary level of awareness, all choices will suffer from one’s lack of true vision, and as I had so often painfully experienced, we torture ourselves with decisions that in fact we are in no position to take. The purer the inner state, the clearer the vision. That evening she led us step by step to taste what that state might be and how in it contradictions can be resolved and priorities become real. In a cruder state, all arguments are valid because all choices are the same. The enigma is how to discover what can lead us to another, deeper, truer state. I still believed that somehow or other I could fabricate this state for myself, and I had to face the awkward truth that even this natural desire can become the greatest of obstacles; even the sincerest of wishes can block that special opening toward which all aspiration tends. Effort only has a place if it leads to a mystery called noneffort, and then if for a short instant one’s perception is transformed, this is an act of grace. Although grace cannot be attained, it may sometimes be granted. One has to let go of the leaf to which one is clinging, but it takes no more than another leaf to blow by for one to drop again into the usual state of confusion.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Venus Transits - Need to Watch

Venus Transits in Oct/Nov

  • 19 October - Venus transits in Libra
  • 12 November - Venus transits in Scorpio

When Venus is in Libra: We are more inclined to employ charm rather than aggressive behavior in order to get what we want during this cycle. Although Venus in Libra virtually lives for relationships, there is an air of cool detachment to this energy. We are very obliging with others--quite willing to negotiate and compromise. We can be especially idealistic about love. We prefer things be done the "right" way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. The shadow side of this position is dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships. It's probably best to avoid the trap of acquiescing to our partners but privately resenting the fact or thinking ourselves martyrs for doing so! This is also a time when we are more artistically inclined. We tend to seek balance in our personal environment.

When Venus is in Scorpio: Deeply passionate relations are the focus with Venus in Scorpio. Superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy now, as we yearn for "body and soul" contact with someone special--contact that breaks the taboos, that is extreme and intense, and that is unforgettable. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. It is a passionate, sensual, and intense energy. Our relationships are immensely important to us, and we may even feel that they consume us. In fact, we tend to want to be consumed by them! Our drive is toward intense closeness, but blind faith in our partners is extremely hard for us now. Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up our own power to others are strong. Scorpio is an "all or nothing" energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel us to create crises in order to feel alive and vital.

In October Venus is going to be in my 11th House.

11th house> Success in love, happy domestic affairs, good relations with other sex, social success. Transit of Venus in the 11th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Venus will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This mostly signifies financial security and relief from debts. You may also expect solutions to your other economic problems as well. This period also brings in success in your endeavors. Your popularity increases and your reputation would also see an upward move during this period. You are likely concentrate on acquisition of material comfort, means of pleasure, good food, clothing, jewels and other exotic accessories. You may consider owning a house as well. Socially a bright period could be predicted. You could expect a rise in your status and prestige in the society and cooperation of your friends. You may also expect good times with the members of the opposite sex. If married you are likely to savor conjugal bliss with your spouse.
Enjoys marketplace relationships, social networking, economic opportunity
Female partner (if any) assists in development of community-extending networks and obtaining marketplace gains.
Appreciates the value of community networking, social events especially fund-raisers, and progressive social movements, particularly activist movements focused on women's tastes and pleasures Shukra-11 likes to set goals and achieve them.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

 Ghorete bhromor elo

A hum of flitting bees bring me a message
From whom, of whom, I solemnly wonder
Stroked by soft sunbeams of a secret sky
Madhobi buds awaken in the arbor,
The bees chant softly to me
Of their magical act of spring-wakening.

How could I stay at home contentedly
When my heart simply wafts away
Counting each moment of trepidation!

What tender spells have they cast over me,
My chores, forgotten, as I lose myself
In webs of lyrical rhapsodies
Reflecting on the one they hum about.

Mercury Retrograde Oct 4 - No arguments

Mercury Retrograde October 2014

The third and final Mercury retrograde of 2014 begins on October 4 and lasts until the 25th. Mercury retrograde will occur in Libra and Virgo in Vedic astrology, or Jyotish. While many people dread the period when Mercury is retrograde, Vedic astrology offers a somewhat varying perspective than Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, Mercury retrograde makes the planet even stronger.  This time, Mercury retrograde October 2014 has some unusual aspects to it.
With Mercury retrograde October 2014, it will be impacted by the October 23 partial solar eclipse in North America.  At that time, Mercury will be very close to North node Rahu. While this makes for innovative communication, people may also be confused by what is said or written. Our ability to reason properly may be hindered by the eclipse.
Mercury will be doubly strong when it goes retrograde into Virgo.  This is its sign of exaltation. When a planet is retrograde, people feel its presence more powerfully than usual.  With retrogression comes the notion of repetition, renewal, and revisiting of situations.
What is most problematic is when a planet goes from being direct (forward motion) to retrograde or from being retrograde to being direct.  For any planet to change direction, it first has to slow down, then stop moving, and slowly regain momentum. Liken this to wanting to make a U-turn but being stuck with traffic from both sides, so you can’t move for a long time.
Presently, Mercury is at a virtual standstill. Mercury retrograde begins at 10 AM Pacific time on October 4, 2014. This is problematic for Mercury more so than other planets. As the second fastest moving planet after the Moon, Mercury is quick, impulsive, and changeable.  Mercury is back to its normal speed (while retrograde) on the 12th.
Mercury indicates communication, both oral and written.  It is also connoted with technology. Libra is associated with partnerships – both personal and professional.  With Mercury just inching along, there is the potential for communication to be stalled or for disruptions in communication. It may take multiple conversations or emails to convey a particular point.  There can also be misunderstandings with a significant other. Mercury retrograde in Libra can create ambivalence regarding commitments and relationships. Since Mercury will be with an exalted Saturn in Libra, it is important not to get into arguments with your partners.
As the indicator for commerce, Mercury is powerfully able to use its versatility and intellect to create opportunities for itself. Yet, with Mercury retrograde in Libra, there can be the refining and rewording of contracts with business partners.  There is emphasis on the thinking mind in communication, but the thoughts may be repetitive.
On October 16, 2014 at 1 AM Pacific,  Mercury reenters its exaltation sign of Virgo. joining a debilitated Venus and Rahu. The intellect may be over-analyzing what it desires, without making any concrete progress.
Mercury’s proximity to the Sun creates a phenomenon known as combustion, when a planet may feel stifled in expressing its true nature. Combust begins on October 12.  The worst combustion will be on October 16, when Mercury is back in Virgo.  So this makes a mixed bag for Mercury. It is strong by being retrograde and exalted, but the ability to express itself is diminished by its proximity to the Sun.  Then on the 17th, Mercury and Venus engage in a planetary war.  Intellect battles with desire. This damages both planets.  Mercury is no longer combust on the October 21st.
Mercury retrograde October 2014 can still delver powerful results when Mercury is in Virgo. It can provide the opportunity to analyze one’s health regimens and create new routines for oneself. If you are mapping out a plan for yourself, this is a good time to put it in writing.
In Ayurveda, Mercury is our majja dhatu or our nervous system. Mercury’s retrogression can make us even more sensitized, so that people or situations can “get on our nerves” more than usual.  When Mercury is combust we can literally “feel fried”.  Be careful not to overtax yourself during these days.  Mercury likes to move swiftly; when it slows down, we get frustrated and our nervous system is more taxed
Mercury goes direct on October 25, 2014 at 12:15 PM Pacific.  It returns to its regular movement on November 1, 2014

On Lunar Eclipses

The 2014 eclipses are happening in pairs – on the new Moon and the full Moon in April and October. The October 8, 2014 total lunar eclipse is the first of the pair. This total eclipse is visible in Asia, Australia, the Pacific, North America, and South America.  In Vedic astrology or Jyotish, the lunar eclipse is happening in Pisces.
The full Moon and south node Ketu will be in Pisces in the nakshatra or constellation of Revati.  The Sun will be with a debilitated and combust Venus, and north node Rahu in Virgo. The deity of Revati is Pushan, the nurturer. He is responsible for safe travels across large bodies of water.
People with a Pisces rising or with Moon or a node in Uttara Bhadrapada or Revati nakshtaras may most feel the impact of the October 8, 2014 lunar eclipse.
According to NASA, for San Francisco, CA, the October 8, 2014 lunar eclipse will take place from 12:16 AM to 5:34 AM local Pacific time.  Typically,Vedic astrology advises that eclipses are time for inwardly directly activity and not for gazing at the Sun or Moon. It is also best if you stay inside and keep your blinds closed and not expose yourself or any food to the Moon’s rays.  New undertakings should not happen typically three days before or after an eclipse or when the Moon is in Revati for 6 months.
The mythology related to the nodes, Rahu & Ketu, can help explain this reasoning.  What follows is a simplified version of the tale. The nodes were initially embodied in demonic form.  The demons were very desirous of immortality.  The Gods planned to collectively imbibe amrita, the nectar of immortality.  A particular demon especially wanted to join this private party. So he donned a disguise and gained admittance.  As the amrita was passed around, the demon tasted it, but then was immediately discovered. Lord Vishnu threw his discus and chopped the demon into two. The head, Rahu, has tasted the nectar of immortality, is forever questing for that elixir, and is never satiated. The tail, Ketu, is  wandering with his head cut off.
Thus, the nodes are correlated with illusion and disguise. Since they are “nodes”, they are invisible.  Rahu and Ketu have to do with unending questing, desire, ambition, and a hunger for whatever it feels it still needs to attain. There is the connotation of desiring to partake in a situation and with a group where it does not belong.  The nodes have the capacity to grab a hold of our mind and make it engage in relentless pursuits, to make the mind feel that it has so much more to achieve, to seek another source of stimulation, or to unearth a greater challenge. The mind can become unfocused due to the grasping nature of the nodes. This is particularly true during eclipses.
Venus is also a planet of desires and its combustion, debilitation and proximity to Rahucreates a greater craving for worldly pleasures. The eclipse will further amplify the “wanting” of an object or an experience. This is somewhat modified by Venus and Mercury retrogradeexchanging houses during the eclipse.
Even though exalted Jupiter is influencing its own house of Pisces, this does not negate the effects of the eclipse. An exalted Saturn continues to gaze at Jupiter and prevent it from fully delivering its potential.
I spoke with Vedamurti Shri Vivek Shastri Godbole regarding these eclipses. He is a 15th generation Brahmin who has imbibed the Vedic scriptures.  What follows is his discussion regarding the October 8, 2014 lunar eclipse.
The eclipses affect our mind and and our physical body.  The scriptures say eclipses create financial or physical problems and sometimes new diseases.  There can also be natural disasters around the time of an eclipse. This is why people should not look at the eclipse. But, with our our advanced technology and astronomy, people don’t listen to this advice.
People should bathe before and after an eclipse. It is best for adults not to eat 12 hours before an eclipse and not to drink anything for 3 to 3.5 hours before a lunar eclipse. That way, during the eclipse they can focus on their mantra. If you have no mantra, just chant OM. For pregnant women, children, the elderly, and those with medical issues, it is ok to use the bathroom during the eclipse, but we advise that if adults do not eat or drink, then they will not have to the bathroom often.
The lunar eclipse is connoted with Lord Shiva, since he wears a crescent Moon on his forehead. It is good to chant a Shiva mantra during a lunar eclipse. You can chant Hreem Namah Shivaya, Shreem Namah Shivaya,  Aim Namah Shivaya, or another Shiva mantra you know. Other chants which are powerful to perform during a lunar eclipse are the  Chandi path (Durga Sapta Shlokhi), Shri Rudram,  the Purusha Suktam, or the Guru Gita. Another mantra you may chant is Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.  As you chant during the eclipse, the mantra becomes siddha or perfected.  Chant for at least 15 to 30 minutes during the eclipse.
Even the eclipse is not visible in your area, it still has an effect on what house Pisces signifies in your Vedic astrology chart or what you have in Revati nakshatra.
Pregnant women need to be most cautious about looking at eclipses. The eclipse’s rays affects the unborn child. In worst cases, it can be born blind, or with its legs or arms crooked. or sometimes with lifelong problems related to the stomach or asthma. Pregnant ladies should not sleep during the eclipse. They should rest in an easy chair and repeat God’s name.
Rahu is more effected by the lunar eclipse as Rahu swallows the Moon in the mythology. Venus is a female planet and it is combust and debilitated. It likes cosmetics, ornaments, and fine clothing.  This eclipse can adversely effect artists, movie stars, those in the beauty or fashion industries, or sports professionals.
Sometimes people can get tax trouble as a result of the eclipse. Some people are hiding their money. If so, they should especially pray during the eclipse and later donate to charity.  All those impacted by the eclipse should set a sankalpa or an intention during the eclipse to donate to a local charity.  Since this eclipse is in Revati nakshatra, they should donate food or water to those in need. Sometime after the eclipse, they can go and physically make the donation.
Because of the eclipse in the water sign of Pisces in the fixed star of Revati, there may be physical problems with food or water.  People in India can put tulsi leaves or durva grass on their food, especially milk, butter, or preserved food. You can also touch your food and say a mantra before you eat.
To find the local times of eclipses in your region, check the NASA lunar eclipse explorer
Source http://vedichealing.com/october-8-2014-lunar-eclipse/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+VedicHealing+%28Vedic+Healing%29