Thursday, April 30, 2020


MAY 1, Friday

May 1 (starting midnight) had an interesting config.

It was Ashtami and then was followed by Sita Navami. Plus Ashlesha nakhatra.

So here's what happened today

Towards morning ( I slept at 4 am could be around 8 am when this happened) the cosmic surgery experiences in my head and whole body - like a experienced during my awakening time happened again. Unlike last time, because it is now post Awakening, the orientation was different. I experienced it as if I was a bystander to the operations and that I was given the privilege to witness my operation without anaesthesia. THe whole body and everything was controlled by the conscious forces operating. It was intense and the head ache was sharp. Unlike last time, where I was still not wanting to disturb the operation and 'lose out' this time since the orientation was that " i have nothing to contribute' as and when the energy made me change postions including sleeping on my side etc, I went with the flow. At some point the energy made me get up, make tea and after tea the headache subsided but was in deep Devi meditation including listing to 2 rounds of Bangalamukhi stotram(uploaded but coming in some wrong place here in the blog) and Devi Suktam and Panchavaktra Hanuman etc, the energy sublimated. WHole day however felt like a post surgery feeling and still there.


Ashlesha: Ruled by Sarpa, the serpent god who is represented by Rahu (north lunar node). Deception, overconfidence, extremes, cheating, intense research and study, as well as healing and transcendence manifest here. Symbol: Coiled serpent.

Ashlesha 16-40′ to 30-00′ Cancer
General Characteristics: Motivated by dharma, represents the kundalini or serpent fire located at the base of the spine.
Translation: The entwiner – to embrace.
Symbol: Coiled snake, circle, or wheel.
Names Starting Letters : Di, Du, Dae, Do
Animal Symbol: Male cat.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Nature: Rakshasa (demon).
Presiding deity: Ahi – the naga or serpent of wisdom

KEY TAKEAWAY - TALKER(No surprisem Mercury, Leadership (but hide cowardice)

Male Natives born under Aslesha Nakshatra
Physical Features: Ashlesha born normally possess rude appearance. He may appear to be having stout body and rude features but inside built up is void.

Character and general events: He will not be grateful to anybody even to those who have given him life. Outwardly he tends to show that he is very sincere and would like to share the tragedy of others but he is not like that. He is very talkative. One of the added advantages is that he can attract people with hypocritical words and he is fit to man various organizations. Since there is an inherent quality of leadership and eagerness to reach the top he can shine very well in the political field. In spite of all those mentioned above, which may appear to be an adverse indication of the character, he is the most intelligent person who can give suitable leadership to a country.

It is also seen that some Ashlesha born who are cowards, poor-hearted and soft-spoken. They are not arrogant by themselves but they are arrogant to the world, because of the peculiar expression they show to the world.

He does not believe others blindly. Even then it is seen that he mostly associates himself with black marketers, thieves and murderers. He does not keep any distinction between rich and poor, good and bad people. He does not like to have any resistance to his independence from any circle and has a good liking towards the persons who are ready to accept his leadership and obey his orders whether in the negative or in the positive approach. To such persons he is ready to sacrifice anything. He never likes to cheat others nor he likes to engulf others property. But it is seen that he is quite often mistaken by others.

One of the drawbacks with the Ashlesha born is that his brain always supports the persons who are not in need and reject the request of the persons who are in need. Suppose he renders a helping hand to a needy person he will not hesitate to publicize such act.

Whatever may be the plus and minus points in the Ashlesha born, it is generally noticed that he is luckiest, popular but hot-tempered person. If anybody closely watches him it will be seen that he loses his temper where it is not required and where it is required he keeps silent. On the one side when we say that the Ashlesha born is luckiest, the fruit of that lucky existence cannot be enjoyed by him.

Mostly he is betrayed by the relations and friends and helping hand is extended by the unknown.

Education, source of income/profession: He may have his education in Arts or Commerce line. In the professional field, the native gets speedy promotions and sudden reversals. A heavy loss of money at the age of 35-36th years of age and unexpected and unearned income when he is 40 years of age.

Family life: He will have to shoulder much of the family responsibilities, most probably it may be due to the native being the eldest in the family. His wife cannot understand him. She does not want to share her wealth with other relatives (sister-in-law or cousin brother etc.)

Health: He will have flatulence, jaundice, and pains in legs and knees, stomach problem. He will be addicted to drugs.




Experiential ; Have been feeling lazy and did not do much physical work. Spiritual experience was a vision of a continuous fabric going through various bodies of humanity that gives them their personal life experience. Then the insight of the immensity of the fact that Human Life is such a Privilege that one can experience the extraordinary divine - isnt this the biggest gift of a human incarnation?

It also turns out that Pushya that spills over today into a THURSDAY gives the benediction of Jupiter hence the possible insights.

Pushya then spilled over into ASHLESHA But on May 1



29TH APRIL 2020



1.  Pushya: Ruled by Brihaspati, or priest to the gods, also known as the devaguru Jupiter. Wisdom, awareness, ritual, overcoming negative thoughts and behaviors are exemplified here. Symbol: Milk giving cow udder.


Pushyami / Pushya 3-20′ to 16-40′ Cancer
General Characteristics: In control of passions, well liked, learned in various subjects, rich and fond of doing charitable acts.
Translation: To provide nourishment.
Symbol: The udder of a cow, flower, a circle, an arrow.
Names Starting Letters : hU, hE, hO, daa
Animal symbol: A ram.
Ruling planet: Saturn.
Nature: Deva (god-like)
Presiding deity: Bruhaspati, the planet Jupiter, lord of sacred speech and prayer.

Male Natives born under Pushya Nakshatra
Physical Features: It is very difficult to define or describe the body structure or the look of Pushyami born native, as there is no specific structure exclusively enjoyed by Pushyami born. In other words, varying sizes are noticed. One rare sign, as a mark of identification noticed in these persons, is that there will be a distinguished mark, may be a scar or a black mole on their face.

Character and general events: He is very weak at heart. He finds it difficult to reach at conclusion on any matter. He will have good knack of behavior but that behavior is only for the sake of selfish interest. This clearly indicates that his outward expression is hypocritical and against his consciousness i.e. the inner expression is negative and the outward expression is positive. Respecting others is unknown to him whereas expectation of respect is within him. He responds quickly to admiration and become quickly deflated by criticism, giving himself to love and affection with sincerity and appreciation, yet he is ever mindful of slights and he hesitate to form strong attachments.

As already explained above, the inherent freedom available in all walks of life will lead to him to the bad company. Hence he has to be very careful with his friends. He is fond of good dresses.

Education, sources of earning/profession: He will jump upon any work without judging or thinking whether he is capable of doing such work or not, and ultimately push him into utter failure in any work he undertakes. While I say that he is not a good anticipator, he is very good in certain work and sweet words are just a natural expression for him. It would be better if he assess his capacity and ability for the specific field where he can shine well and then start doing the job. If that is done, nobody on earth can stop him in achieving the requisite result. One of the plus points for him is that he is not easily vulnerable to defeat and he pushes his way up through several obstacles.

Even if he does not have any basic education, he will show extra-ordinary intelligence and knowledge on any matter of discussion. Another plus point for him is that he will resist tooth and nail any idea or programme or work which is not within the spirit of law. He is of the opinion that all wrong doers must be punished whether they are his friends or relatives or enemies. He will carry out any work entrusted to him with utmost sincerely and certainty. While he wants to complete the work which he commences or assigned to him in perfect condition, the outcome in most of the cases i.e negative because of his too much independent nature. His abilities are many faceted but his success is as probable in the theatre or the arts of in commerce.

In most cases it is seen that Pushyami born will have to face the grip of poverty up to the age of 15-16 years of age and thereafter he will enjoy a mixture of good and bad, where plus will be less and minus will be more up to the age of 32 years. From the age of 33 years, there will be remarkable all round improvements i.e. economically, socially and in health.

In most cases it has been seen that Pushyami born will stay away from his native place and family for his bread earning. He normally undertakes the work where maximum traveling is involved.

Family life: There will be lot of problems in the family circle and he will have to depend on others for even day to day requirements. Due to this dependency during childhood he becomes quite independent when he grows up.

Circumstances will be so warranted that he will be forced to stay away most of the time from his wife and children even though he is very much wanting to be attached with them. He expects his wife to be thoroughly self sufficient, with creditable talents and to be correct and conservative in manner and dress. If the marriage of the native is performed without proper comparison or tallying of the horoscope, he may lose all rational perspective and begin to doubt his wife rather than admitting his own lack of discernment. He is very much attached to his parents.

Health: He will not keep good health during his childhood i.e. up to the age of 15years. Gall stones, gastric ulcer, jaundice, cough, eczema and cancer are the possible diseases.



PUNARVASU NAKSHATRA - Did not log experiences of the being through this nakshatra


Punarvasu: Ruled by Aditi, the mother of all goodness, the eternal Ma. She gives abundance, unity consciousness, compassion and unboundedness, as well as protection and guidance, learning and expansion. Symbol: Quiver of arrows.

Punarvasu 20-00′ Gemini to 3-20′ Cancer
General Characteristics: Intellectual and spiritual wisdom, material prosperity, good natured, quiet, patient, devout, lives in comfort.
Translation: Good again
Symbol: Bow and a quiver of arrows.

Animal Symbol: Female cat – sensitivity and need for independence.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter.
Nature: Deva (god-like).
Presiding deity: Aditi tends the ground on which healthy seeds can bear fruit, earth Goddess.
Names Starting Letters : kE, kO, haa, hai(hy)

Male Natives born under Punarvasu Nakshatra
Physical features: Handsome, long thighs and long face. Some identification mark on the face or on the backside of the head.

Character and general events: The native has complete faith in God. He is religiously inclined. Initially he will have good behavior but later on according to the circumstances he changes his behavior. Therefore, others have to be careful while approaching him. It is very difficult to know his inner thought. He is contended with little but at the same time he is hot tempered. He sticks to ancient tradition and belief.
He will not stand a party to any illegal activities and will try to resist others from doing so. He does not like to cause trouble to others, on the other hand he tries to help the needy. He will lead a simple life.

Education, sources of earning/profession: He can shine and get success in almost all the subjects except in partnership business. He can attain much name and fame as a teacher or as an actor. Writer, physician etc. Period up to 32 years of age will not be so good. Hence he should not involve himself in any major business till 32 years of age. He may not be in a position to accumulate wealth but he can attain public honor. The main reason why the native is not in a position to accumulate wealth is lack of business trick and straightforwardness. One peculiar expression can be seen in his face i.e. an innocent and frustrated looking.

Family life: He is the most obedient child of his parents. He respects his father and mother as also his teacher. His marriage life may not be good. He may either divorce his wife or another marriage, even while the first wife is alive. In case he does not go for the second marriage the health of the spouse will give a lot of problems and mental agony. However, his spouse will have all the qualities of a good housewife. Frequent friction between other family members will take place. All these simultaneous problems will lead to mental wreckage.

Health: While there may not be any serious health problem, even the slightest problem will be a cause of concern for him. He drinks lot of water. He has strong digestion.


Missed logging Monday so dont have experiential data on Ardra. Will wait for the next cycle. So posting only technical data. Monday plus Rudra would have been interesting to watch.

Ardra: Ruled by the storm god, Rudra, born of the creator’s rage. He brings destruction, emotional upheaval, storms and natural disasters, as well as sickness. Rudra has immense strength. Symbol: Teardrop and perspiration.


Arudra Nakshatra 6-40 to 20-00′ Gemini
General Characteristics: Emphasis on the mind or thinking capacity – deep feeling along with passionate thinking – motivated by desire.
Translation: The moist one
Symbol: The human head.
Names Starting Letters : ku, kham, ja, chha
Animal Symbol: Female dog.
Ruling Planet: Rahu.
Nature: Manushya (human).
Presiding deity: Rudra the god of the storm and destruction.

Male Natives born under Ardra Nakshatra
Physical features: It has been noticed that various natives of Arudra have different shape of structure, right from the slim and short structure to fat and lengthy structure.

Character and general events: He undertakes any work entrusted to him in a responsible manner. In the public meetings he creates an atmosphere of humor and keeps every body attracted to him. He has intuitive perception. He is good psychologist.
His dealings with his friends and relatives will be of very much cordial type. In some cases it is also noticed that the native is thankless to the persons who have given him help. He does not have a constant type of behavior.

Education, sources of earning/profession: He has the capacity to acquire and keep knowledge of almost all the subjects. However, in spite of these good qualities he cannot attain much fame or reward out of such knowledge. Since he is over sincere in the work and as also to the persons even the slightest problem which may be confronted will land him into maximum mental agony. However, even during the time of extreme hardships both financial and mental, he can keep his head cool, behave in a most respectable an attractive manner. Because of this quality he is very much involved in others heart.

He will not stick to only one line of work, whereas he would like to undertake so many works at a time. Even when he comes to know that the line of action or though which he has taken is the correct approach but according to others it is not like that he will not hesitate to subdue and respect others. In case he undertakes research work on any particular line he can shine well. In the business field also he can attain much success.

It has been noticed that most of the selfless social workers are born in this Nakshatra. He has the capacity to undertake any number of jobs at a time and complete perfection in all the fields can also be obtained. In case he undertakes a travel for a specific job, he will oversee other connected work which can be carried out simultaneously.

Normally, the native earns his livelihood away from his home and family. In other words he is settled in foreign places. Period between 32years and 42 years of age will be the golden period for him. He may be employed in transport, shipping, communication departments or industries. He may also earn as a bookseller or finance broker.

Family life: His marriage will be delayed. In case marriage takes place early he will be compelled to live separately from the family either due to difference of opinion between the couple or due to other circumstances beyond his control. He will have to face several inherent problems of the life. But he will not reflect his problems outwardly.

When the marriage takes place at a late stage his married life will be good. His spouse will exercise full control over him.

Health: He may have some diseases, which may term to be sometimes incurable. For example, paralysis, heart trouble and dental problems. He is also prone to Asthma, eosonophilia, and dry cough, ear trouble.

Female Natives born under Ardra Nakshatra
Physical features: She has handsome body with charming eyes, prominent nose.

Character and general events: She is well behaved and peace minded. She is extravagant. Has good intelligence, helpful to others but clever in finding fault in others. In some female horoscope, possibility of having two mothers or two fathers have been noticed.

Education, sources of earnings/profession: She can attain a good amount of distinction in the educational or scientific field. Mostly Aridra born specializes in Electronic items or drugs and pharmaceutical. She also earns out of various consultation works.

Family life: Like male folk, she also marries at a late stage. But she cannot enjoy full requisite love and affection either from her husband or husband’s family. Her married life will be full of thorns. Even children cannot give her the required happiness. In some cases it has been noticed that either death of the husband of divorce takes place.

Health: She is prone to menstrual troubles, asthma, spoiled blood, lack of blood or uterus trouble, ear trouble, mumps, bilious and phlegmatic.

Positive Traits: Curious mind, hunger for knowledge, quick in action, good memory, prefers physical work or work involving the body, good at getting support from the government or authorities, great communicator, truthful, have a transformative point in life at which point they drop many of their bad traits, compassionate towards those in pain.

Negative Traits: Arrogant, abuses power, lusts after material attainments, ungrateful, mischievous, reckless, physically oriented jobs, anti-social, mean streak causes pain to others, self-serving, dishonest, stubborn, critical, impolite, untruthful, poor financial planning, excessive indulgences, cause pain or agony to others, violent, complaining.

Career Interests: Writers, teachers, hospice, social services, sales, pr, politics, humanitarian projects, athlete, butcher, drug dealer, chemotherapist, those who deal with dead things such as junk, canned, frozen food.

Compatibility and Incompatibility : Compatibility is very important factor while deciding long term relationships like marriages etc. Some of the compatible nakshatras for Arudra are Aswini, Bharini and Krittika while the incompatible ones are Poorva phalguni and Magha.

Monday, April 27, 2020


Palani Murugan
Bhogar Mahārshi
Bhogar Mahārshi
Bhogar receiving instructions from his teacher, Kaalaangi Naathar
Bhogar receiving instructions from his teacher, Kālāngi Nāthar
Bhogar, traversing the sky, observes faraway places like Arabia, Rome, and China.
Bhogar, traversing the sky, observes faraway places like Arabia, Rome, and China.
Bhogar worshipping Lord Dandāyudhapāni.
Bhogar worshipping Lord Dandāyudhapāni.
Bhogar worshipping Lord Dandāyudhapāni
Bhogar worshipping Lord Dandāyudhapāni.

Siddha Bhoganāthar:
An Oceanic Life Story

Click on pictures at right to visit: The Life of Bhogar in Pictures.
Bhogar Siddhar
Bhogar Siddhar
Bhoganāthar or Bhogar, the Jñāna Guru of Babaji, in the poem "Bhogar Jñāna Sagarama" (Bhogar's Oceanic Life Story, consisting of 557 verses, verse number 2, lines number 3 and 4), identifies himself as a Tamilian, (Ramaiah, 1979; 1982. p. 17).[1] In the same verse he states that the great Siddha Kālangi Nāthar initiated him in Jñāna Yoga (supreme self-knowledge).
Kālangi Nāthar was born in Kaśi (Benares). He attained the immortal state of swarūpa samādhi at the ago of 315, and then made China the center of his teaching activities. He belonged to the ancient tradition of Nava ('nine') Nāth ('lords') sadhus (ascetics), tracing their tradition to Lord Shiva.
There are nine important shrines associated with this tradition, five of which are in the Himālaya Mountains: Amarnāth (where Shiva first taught Kriya Yoga to his Shakti partner, Parvati Devi), Kedarnāth, Badrināth (India), Kailāsanāth, (Tibet) and Paśupatināth (Nepal).
Meanwhile, Bhoganāthar practiced Kundalini Yoga in four stages. The first three stages arc described in a later chapter on "The Psychophysiology of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama". Bhoganāthar chose the Palani Malai (mountain) in what is now southwestern Tamil Nadu as the site for intensive yogic practice (tapas) for the final stage. He attained swarūpa samādhi at Palani, through the grace of Lord Muruga, or the eternal youth, "Kumāra Swāmi".
The Kumāraswāmi temple at Palani became the epicenter of his activities. He visited many countries astrally, and physically and through transmigration. In one of his songs Bhoganāthar claims to have flown to China at one point in a sort of airplane which he built: he held discussions with Chinese Siddhas before returning to India (Kailasapathy, 1969, p. 197-211). His visit to South America has been confirmed by accounts left by the Muycas of Chile:

"Bocha, who gave laws to Muycas, was a white, bearded man, wearing long robes, who regulated the calendar, established festivals, and vanished in time like others (other remarkable teachers who had come across the Pacific according to numerous legends of Incas, Aztecs and Mayans)." (Lal 1965, p. 20).[2]
He convened a meeting of many siddhas just before the beginning of the present Kali Yuga, in 3102 BC, to determine the best way for humanity to progress along the spiritual path during the coming period of darkness. The Yoga of love and devotion, Bhakti Yoga, was chosen as being the best means. Bhoganāthar was entrusted by the siddhas with the task of defining the rituals for the worship of their favorite deity "Palani Āndavar", the Lord (Muruga) of Palani.
Many rituals that center around the bathing (abhishekam) of an idol of Palani Āndavar with many substances, including panchaamirtam consisting of five fruits and honey, were developed by him and continue to be followed to this day. The idol had to be created from a substance that would last throughout Kali Yuga.
The most resilient of known substances, granite, was known to wear and crack after thousands of such rituals. So Bhoganāthar fashioned it out of nine secret herbal and chemical ingredients, nava pashanam, which made it harder than granite. Eight of the ingredients were combined in a mold of the idol. The ninth, was added as a catalyst, to solidify it.
In recent times the scientists who attempted to determine the composition of a small sample of the material of the idol, were startled to find that it immediately sublimated when heated. Thus its composition remains a mystery to date. The traces of the substance are contained in the ritual offerings in which it is bathed. When these are returned and consumed by the devotee, their spiritual progress is enhanced.

A mission to China and transmigration

Kālangi Nāthar decided to enter into samādhi in seclusion for 3,000 years. He summoned Bhoganāthar telepathically from Tamil Nadu to China to take over his mission. Bhoganāthar traveled by sea, following the trade route. In China, he was instructed by Kālangi Nāthar in all aspects of the Siddha sciences. These included the preparation and use of the kaya kalpa herbal formulae to promote longevity.
After Kālangi Nāthar entered into trance, Bhoganāthar assumed his teaching mission to the Chinese. To facilitate this, he transmigrated his vital body into the physical body of a deceased Chinese man, and thereafter went by the name "Bo-Yang". "Bo" is a derivation of the word "Bhogam" which means bliss, material and spiritual.
This bliss, for which he was named "Bo-Yang" is experienced when the Kundalini shakti, the feminine primordial yin energy awakens, passes up to the crown of the head, the seat of Shiva, the masculine yang pole, in the Sahasra cakra at the summit of the head and unites with it. The result of this integration of feminine and masculine parts of the being, or union ("Yoga") of Shakti and Shiva, Yin and Yang, is Satchidananda: Absolute Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.

Transformation of his physical body

Bhoganāthar decided to overcome the limitations of the Chinese body, with its degenerative tendencies, and prolong its life through the use of the kaya kalpa herbs long enough for the effect of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama and related yogic techniques to bring swarūpa samādhi. In his poem Bhogar Jñāna Sutra 8, verse number 4, he describes vividly what happened after carefully preparing a tablet using thirty five different herbs:

With great care and patience I made the (kaya kalpa) tablet
and then swallowed it:
Not waiting for fools and skeptics
who would not appreciate its hidden meaning and importance.
Steadily I lived in the land of the parangis (foreigners)
For twelve thousand years, my fellow!
I lived for a long time
and fed on the vital ojas (sublimated spiritual energy)
With the ojas vindhu I received the name, Bhogar:
The body developed the golden color of the pill:
Now I am living in a world of gold

(based upon translation by Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, 1979, p. 40-42).
He chose three of his best disciples and his faithful dog, and took thorn to the top of a mountain. After first offering a tablet to the dog, the dog immediately fell over dead. He next offered it to his leading disciple, Yu, who also immediately fell over dead.
After offering it to the two remaining disciples, who by this time were extremely nervous, and who promptly hid their tablets rather than swallow them, Bhoganāthar swallowed the remaining tablets and also fell over unconscious. Crying with grief, the two remaining disciples went down the mountain to get material to bury the bodies. When the disciples returned to the spot where the bodies had been left lying, all that was found was a note, in Bhoganāthar's handwriting, which said:
Kriya Babaji
Kriya Babaji, disciple of Bhogar
Bhogar Nath and his young disciple Babaji at Kataragama
Bhogar Nath and his young disciple Babaji Nagaraj at Kataragama, illustration from Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition
Kriya Babaji shrine, Kataragama
Kriya Babaji shrine, Kataragama

The kaya kalpa tablets are working.
After awakening from their trance
I restored faithful Yu and the dog.
You have missed your chance for immortality. (Ibid.)

This kaya kalpa enabled Bhoganāthar to transform the Chinese body over a period of 12,000 years, during which time it developed a lustrous golden color. (The physiological transformation to the state of swarūpa samādhi was, however, completed only later, at Palani in the final phases of Kriya Kundalini Yoga and related practices. These phases will be described in chapter 11. Bhoganāthar's own graphic description is recorded in the poem at the end of this chapter Initiation into Samādhi.)
In this poem Sutras of Wisdom — 8. he sings prophetically of the taking up of the practice of pranayama in modern times by millions of persons who would otherwise have succumbed to drug abuse:

Will chant the unifying verse of the Vedanta.
Glory to the holy feet of Uma (the Divine Mother of the Universe. Shakti),
Will instruct you in the knowledge of the sciences, ranging from hypnotism to alchemy (kaya kalpa).
Without the need for pills or tablets, the great scientific art of pranayama breathing, will be taught and recognized
By millions of common people and chaste young women.
Verse no. I (based upon translation by Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, 1982, p. 40).

Becomes known as Lao-Tzu, founder of Taoism

After this incident with the Chinese disciples, Bo-Yang became also known as Lao-Tzu, and was accessible for nearly 200 years, and trained hundreds of Chinese disciples in Tantric Yoga practices, wherein semen and sexual energies are conserved and sublimated into spiritual energies. The advanced techniques which he taught involve raising the energies from the mūladhāra cakra corresponding to the perineum up to the sahasrara cakra during sexual intercourse with a spiritually minded partner, resulting in sublimated energy, tejas. manifesting throughout all the cells of the body. In the fifth century B.C., Confucius met Lao-Tzu Bo-Yang and afterwards said of him:
I know a bird can fly, a fish can swim, and an animal can run. For that which runs, a net can be fashioned; for that which swims, a line can be strung. But the ascent of a Dragon on the wind into heaven is something which is beyond my knowledge. Today I have met Lao-Tzu, who is perhaps like a Dragon. Among the Chinese, particularly, the Taoists, the Dragon is the symbol of Kundalini Shakti, the primordial force.
At the end of his mission to China, about 400 BC, Bhoganāthar, with his disciple Yu (whom he also gave the Indian name Pulipani) and other close disciples, left China by the land route. As recorded in the Taoist literature, at the request of the gatekeeper at the Han Ku mountain pass Lao-Tzu crystallized his teachings. He did so in two books, the Tao Ching, with 37 verses, and the Te Ching with 42 verses (MacKintosh, 1971).[3]
In book two he says ‘Do good to him who has done you injury', which was also said by the contemporary Tamil Siddha, Tiruvalluvar in his Tirukkural (Tiruvalluvar, 1968). Taoist yoga traditions continue to seek physical immortality using techniques remarkably similar to those taught in Tamil Shiva Yoga Siddhānta.

Return to India

Along their way, they visited several shrines in the Himalayas and Kāmarūpa, the famous Tantric Shakti shrine in Assam.[4] He composed his greatest work of 700,000 verses near Mt. Kailasa with the blessings of Lord Shiva. It was later abridged to 7,000 verses, and is known as Bhogar Sapta Kandam. He later visited Gaya, India and Arabia.
Upon his return to Tamil Nadu he introduced the Chinese salts and chemistry, which he called Cīna-cāram and porcelain making. He submitted his 7,000 verse manuscript for evaluation to his guru, Agastyar at Courtrallam and to an academy of siddhas there. It was endorsed by all of them as a great work.
Following this, many siddhas, including Konkanavar, Karuvoorar, Nandeeswar, Kamala Muni, Satta Muni, Macchamuni, and Sundarandar became his disciples to study the sciences of kaya kalpa and yoga. He eventually turned over his teaching mission to Pulipani.

Establishes shrine at Katirkamam and attains swarūpa samādhi

After performing tapas at Sathura Giri, and Shiva Gin, he went to Katirkamam in Sri Lanka to perform tapas and win the grace of Lord Muruga. Under inspiration from the Lord he established the famous Yantra shrine, representing the 1,008 petalled lotus cakra, which blossomed in Bhogar there. Next he went to Palani where he attained swarūpa samādhi. He retired to Katirkāmam, where Babaji Nagaraj met him around 211 AD.

Second Mission to China

Later, after the period of the Six Dynasties (220 to 590 AD), Bhoganāthar returned with some Tamil disciples to China. He left his mission in Tamil Nadu with Pulipani, the Chinese Siddha. During the construction of the Brihitīswarar Shiva Temple in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, around 900 AD.
Bhoganāthar advised its builders as to how to raise the eighty ton capstone to the top of the temple, more than 200 feet high. This was done through his disciple Karuvoorar and another Tamil disciple who acted as intermediaries and through messages tied to the legs of courier birds, like today's homing pigeons.
At Bhogar's suggestion a gradient ramp five miles long was built, up which the stone was pulled to the top of the temple. This was one of the most remarkable engineering feats of all times. About this time he also advised the King of Tanjore to build a small shrine dedicated to one of his greatest disciples, Karuvoorar, behind the Bhrihiteeswarar Shiva Temple.

Current Activities

While Bhoganāthar is reported to have left the physical plane at Palani, he continues to work on the astral plane, inspiring his disciples and devotees, and even in rare instances he transmigrates into another's physical body for specific purposes.

Source: Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition, by M. Govindan (Kriya Yoga Publications, 1991), pp. 113-118.

End Notes

[1] Material in this chapter is based upon the life story of the Siddha Bhoganāthar narrated by Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah in his introduction to the third volume of the collected works of Bhoganathar, Bogar Kandam Yogam: Babaji's Yoga of Boganathar, and notes in lectures.
[2] Authorities quoted by Bancroft in the Pacific States, Vol. V., 23-24.
[3] See ‘The Wandering Taoist', by Deng Ming-Dao. 1983 for a contemporary account of Taoist immortals and their practices in China, and ‘The Tao and Chinese Culture' by Da Liu. 1979 for a description of the highest goal of Taoist practices, ‘golden" immortality.
[4] It is here that Macchamuni (Macchendranātha), one of his disciples, later composed the first great treatise on the scientific art of Kriya Tantra Yoga, from which arose the Kalpia and Kapalika tantric traditions.