This is the present moment. As I type. The sound of the keyboard, the sight of the letters being born on the screen, the sound of the car that is passing by, the touch of the plastic on the tips of my fingers. This is the truth because the mind is dead right now. Only my senses are alive. This moment is eternity. Right now, I have exercised by evolutionary right of being aware that I am aware. Soon i will lapse into being an animal - doing things quite unaware and mechanically.
I wonder if i keep on typing like this will this keep me engaged in the present moment forever. Is this why they say physical work and strain are an important part of the spiritual search because doing physical things with awareness seems far easier than doing mental things like meditation with awarenes..
the world is so full right now with noises and light. the moment is beautiful. it is real and there are no opinions. there is not even me.
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