What is right action ? In a manner of speaking what is the right action
that the Universe wanted
to be done through me ? Is this inquiry about therefore finding out
the motivates behind my action?
It appears so because Ravi-ji says that an action externally can be
the same yet its the motive
behind those action that
truly determines if the action was SACRED ACTION.
In the Gita, the setting is even more dramatic - what can be a
bigger question to be answered
when you are facing your teachers and your cousins in a
battlefield - what is the right action ?
Raviji mentions the distinction between force and violence.
So Arjuns action can externally be
killing - yet what can be the motive that can make this a
sacred act? Is this the dharma of a
warrior who does not sit on judgement ?
How does one then know what the right action is ?
How do we know if the motivation is coming
from the small source of the ego - from its fears
or self importance?
Ravi ji says We are all a mixed bag. So it is possible that
we NOT ALWAYS will do the
right action
but by doing a actions and then watching our motivations
maybe immediately afterwards or
maybe even later. And then as we watch we slowly get
a sense of the right actions..
This is a great breakthrough because then we get a little
freedom and little space to manoeuvre.
My own feeling is that for most actions we take, we kinda
know what the true motive is
and what the right action is. This i guess is what they mean
by purification of our motives.
Ravi uses this amazing phrase "I wishes" as though this
wish is coming from a level that
is higher not " I wish" from my smaller self.
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