Friday, June 27, 2008

New Direction - Guidance from Universe

I continue to get incredible support from the Universe.
Excerpt from Lord Pentland.

Question :Would you suggest that one select some aim in the morning some proper method to pursue to accomplish development of essence ?

Answer: I dont see how your question relates-making the same old good intention. What is not mechanical about what you say?....

Then a quote.. (maybe on a question of what do we work on..?)

" We study ourselves in relation to sleep and waking...."

Then..."nothing resulted in attempting too much.."

It appears that the search itself cannot be mechanical at this stage for me. Mechanical from a stand point of tasks versus achievement. Its now got to be intuitive and really to study how alive or asleep I am at all time. Yet I need an anchor frm self deception. The body can be of help. Witnessing and sensing. In a way setting it the way it is formulated also is mechanical. What is not mechanical I guess cannot be formulated.

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