Tuesday, December 08, 2015
From Kaushitaki Upanishad - Order of senses
Prâna (breath) is Brahman, thus says Paiṅgya.
And in that prâna, which is Brahman, the eye stands firm behind speech,
the ear stands firm behind the eye,
the mind stands firm behind the ear,
and the spirit stands firm behind the mind
It is fantastic how the order of the gradation of the energy is by the shape of the face.
The Mouth is right ahead and therefore speech is the most gross/least conscious
After that is Sight. The eye situated behind speech.
Then the Ear. So conscious Listening is a key practice.
Then the Mind that is behind even listening. So it can watch everyone.
Then the Spirit who can watch even the Mind.
Its so simple and right in front of our eyes !
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Its up to me
Its been a while since I have written.
We moved home to our own small place. Actually its wife's pied a terre gifted by he mum.
But it changed things significantly. We dont need to pay rent. Luckily wife's salary now supports us. Its a big grace that we get help from such unexpected sources.
My financial struggle has meanwhile not ended. I havent earned a singly penny and now it must be 4 years. Its stunning how with all the work experience and 2 prized professional degrees I have not managed to earn money yet.
Yet I am not in despair. I know this is a new start and all this suffering is payment for what is to come. I give my 100% to my work and I often ask god what is his plan? Even ask if I need to atone for something and to let me know how.
Its a gift to get such a life. No transformation in my life would have been possible without this shock that I am still going through. I am grateful because not everyone gets chosen. I only pray that I dont take short cuts and stay on course to fully justify all the efforts taken by the forces to get me here. Now its up to me.
We moved home to our own small place. Actually its wife's pied a terre gifted by he mum.
But it changed things significantly. We dont need to pay rent. Luckily wife's salary now supports us. Its a big grace that we get help from such unexpected sources.
My financial struggle has meanwhile not ended. I havent earned a singly penny and now it must be 4 years. Its stunning how with all the work experience and 2 prized professional degrees I have not managed to earn money yet.
Yet I am not in despair. I know this is a new start and all this suffering is payment for what is to come. I give my 100% to my work and I often ask god what is his plan? Even ask if I need to atone for something and to let me know how.
Its a gift to get such a life. No transformation in my life would have been possible without this shock that I am still going through. I am grateful because not everyone gets chosen. I only pray that I dont take short cuts and stay on course to fully justify all the efforts taken by the forces to get me here. Now its up to me.
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Psychology of Jupiter function
The Jupiter Function
The Jupiter Function
The capacity for intense, significant, integrating and "noble" relationships, able to stimulate the imagination and to give psychological-mental birth to great symbols or meaningful dreams-visions, is basically represented in astrology by Jupiter in its higher aspects. Jupiter is "basic" in the imagination-process (though evidently not the only planet to consider) because it represents the feeling for human relatedness. Jupiter in man is, at the psychological level, the realization that every person contains latent potentialitieswhich cannot be expressed by merely projecting one's own muscular-sexual body-power (the latter being symbolized by the planet Mars). Jupiter tells us — symbolically speaking — that there is an inner world whose energies can only be aroused by real human relationship based on deep and intense sharing. A sharing of what? A sharing of our differences.
The woman needs to share with the man what he is in outer being — which is also what she potentially is in her inner. being. What is latent in the woman can only be aroused and made conscious through a kind of catalytic actionexercised — by the man's outer nature — which includes also his logical intellectual mind. This, however, is something different from the instinctual desire of the woman's sexual nature for the man's male power; such a desire brings together what is exterior and physically operating in the male and the female; astrologically, it refers to the Mars and Venus duality. It deals with the outer life of the human species, with the procreative function and (at a social level) with the purely physical manifestations of productivity — i.e. the production of food, of wares, of all the necessities for mere physical existence.
The other kind of relationship between the woman and the man operates in her inner psychic world — the outer conscious activity of the man affecting the inner psychic development of her latent unconscious masculinity. It is characterized typically by the relationship of the daughter to her father — or of the boy to his mother. I repeat, the boy needs the love of his mother to develop his inner nature — his "anima" - and the girl needs the love of her father to arouse and to feed within her the masculine components of her total personality, and thus to allow her power of imagination to grow.
If the father is absent, remote, or too busy to care, the young girl's psychic life fails to be aroused normally. Her father's example gives no food to her latent imagination; nothing radiates from his body, his intellectual activity, his mere presence, to stimulate the latent masculine components of her total personality. This inevitably has a profound, lasting effect on the girl. Unconsciously, she feels frustrated, inwardly empty — and unconsciously she will seek a "substitute father." It may be another man, a teacher perhaps, or a heroic figure in the movies or in real life, but something characteristic of the man's world of systematized, logical, authoritarian thinking may become, partially at least, a "substitute father." The Bible, as "The Book" directly revealed by God the Father, or modern science — whose laws are presented as immutable, true, and utterly reliable — or even a political dogma; all these can be more or less artificial stimulants to arouse the psychic masculinity of the girl if she lacks a true, effectual father.
Such a girl develops a characteristic type of mentality, so frequent among American women, because most American fathers seem unable to act positively and significantly as fathers- - as even our most well-known comics can testify! It is the animus type of mind which manifests itself in a scattered superficial avidity to learn all sorts of things, and in the frantic search for a spiritual guide or Hindu guru ( Jupiter!) — indeed, for a variety of such pseudo-father figures which rarely can adequately fill the psychic emptiness left in the woman as the result of an unsatisfactory relationship with her father in childhood. (It may be "unsatisfactory" also because the girl is emotionally attached to her father and thus sees him unconsciously as a potential lover, yet cannot consciously admit this to be true; thus the father-relationship becomes twisted by emotional conflicts, fear or guilt, and it does not fulfill its real psychological function).
The boy, without an adequate mother-relationship, may in a similar fashion pass his life searching for some ideal mother, or find a more or less ineffectual or even tragic substitute in his allegiance to a Church or a political Party which enfolds him psychically like an ideological womb. He may feel psychically empty and forever lonely — and he may try to fill the poignant void within with over-vivid, perhaps unhealthy, dreams of the "mystic woman" or the "Muse" who, if only he were to meet her and become one with her — he believes — would complete him, or even save him from some fancied sin or guilt. He may thus attract to himself the type of woman who, by her temperament, is apt to become a convenient screen upon which the psychically undeveloped man projects his great woman-dream — not realizing, in most cases, that the woman he pictures in his dream (and who may even seem to speak to him "inspirationally") is actually the very image of his own inner feminine potential which somehow has remained incomplete or almost totally ineffectual in his life.
In most of these cases of psychological frustrations (which indeed are very frequent, yet may manifest in many and varied ways) the natal Jupiter is affected. The planet or planets with which it has a discordant relationship (opposition, square, semi-square and some conjunctions) should indicate the basic cause of the frustration. But, Jupiter is not to be considered alone, for what Saturn represents in life also plays an important part in molding the personality. Jupiter and Saturn can never be separated from each other. Just as Jupiter refers to the relationship between the child and the parent of the opposite sex, so Saturn refers to the relationship between the child and the parent of the same sex.
The woman needs to share with the man what he is in outer being — which is also what she potentially is in her inner. being. What is latent in the woman can only be aroused and made conscious through a kind of catalytic actionexercised — by the man's outer nature — which includes also his logical intellectual mind. This, however, is something different from the instinctual desire of the woman's sexual nature for the man's male power; such a desire brings together what is exterior and physically operating in the male and the female; astrologically, it refers to the Mars and Venus duality. It deals with the outer life of the human species, with the procreative function and (at a social level) with the purely physical manifestations of productivity — i.e. the production of food, of wares, of all the necessities for mere physical existence.
The other kind of relationship between the woman and the man operates in her inner psychic world — the outer conscious activity of the man affecting the inner psychic development of her latent unconscious masculinity. It is characterized typically by the relationship of the daughter to her father — or of the boy to his mother. I repeat, the boy needs the love of his mother to develop his inner nature — his "anima" - and the girl needs the love of her father to arouse and to feed within her the masculine components of her total personality, and thus to allow her power of imagination to grow.
If the father is absent, remote, or too busy to care, the young girl's psychic life fails to be aroused normally. Her father's example gives no food to her latent imagination; nothing radiates from his body, his intellectual activity, his mere presence, to stimulate the latent masculine components of her total personality. This inevitably has a profound, lasting effect on the girl. Unconsciously, she feels frustrated, inwardly empty — and unconsciously she will seek a "substitute father." It may be another man, a teacher perhaps, or a heroic figure in the movies or in real life, but something characteristic of the man's world of systematized, logical, authoritarian thinking may become, partially at least, a "substitute father." The Bible, as "The Book" directly revealed by God the Father, or modern science — whose laws are presented as immutable, true, and utterly reliable — or even a political dogma; all these can be more or less artificial stimulants to arouse the psychic masculinity of the girl if she lacks a true, effectual father.
Such a girl develops a characteristic type of mentality, so frequent among American women, because most American fathers seem unable to act positively and significantly as fathers- - as even our most well-known comics can testify! It is the animus type of mind which manifests itself in a scattered superficial avidity to learn all sorts of things, and in the frantic search for a spiritual guide or Hindu guru ( Jupiter!) — indeed, for a variety of such pseudo-father figures which rarely can adequately fill the psychic emptiness left in the woman as the result of an unsatisfactory relationship with her father in childhood. (It may be "unsatisfactory" also because the girl is emotionally attached to her father and thus sees him unconsciously as a potential lover, yet cannot consciously admit this to be true; thus the father-relationship becomes twisted by emotional conflicts, fear or guilt, and it does not fulfill its real psychological function).
The boy, without an adequate mother-relationship, may in a similar fashion pass his life searching for some ideal mother, or find a more or less ineffectual or even tragic substitute in his allegiance to a Church or a political Party which enfolds him psychically like an ideological womb. He may feel psychically empty and forever lonely — and he may try to fill the poignant void within with over-vivid, perhaps unhealthy, dreams of the "mystic woman" or the "Muse" who, if only he were to meet her and become one with her — he believes — would complete him, or even save him from some fancied sin or guilt. He may thus attract to himself the type of woman who, by her temperament, is apt to become a convenient screen upon which the psychically undeveloped man projects his great woman-dream — not realizing, in most cases, that the woman he pictures in his dream (and who may even seem to speak to him "inspirationally") is actually the very image of his own inner feminine potential which somehow has remained incomplete or almost totally ineffectual in his life.
In most of these cases of psychological frustrations (which indeed are very frequent, yet may manifest in many and varied ways) the natal Jupiter is affected. The planet or planets with which it has a discordant relationship (opposition, square, semi-square and some conjunctions) should indicate the basic cause of the frustration. But, Jupiter is not to be considered alone, for what Saturn represents in life also plays an important part in molding the personality. Jupiter and Saturn can never be separated from each other. Just as Jupiter refers to the relationship between the child and the parent of the opposite sex, so Saturn refers to the relationship between the child and the parent of the same sex.
Source : http://www.khaldea.com/rudhyar/astroarticles/createsecurity_3.shtml
Psychological Meaning of Saturn
Saturn represents all that stabilizes, defines and makes secure the character and the extent of an individual's activity in society. Saturn also, in a psychological type of astrology, represents the ego. The ego is nothing mysterious; it is the shape which the consciousness of the child assumes as this child relates himself to the multitude of factors which constitute his outer life; that is, his life in relation to all that affects his body and his activity among other children — or even adults — whom he considers more or less as basically his equals (this is a very important point, psychologically speaking, in view of the recent change in the character of the family relationship).
The "outer life" is a conscious life; whereas the interior psychic life of which I spoke above is largely, often entirely unconscious. In the outer life one basic drive operates: the drive for security. Thus Saturn has been linked by modern astrologers with the desire for security. Spurred by this desire, the ego tries to build the kind of personality which will achieve recognition and some degree of prestige in the community and "community" means, for the child, his siblings and comrades, and later on perhaps his neighborhood, his group. The ego seeks by all possible means to achieve a permanent statuswithin his "group"; nay more, a guaranteed position. The ego wants the group to guarantee him implicitly — if not verbally or in writing — that other members of the group will not encroach on what he considers his own self and his possessions.
Such a guarantee begins when the baby hears himself called by a definite "name" — Peter or Jane. He is Peter or Jane. No one must dispute this fact. Later on, no one must use his signature on a check, or his Social Security card, or any of the socially recognized symbols which certify that he is and he alone is what he regards himself to be. If, however, this guaranteed recognition of his name, place and position among the other persons constituting his group, community or nation is seriously attacked and undermined — or seems to him to be undermined — the child or adolescent (and later on, the adult individual or the nation as a whole) feels insecure. Anxiety and fear develop and the very structure of his conscious being becomes loose. He may even be uncertain of his own identity — and his own character — which is what happens in extreme form in a concentration camp during "brain washing" or torture...........
.........Here, of course, one must consider also the position of and the aspects made by the Moon in the birth-chart, for Saturn and the Moon constitute a pair, just as Jupiter and Mercury do. Saturn and Jupiter are the positive factors; the Moon and Mercury deal with the management of the forces released, respectively, by Saturn and Jupiter. The Moon, as the capacity for adaptation to the challenges of everyday living, works out and substantiates what Saturn sets in motion. Mercury, as the power of memory and of association of ideas, provides the mental substance and energy necessary to utilize the basic sense of inter-human, inter-personal and social relatedness which Jupiter represents.
The wholesome and balanced development of personality requires a harmonious combination of the Saturn function and the Jupiter function. The Saturnian need for security should be integrated with the Jupiterian need for a deep psychic sharing with those human beings who, because they are outwardly different from us, help us develop the latent capacities of our nature.
The Jupiterian need arises in a purely unconscious manner when the baby's consciousness begins to grasp the outer world, and thus to experience "differentiated" and ego-centric responses to outer events causing pleasure or pain. As this happens the body gradually imposes more and more upon the psychic behavior patterns and responses which are unconsciously conditioned by the child's sex. This reacts upon the counter-sexual elements in the psyche which would otherwise retire to even more interior levels of subconsciousness if they did not find stimulation in, and could not "imitate", similar elements which the physical presence and magnetic emanations of the parent of the opposite sex reveal objectively.
When either this outer drive for security, or this arousal of the imagination in the inner psychic nature is frustrated, confused or perverted, serious psychological harm is done. The growing personality either reacts to this harm by developing aggressiveness, bitterness and emotional twists or perversions; or else it more or less collapses, resentful, insecure and psychically empty or filled with unhealthy imaginings. When harsh, relentless pressures or fears impress themselves sharply upon the collective mentality of a nation — when insecurity and despair are transmitted from one generation to the next in a widespread contagion of unrelatedness — when the "images" produced by restless, twisted ghost-haunted minds fill the intellectual atmosphere of an entire culture, then a wholesale perversion of social and spiritual values is inevitable. Then, even the so-called "benefic" aspects of Jupiter and Saturn fail to stop the race toward the abyss — unless greater powers intervene.
They may intervene. The impact of the constructive phases in the cycles of larger planets — for instance, and above all today, the very long-lasting sextile aspect of Neptune and Pluto — may lift up and repolarize the collapsing energies of the smaller cycles. It may give a new impulse to the Jupiter and Saturn functions at the psychological and social levels. The relationship of parents to children may acquire a new meaning, as the old taboos of obsolete morality and parental authoritarianism fade away. A new type of family may emerge in a transformed society. Children once more may feel secure with a new, more mature security, and the images they build in their inner life may radiate new spiritual health and true creative fantasy. They will radiate these spiritual blessings more richly than in past eras to the degree to which the experience of the tragic decades which humanity has known have been transmuted to release, in clear consciousness, a harvest of significance and of compassion.
Source : http://www.khaldea.com/rudhyar/astroarticles/createsecurity_4.shtml
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Planets and their action 4
Meaning of the keywordsThis section is about the meaning of the keywords for the planets, and this is different from dealing with the meaning of the planets. Here we expand on the meanings of the keywords. If you are using different keywords, then you might choose to follow these pages in principle.Whatever you do, ensure that you really know the meanings of the keywords and use a dictionary often to get the definitions in your mind.
The Sun
Planet/ Point | Time in one sign (approx.) | One revolution (Years) |
One revolution (Days)
Daily Motion (degrees)
Ascendant | 2 hours |
Moon | 2¼ days |
Mercury | 73 days |
Venus | 18¾ days |
Sun | 30 days |
Mars | 57 days |
Jupiter | 1 year |
North Node | 1½ years |
Saturn | 2½ years |
Chiron | 4¼ years | 51 | 18628 | 0.02 |
Uranus | 7 years |
Neptune | 14 years |
Pluto | 21 years (12-31) |
Planets and their Action - Part 3
Planet | Basic | Positive/ Negative Keyphrase | Note | ||||
Sun | I integrate | To make whole. Manage or control. | I am ... (basic nature) I am known.. I am important I vitalise | I maintain | Positive: nobly and generouslyNegative: Egoistically | Planet of Self (Central Planet) | |
Moon | I react | To act because of... | I respond (to emotions) I regulate rhythmically. | I change rhythmically | Positive:sympathetically (in synch)Negative:moodily (out of synch) | Planet of Needs and Feelings | |
Mercury | I communicate | Exchange ideas | I think I tell | I bring the new | Positive:preciselyNegative:variously | Planet of Mind | |
Venus | I harmonise | Mark as different, to value | I love I harmonise I join I create (beauty, art) I want | I maintain harmony | Positive: fairlyNegative:greedily | Planet of Pleasure and Luxury | |
Mars | I assert | Express positively, to fight for (beliefs) | I make (something happen) | I destroy the enemy and fight for justice | Positive:energeticallyNegative:violently | Planet of physical energy, Planet of Action | |
Jupiter | I expand | I mature (develop people fully: bodily, intellectually, spiritually, culturally, materially - wealth, power, and status. ). I go to discover and understand. | I develop the old into the new | Positive:optimisticallyNegative:extravagantly | Planet of Expansion | ||
Saturn | I control | To activate, change and stop things | I build. I discipline. I regulate. | I maintain stability | Positive:constructivelyNegative: to punish | Planet of Time, Discipline, Responsibilities and Hard Work | |
Uranus | I deviate | To be out of line with. freedom and responsibility. | I change I convert from within (without destroying) I awaken. | I create the new (alongside the old) | Positive:inventivelyNegative:unconventionally | The Planet of Revolution. Bring about something new, often drastically change | |
Neptune | I refine | Extract the essence Detect what is behind things. | I dream | I create, reveal, new worlds (non-physical) | Positive:idealisticallyNegative: to escape | The Planet of Illusion | |
Pluto | I transform | To change into a different form, substance, or state. Thoroughly change. | I regenerate I eliminate | I destroy the existing | Positive:constructivelyNegative:destructively | Planet of Transformation |
Things Governed By The Planets
Planet | Basic | Qualities | Objects | |
Sun | I integrate | Self, will, energy and power, basic self-belief , stamina | affection, ambition, authority, burning, children, citrus fruits, coins, constitution, courage, creativity, dignity, domineering, ego, emperors, energy, extravagance, fame, father, fiery, fire, gambling, generosity, gold, haughty, health, honour, hot, husband, identity, individuality, jewellery, joy, laughter, life, light, lions, magnanimity, nobility, ostentation, orange, passion, peacocks, pomp, popularity, positive, power, pride, prosperity, purpose, royalty, simplicity, spine, spirit, spotlights, stardom, strength, Sunday, superiors, vitality, warmth, will, yellow | |
Moon | I react | change, dreaming, emotions, fretfulness, frivolity, habits and emotions personality, imagination, incorrect impressions., indecision, instinctual mind, personal magnetism.negativity, procrastination, psychic qualities, unconscious mind, vacillation, visionary | agriculture, changes, childbirth, community, dairies, emotions, families, fecundity, feelings, fermentation, fluctuation, fluids, general public opinions, health, insanity, instinct, intuition, mariners, maternity, Monday, moods, mother, nursing, oats, plumbers, public, reproduction, response, silver, tears, the common people, the people, water, women, women | |
Mercury | I communicate | hands, ideas, information, intellect,communication mental outlook, intellectual endeavours, manual dexterity, mechanical skills, methods, mind, mode of thinking and communication | air travel, authors, bargaining, books, clerks, clothing, commerce, computers, dealing, documents, editors, history, hygiene, intellect, language, lectures, logic, mercury (metal), messages, mind advertising, nerves, post, respiration, signals, talking, telephones, trade, transport, transportation, typewriters, Wednesday, wind, wit, writing, youth | |
Venus | I harmonise | aesthetic tastes, feelings, female values, higher emotions and artistic sensibility social attitudes and behaviour, love | amusement, art, beauty, boudoirs, brass, confectionery, dance, desire, dimples, doves, emeralds, entertainment, fashion, femininity, flowers, grapes, humour, immorality, intimacy, justice, lingerie, love, marriage, marriage, money, music, partnership, partnerships, pleasure Adornment, relationships,social interactions ,romance, relaxation, sexual intercourse, social centres, societies, style, women | |
Mars | I assert | energy, passion, drive, determination action and the expression of will through activity | armour, armies, blood, butchers, cars, controversy, disease, drive, energy, engineering, executives, garlic, guns, heat, heroes, incense, inflammations, iron, knives, locks, murder, passion, penetration, pipes, pirates, radiators, razors, sarcasm, stamina, sport, surgery, tobacco, virility, war, wrestlers | |
Jupiter | I expand | The abstract mind, higher learning exploring ideas, both intellectually and spiritually. Ideologyexpansion, growth and co-operation |
amplification, big, capitalism, celebrations, college, courts of law, doctors, expansion, feet, foreign countries furry animals, glory, gluttony, grand, humour, joviality, large, law, legality, luck, ceremonial magic, merchandise, merit, millionaires, monasteries, optimism, orthodoxy, over-indulgence, philanthropy, philosophy, preachers, prestige, professors, profit, pulpits, religion, science, ships, splendour, success, thighs, tin, Thursday, travel, truth, wisdom, religion, priests, The Law, courts and justice, aristocracy, publishing, overseas travel
| |
Saturn | I control | structure, limitation, experience and discipline |
Agriculture, archaeology, architecture, bones, cattle, civil service, death, domination, fatigue, history, land, leather, minerals, monogamy, monotony, obstacles, old age, perseverance, restriction, Saturday, self control, time, twilight, underground, widows, yesterdays. Old Father Time, Traditions, history, stability, authority, order, mines, death
| |
Uranus | I deviate | innovation, nonconformity, higher intuition and inspiration perverse, |
Attraction, break-ups, chaos, disruption, divorce, earthquakes, eccentric, exciting, fanatical, freedom, major change, outrageous, quirky, rebellious, revolutionary, shocks, sudden, surprises, unconventional, unprecedented, unpredictable, unusual, changes, revolutions, anarchy, innovations, technology, earthquakes
| |
Neptune | I refine | transcendence, higher faculties, psychic abilities, sensitivity |
Alcohol, art, confusion, cynicism, deception, deep, disguise, disillusionment, dissolving, dreams, drink, drugs, escapism, fraud, ideas, imagination, instability, music, mystery, mysticism, oceans, poisoning, sea, smoke-screen, socialism, softness, transcendence, veil, water, yearnings, reform, ideals, trends, art
| |
Pluto | I transform | deep, impersonal energies and transforming forces, intense, obstinate, obsession, penetrating, persistent, power, secretive |
Communism, compulsive, crime, darkness, death, deep, hidden, magic, mystery, nuclear energy, occult, orgasm, paranoid, profundity, psychology, rebirth, recycle, reform, renewal, reproduction, revolutionary, self-transforming therapies, healing, sex, subconscious, taboo, transformation, unconscious, underneath, undermining, underworld, volcanoes, the underworld, detectives, disruption, decline, regeneration
Planets and their action
Planet | Keyword | Planet | Keyword | ||||
1 | Sun | Integrate | 6 | Jupiter | Expand | ||
2 | Moon | React to | 7 | Saturn | Control | ||
3 | Mercury | Communicate | 8 | Uranus | Deviate | ||
4 | Venus | Harmonise | 9 | Neptune | Refine | ||
5 | Mars | Assert | 10 | Pluto | Transform | ||
Moon's North Node | Destiny | Moon's South Node | Karma | ||||
Part of Fortune | Luck |
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