I respond to the arrival of an energy that wishes for me to transcribe my understanding.
I write from a ground of transition. Neither fully established in the primordial awareness nor fully lost in identification.
There is an early stage of flowering - called budding. Here the experience of continuous awareness is experienced without effort and spontaneously as if by magic. All experiences are understood as a modification in the fabric of this continuous awareness. It is called continuous awareness not in relation to "breaks" - but that it is unmoving yet flowing. Fresh always. Always in pristine condition. Always present in all experiences.
Even moments of identification with any experience is known - because it was experienced as a modification in the fabric of awareness - the only difference being that, during the experience, the presence of the Awareness was not additionally experienced.
All such identified modifications seem to be a function of the yet-unpurified consciousness. Unpurified consciousness from the unique perception of this 'being' experiencing awareness only - of the Purified Consciousness . Un purified because of the karmic material gathered during the time of the being's movement from the pristine consciousness as an expression of the love of the Absolute, in the descending octave, enjoying the organic joy of creative manifestation so much so that its sense of identity and aliveness was expressed in experiencing the creative manifestation.
Now on its journey back to the Pristine Awareness, because of the realisation of the transient nature of the joys of experiencing creative manifestation and further experiencing suffering as a result of such transience, it carries impressions that expresses itself as "ripples" in the quiet pool of Pristine Awareness. They rise up, following a deeply intelligent algorithm, apparently spontaneously, at the right time, to be cleansed and removed if observed in the clear light of Pristine Awareness. The clarity of such witnessing is also as per a natural and intelligent algorithm as it arises at that moment - there is no need for preconceived intent for attaining purity. Intentions interfere with the free flow because the foundation of all intents are concepts which are, like everything else seen in the flow of Consciousness, transient. Visible yet un-real. Un-real understood from a sense of having an independent existence.
Thus each moment there is a constant cleansing of perception with the marvelous display of appearances. Unlike the Dzogchen or similar schools, appearances are not dismissed as unreal. Each appearance always is an expression of this magnificent pristine awareness. How else would the Pristine Awareness be able to experience itself without such a display.
How does then identification happen sometimes with the display and sometimes not happen?
The depth of perception is a function of the virbation/level of consciousness of the being. THe being itself can be defined as the limits of perception, de-personalised.
When a modification in the fabric of consciousness is such that the perception manifested from that modification (caused from past impressions) results in an energy experience that has crosses a certain threshold relative to the being that is receiving the energy through the experiencing of the perception, then it temporarily causes the identification. Yet as it known and experienced in and by pristine awareness, its "energy" keeps reducing lawfully till it reaches the threshold at which it can "seen" and thus consumed This consumption, clears up a certain potion of that karmic material that resulted in the experience. Thus Pristine Awareness keeps cleansing the perceptions of the unique being experiencing pristine awareness from its own unique personal experiencing.
Thus no impression or experience is dismissed as un-real. They are embraced as carriers of energy and vibrations that assist in a continuous cleansing of perceptions so that Pristine Awareness can be experienced with as much integrity within the span of the ever expanding limits of bring.
Even the experience of the body as a solid object , or the appearances that seem real, inlcuding light and sound, are all vibrations whose energies are "stronger" as compared to the energy of perception. And thus gradually as the perceptions are cleansed, they may appear un-real and without substance, as the sages speak of.
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