Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Gopi Krishna's Kundalini Experience

It is a grave error to suppose that the arousal of kundalini can be achieved with impunity by anyone who applies himself to the discipline. The popular idea that the practices result simply in the activation of a new force in the body is fallacious. Those who believe that the arousal and mastery of the force can be achieved by one's willful effort alone live in a paradise of fools. Properly speaking, the position has to be viewed the other way round. It is actually the pressure exerted by the slowly opening supersensory channel in the brain on one's mind which acts as the root of the religious impulse, driving one to seek expedients to satisfy the longing.
It is not a little more calmness or relaxed condition of the mind nor a little more creative ability nor a feeling of euphoria nor visionary experiences nor a little more efficiency in work that determines whether or not a transformation in consciousness has occurred in an individual. Rather, it is a complete metamorphosis of the personality that points to it.
The craziness of religious mania is similar to the eccentricity and madness of genius. Only the aberration takes a different form. It is only the highest luminaries, comparatively speaking, who have been free from it. Excessive penance, horrible self-mortification, utter seclusion, denial of love, renunciation of the world and family, abnormal ways of life and behavior, quaint appearance and dress are all part of this mania.
Unless the mind has been disciplined from an early age, a stimulated kundalini brings with it an irrepressible desire for the occult and the bizarre. It is incredible to what extent the victims of this desire can be duped by pseudo-Godmen, charlatans and impostors...In my own lifetime, one of these Godmen, residing in a village in Kashmir, used to urinate into a silver vessel in full view of the crowds that came to visit him and then sprinkled the liquid over the audience, both men and women. It is even said that his admirers held up their faces and uncovered their bosoms to receive the sanctifying drops.
The need for a highly balanced and regulated life, as a prerequisite for cosmic consciousness, was recognized in India from very early days. The emphasis of all great religions on a chaste, consecrated life stems from the same necessity.
The awakening may be gradual or sudden, varying in intensity and effect according to the development, constitution, and temperament of different individuals; but in most cases it results in a greater instability of the emotional nature and a greater liability to aberrant mental conditions in the subject, mainly resulting from tainted heredity, faulty modes of conduct, or immoderation in any shape or form.
It seemed as if I had abruptly precipitated myself from the steady rock of normality into a madly racing whirlpool of abnormal existence. The keen desire to sit and meditate, which had always been present during the preceding days, disappeared suddenly and was replaced by a feeling of horror of the supernatural. I wanted to fly from even the thought of it. At the same time I felt a sudden distaste for work and conversation, with the inevitable result that being left with nothing to keep myself engaged, time hung heavily on me, adding to the already distraught condition of my mind.
The nights were even more terrible. I could not bear to have a light in my room after I had retired to bed. The moment my head touched the pillow a large tongue of flame sped across the spine into the interior of my head. It appeared as if the stream of living light continuously rushing through the spinal cord into the cranium gathered greater speed and volume during the hours of darkness. Whenever I closed my eyes I found myself looking into a weird circle of light, in which luminous currents swirled and eddied, moving rapidly from side to side. The spectacle was fascinating but awful, invested with a supernatural awe which sometimes chilled the very marrow in my bones.
I seemed to have touched accidentally the lever of an unknown mechanism, hidden in the extremely intricate and yet unexplored nervous structure in the body, releasing a hitherto pent-up torrent which, impinging upon the auditory and optic regions, created the sensation of roaring sounds and weirdly moving lights, introducing an entirely new and unexpected feature into the normal working of the mind that gave to all my thoughts and actions the semblance of unreality and abnormality.
For weeks I had no respite. Each morning heralded for me a new kind of terror, a fresh complication in the already disordered system, a deeper fit of melancholy or more irritable condition of the mind which I had to restrain, to prevent it from completely overwhelming me, by keeping myself alert, usually after a completely sleepless night; and after withstanding patiently the tortures of the day, I had to prepare myself for even worse torment of the night.
A man cheerfully overcomes insurmountable difficulties and bravely faces overwhelming odds when he is confident of his mental and physical condition. I completely lost confidence in my own mind and body and lived like a haunted, terror-stricken stranger in my own flesh, constantly reminded of my precarious state. My consciousness was in such a state of unceasing flux that I was never certain how it would behave within the next few minutes. It rose and fell like a wave, raising me one moment out of the clutches of fear to dash me again the next into the depths of despair.
It seemed as if the stream of vitality rising into my brain through the spinal cord, connected mysteriously with the region near the base of the spine, was playing strange tricks with my imagination. Also I was unable to stop it or to resist its effect on my thoughts. Was I losing my mind? Were these the first indications of mental disorder? This thought constantly drove me to desperation. It was not so much the extremely weird nature of my mental condition as the fear of incipient madness or some grave disorder of the nervous system which filled me with growing dismay.
No one could even suspect what was happening to me inside. I knew that but a thin line now separated me from lunacy, and yet I gave no indication of my condition to anyone. I suffered unbearable torture in silence, weeping internally at the sad turn of events, blaming myself bitterly again and again for having delved into the supernatural without first acquiring a fuller knowledge of the subject and providing against the dangers and risks of the path.
I did not know then what I came to grasp later on--that an automatic mechanism, forced by the practice of meditation, had suddenly started to function with the object of reshaping my mind to make it fit for the expression of a more heightened and extended consciousness by means of biological processes as natural and as governed by inviolable laws as the evolution of species or the development and birth of a child.
Whenever my mind turned upon itself I always found myself staring with growing panic into the unearthly radiance that filled my head, swirling and eddying like a fearsome whirlpool; I even found its reflection in the pitch darkness of my room during the slowly dragging hours of the night. Not infrequently it assumed horrible shapes and postures, as if satanic faces were grinning and inhuman forms gesticulating at me in the darkness.
...There was a sound like a nerve thread snapping and instantaneously a silvery streak passed zigzag through the spinal cord, exactly like the sinuous movement of a white serpent in rapid flight, pouring an effulgent, cascading shower of brilliant vital energy into my brain, filling my head with a blissful luster in place of the flame that had been tormenting me for the last three hours. Completely taken by surprise at this sudden transformation of the fiery current darting across the entire network of my nerves only a moment before, and overjoyed at the cessation of pain, I remained absolutely quiet and motionless for some time, tasting the bliss of relief with a mind flooded with emotion, unable to believe I was really free of the horror. Tortured and exhausted almost to the point of collapse by the agony I had suffered during the terrible interval, I immediately fell asleep, bathed in light, and for the first time after weeks of anguish felt the sweet embrace of restful sleep.
In the case of a sudden, powerful arousal of the Serpent Power, the utmost care has to be taken of the following: (1) the state of mind, (2) the intake of food, and (3) erotic behavior. The will must have been already cultivated to exercise control over the now chaotic state of the mind. Like the pendulum of a clock, it oscillates between hope and fear, anxiety and assurance, joy and sorrow, for no apparent reason, as if pushed from this side to that and back again by an invisible force from within in a manner entirely unpredictable to the subject of the experience. If the will is not firm and lacks the strength to hold itself in check, the oscillations can lead to those irresponsible acts which are a characteristic of mental disorder.
There was no diminution in the vital radiation which, emanating from the seat of kundalini, sped across my nerves to every part of the body, filling my ears with strange sounds and my head with strange lights, but the current was now warm and pleasing instead of hot and burning, and it soothed and refreshed the tortured cells and tissues in a truly miraculous manner.
I was in an extraordinary state: a lustrous medium, intensely alive and acutely sentient, shining day and night, permeated my whole system, racing through every part of my body, perfectly at home and absolutely sure of its path. I often watched the marvelous play of this radiant force in utter bewilderment.
What made me hesitate in according publicity to it is the unique nature of the phenomenon; it neither falls in line with the known manifestations observed in mediums, nor does it seem similar in kind to the recorded experience of any known mystic or saint, Eastern or Western. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that, in its entire character, the phenomenon represents the attempt of a hitherto unrecognized vital force in the human body, releasable by voluntary efforts, to mold the available psychophysiological apparatus of an individual to such a condition as to make it responsive to states of consciousness not normally perceptible before.
I was now a spectator of a weird drama enacted in my own body in which an immensely active and powerful vital force, released all of a sudden by the power of meditation, was incessantly at work and, after having taken control of all the organs and the brain, was hammering and pounding them into a certain shape. I merely observed the weird performance, the lightning-like movements of the lustrous intelligent power commanding absolute knowledge of and dominance over the body.
I do not know how it happened that, even in that extremely abnormal state of my mind, needing constantly the application of new measures to adapt it to changing circumstances, I often hit upon the right procedure to deal with unexpected and difficult situations arising in my day-to-day contacts. If I had even so much as hinted to colleagues a word about my abnormality and the bizarre manifestations which were now a regular feature of my life, I might have been labeled a lunatic and treated accordingly.
To the frivolous inquiries directed to gathering more information about my experience, I usually turned a deaf ear, maintaining a reserve which has continued to this day. Failing to gain satisfaction for their curiosity and finding no remarkable change in me, the story of my spiritual adventure was treated as a myth, and to some I even became an object of ridicule for having mistaken a physical ailment for a divine dispensation.
From a unit of consciousness, dominated by the ego, to which I was habituated from childhood, I had expanded all at once into a glowing conscious circle, growing larger and larger, until a maximum was reached, the "I" remaining as it was, but instead of a confining unit, now itself encompassed by a shining conscious globe of vast dimensions...Speaking more precisely, there was ego consciousness as well as a vastly extended field of awareness, existing side by side, both distinct yet one.
An ordinary man in a humble walk of life, burdened with responsibilities, as I always have been and think myself to be, I never allowed any false idea about myself to take root in my mind after the new development. On the other hand, my absolute helplessness before the lately manifest power in me had the effect of humbling what little remnant of pride I still possessed.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Dream Records

1. Oct 3rd. Pet dog lost. In a building. Some kind of circus party were camped there. Found at the end.
2. oct 4th and 5th. Cant remember the dreams

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Being Available

What am I working on now? Nothing I guess. I see myself sensing the body. And watching my breath. Then a certain staying during emotional upheaval.

I can see more and more clearly that there is another world under this veil. That keeps mysteriously operating behind the scenes. Where co-incidences are no so accidental. Signs are everywhere. One could even go schizophrenic imaging things, retro-fitting patterns to suit one's theories, phone calls from people one was thinking about, mails and phones not working when one is trying to reach someone. There is then this aspect of responding to them. Mostly by not trying anything.

This is truly that one learnt from this work period. A direction. To be available. That would be my new Aim. How does one be available? To what? And for what action?

Right now, how can I be available vis-a-vis the body? By just experiencing the sensation of its presence and weight on my being? By  traveling with the breath and following its course? By not giving into the  associative response of the body from deep rooted habits planted into it? By  emptying  my emotional  stress out of the body so its free of me and is back to being purely a planetary receptacle for the spirit? Then what does the body receive?

Or for the mind, does being available mean to just hear someone without comments, judgment and one;s own associative thoughts? To just receive the sounds and meanings like rain falling on leaves? I have sometimes experienced that when one does this, a deep insight emerges sometimes. As a fruit of the effort of being available.

And emotions ? How can one be available vis-a-vis emotions? they dont seem to need our permission to roam about wherever they wish in our presences. What is the practice of being available for emotions? Is it just being in a temple or participating in movements and music? Is there something in daily life? Is it about destroying any arising of sentimentality like weeds from a field of wheat?
How can i be available for higher emotions without creating an artificiality or process about it? How different is it from making the body or the mind available?

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Baphomet or the Satan of the Misguided church

The goat on the frontispiece carries the sign of the pentagram on the forehead, with one point at the top, a symbol of light, his two hands forming the sign of hermetism, the one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other pointing down to the black one of Geburah.
This sign expresses the perfect harmony of mercy with justice. His one arm is female, the other male like the ones of the androgyn of Khunrath, the attributes of which we had to unite with those of our goat because he is one and the same symbol.
The flame of intelligence shining between his horns is the magic light of the universal balance, the image of the soul elevated above matter, as the flame, whilst being tied to matter, shines above it.
The beast's head expresses the horror of the sinner, whose materially acting, solely responsible part has to bear the punishment exclusively; because the soul is insensitive according to its nature and can only suffer when it materializes.
The rod standing instead of genitals symbolizes eternal life, the body covered with scales the water, the semi-circle above it the atmosphere, the feathers following above the volatile.
Humanity is represented by the two breasts and the androgyn arms of this sphinx of the occult sciences."

The all seeing Eye

The Sun is the Male and the Moon is the Female and their offspring the All Seeing Eye.

The Witness appears when the male and the female energies are transformed into a higher dimension as per the Law of Three.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Sphinx

And round the throne, on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with the face of a man, and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle. And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all round and within, and day and night they never cease to sing, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!"
Revelation 4:6-8

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is physiology of The Witnessing the I ?

(from Medha Journal)

Perception comes to us via the right brain as a whole and the left brain then, selects what it wants or needs.

The left brain has access only to the right brain;s global image, not to the world outside. What we call the "self" is the result of a delay mechanism in the brain itself passing from perception to translation, a virtual reality at best. This is the brain the West calls the rational brain, though it is aware only of a five per cent of the information available, and this is the brain that serves as foundation of all social sciences.

The Witness therefore is the Right brain looking at what the Left brain is picking and leaving. The Right brain therefore has to look inward against its default outwards direction.

Then its Right brain looking at Left brain. And the Left Brain looking at the Right Brain as it is its default mode.
Then there is a glimpse of infinity. Like two mirrors facing each other.

Friday, June 25, 2010


First Breathing : Breathe in like sucking with a straw
Breathe out - relaxing with a moaning sound- Pulling up the perinium.

First : face to face breathing together
Then : Breathing on sides
Then : On top. alternating
Hold : Do the three bandas. Hold breath. Not let go. Or Bastrika.
Watch the movement of energy

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sublimation Exercises - 6th Rite

Combined Kaya Kalpa with Tibetan 6th Rite

Did the Ashwini and then did the Tiebtan 6th rite. The key is to keep the focus on the agna chakra while pulling the energy up the spine. To do when im horny. It seems to work.


Life in its manifesting give clues by mirroring the Reality that we cannot access somehow.

So Nisarga says - When you dream, do the people in the dream know that you have dreamt them up? What will happen if they come to know ?

Nisarga says that one just needs to believe that one is not the personality. The witness is the proof of the Being. Over time, this belief will break the illusion. But it is important to believe deep within that this is true.

Monday, May 17, 2010

TRanscrips 1941-1946

"Instead of accumulating during one hour,one must try to keep constantly the organic sensation of the body.Sense one's body again,continually without interrupting life's ordinary occupations......the key to everything REMAIN APART
Our aim is to have constantly, a sensation of oneself, of one's individuality, this sensation cannot be expressed intellectually.because it is organic. It is something which makes you independent when you are with other people."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

You dont work enuff. You let the dog yang you around. You forget your life is not for yourself. Merde. How do u expect to pay for your existence? Die like a cockroach? Death is round the corner. And ur wasting ur life.
Either do it or get out of the way!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


The distance from the body seems lot more tangible. I am always confused if I should let things flow or keep experiencing these distances. Its amazing to sense ones body as a warm ball that one is hugging.
The work out is helping more and more in keeping a sensation of the body. Somewhere is the source of this all. Its not in my body but the route to there is thru it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Advice from Eternal Now of the Awakening to Reality Blog

The Buddha taught: ""Furthermore, when going forward & returning, he makes himself fully alert; when looking toward & looking away... when bending & extending his limbs... when carrying his outer cloak, his upper robe & his bowl... when eating, drinking, chewing, & savoring... when urinating & defecating... when walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, & remaining silent, he makes himself fully alert.

"In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself."

(Mahasatipatthana Sutta)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Riddle of the Sphinx

There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first.

Monday, April 05, 2010

From Pentland - being simultaneously be aware of both forces

We don’t understand the importance of our attitude. My attitude at any point is like the sunken part of the iceberg. I start out from the conscious affirmative part which is like the tip. I’m quite surprised—and unprepared—to meet resistance from this unconscious part. Yet my attitude is largely governed by this resistance. You have to see the resistance. You have to be more aware of the wish to not work—at the same time as you are holding the wish to work.

What was implicit for me in these words was the simultaneous awareness of both these forces—the force of affirmation and the force of denial. It is the simultaneous holding within our awareness of both these two forces which draws us into the presence of the third force—the all-embracing force of reconciliation.

Quotes from the Teachers

There are two struggles—inner-world struggle and outer-world struggle, but never can these two make contact, to make data for the third world. Not even God gives this possibility for contact between inner- and outer-world struggles; not even your heredity. Only one thing—you must make intentional contact between outer-world struggle and inner-world struggle; only then can you make data for the Third World of Man, sometimes called World of the Soul.”

G. I. Gurdjieff

“Today we have nothing but the illusion of what we are. We think too highly of ourselves. We do not respect ourselves. In order to respect myself, I have to recognize a part in myself which is above the other parts, and my attitude toward this part should bear witness to the respect that I have for it. In this way I shall respect myself. And my relations with others will be governed by the same respect.”

Jeanne de Salzmann

“The point is, the head, which takes in ideas, and the feeling, which takes in scale, can never meet. Sensation is the relating element. How to feel what you think or to think what you feel is through sensation.”

John Pentland

“A teaching is a two-way channel linking Heaven and earth, the invisible and the visible; the ‘visible’ being everything in the universe revealed to us by our sense organs, and the ‘invisible’ being what other, more discerning, organs of perception enable us to perceive beyond the surface, which until then seemed to be the sole reality.”

Michel Conge

Sunday, March 21, 2010

More than meets

Things we see seems to be a chemical reaction. A combination of light and the object with the eye being the "straw" and the "filter" thru which these impressions are brought to meet the chemicals of the brain to give rise to a new chemical which we call 'seeing the object'. The only thing that I can validate is the seeing.

Hence seeing what I am seeing can give a relative freedom from the sight and its identification.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Melamati way of escaping the self deception of the ego

The main principle on which the Malâmatî Path is based requires that one always behold one's self as blameworthy. Rather than being an ethical postulate, this principle stems primarily from a psychological understanding of the nature of the self.
The 'self', or more accurately the 'lower self' (nafs), is understood by the Malâmatî mystics as being the tempting element(lower octave or descending current?) in the psyche, al-nafs al-ammâra bi'l-sû': 'the soul which prods one to evil' and in this capacity it functions as the agent provocateur of Satan, the lusts and all evil inclinations.

Yet it is also understood as the centre of ego consciousness.

Most mystical systems agree that the more one's energy is absorbed in satisfying and gratifying the requirements of the ego, the less energy can be put into the process of psychological and spiritual transformation.

However, by ascetic practices alone the humiliation and surrender of the nafs cannot be achieved.

On the contrary, the ascetic path often brings about an inflated hardening of the nafs.

Inflation and conceit derive from both one's self-appraisal (riyâ', 'ujb) as well as from external social feedback (shuhra, ri'âsa). [...]

The Malâmatiyya therefore taught that the only way to neutralize the nafs is to expose it to blame and humiliation in all circumstances and conditions. The blame and humiliation should be incurred from both external agents and from the malâmati himself.

Blame should be drawn upon one's self not only in accordance with what is considered blameworthy by social, religious and ethical standards, but also -- and first and foremost -- with disregard to what is accepted as praiseworthy by these standards

Morning insights

It appears that the seat of the "I" is the root cause of illusion for me. If the "I" is sensed as 'inside' the body ( and mental imagery) then there seems to be a sense of identification with the body and therefore personality.

Sensing of the "I" from outside the body as it felt today seems to be more 'freeing'.
The language of the mind seems imagery. It stores places, experiences in mental images. Therefore a space where mental imagery is absent feels like a 'truer' space. Something else then searches.

Sensation also has no imagery.