A. 1 to 10 appears to
be divining. Page, knight, queen and king seem divining.
B. Wands is action,
C. Cups is emotions,
D. Swords is thought,
E. Pentacles is
material world, earth
Fives usually represents conflict.
1. Aces
a. Wands : New
beginning a new venture, new action
b. Cups : New beginning
of love, or a new emotion
c. Swords: New ideas,
clarity of thought
d. Pentacles :
Beginning of prosperity or a new venture that will bring in the money.
2. Two
a. Decisions to be made
after the first steps have been taken. Time of next steps.
b. Beginning of a new
relationship based on mutual attraction and respect. More lawful. Male and
female energies coming together.
c. Wanting to avoid
taking a decision because one is in inner conflict. Neither solution nor the
problem is clear yet. One needs to wait and then take the decision. Indecision
will not make the problem disappear.
d. Need to balance two
opposing priorities. Say work and family in terms of attention. And showing
that you can do it.
3. Three
a. Expansion into new
b. Time to let hair
down and celebrate with friends and near and dear ones. The sense of friendship
during periods of success.
c. Betrayal separation
and grief. To know that pain is the way to learning in this life.
d. An apprentice who
has made an initial progress and showing it to superiors. It’s the end of a
probation and progress thereafter towards the larger goal.
4. Four
a. Enjoying a period of
stability happiness and celebration after a Perfection of work. Harvest of hard
work done in the past.
b. Time for
contemplation to go inward before taking any decision of an opportunity
presented to you.
c. Time to relax after
a battle before you get into the next battle.Heal the body and mind.
d. Self sufficient
monetarily but holding on so tight to your possessions that you are tied down
by it. Call for a beginning beyond the material.
5. Five
a. Conflict hindering
progress. Conflict and change.
b. Trouble letting go
of the past and therefore not receiving the good things that are waiting to
c. Victory but not all
is well. To watch for ambition at what costs.
d. Card of material
loss with spiritual comfort available for solace.
6. Six
a. Victory after labor.
Public recognition of success.
b. Represents
nostalgia, reflecting on the wonderful times of the past. Possibility of a return
to familiar environment.
c. Leaving behind a
turbulent past to calmer futures. Indicates a need for letting go and for
rationality to prevail over emotions and feelings.
d. Time for charity and
share your wealth if you are poor then there is chance of getting unexpected
wealth as help from someone.
7. Seven
a. A flight or
opposition to defend what one has but others want to take away from you. The fighter is wearing different shoes on
each leg – maybe lack of clarity or balanced footing.
b. Need to dream but
now take a practical call in which of them are just illusions and which are the
choices to take that that real and which are illusory.
c. Deception and
betrayal. Could indicate that if you are trying anything cunning be careful or
you could get caught. On the contrary try to achieve things by hard work
instead of cunningness. Or better to face issues than sneaking away.
d. Time for harvest.
Hard work has now blossomed into fruit. Don’t wait.
8. Eight
a. An impulse for a new
goal or vista approaching. Optimism and high energy to now build on success.
b. You have experienced
your desires and achieved so much but there is still a restlessness and you are
now ready to walk away from it all for something meaningful.
c. You are trapped in
your own thoughts and therefore cant see a solution. The problem must be
approached from a new angle. Maybe even bringing in emotion or intuition rather
than cold rationality. Once the blindfold is removed we would see that the path
is actually open.
d. Indicates you are
working to perfect your work. With lots more focus to master it.
9. Nine
a. Nearly there. Final
bits of obstacles before the final goal is reached. And preparedness. Be
b. Satisfaction at all
levels after struggles with 7 and 8. Spiritual, material,physical. It a
counting of blessings too. Its also a maturity of a relationship that is an
emotional bond.
c. Too much worry and
d. Material prosperity
that will last for a long time giving self sufficiency, confidence and
independence. Will provide opportunities now for leisure, rest and pleasure.
10. Ten
a. Lots of success
after a long struggle but the burden of brining the success home is heavy. One
now needs to enjoy the fruits of the labour and let go for that.
b. Joy, contentment,
plenitude, esp in the area of family and relationships.
c. Things cant get any
worse but this was needed to get a new beginning. It came suddenly and without
warning because universe had to take things in its hand when you didn’t do
anything about expecting the impending change.
d. Financial security
with reserves. Culmination of financial success not only for oneself but also
for larger extended family.
11. Page
a. There is an idea
that is waiting to be expressed.
b. An idea that is
beginning to burst thru your unconsciousness. Most unexpectedly. And thru all
kinds of means like deams or intuition.
c. Abundant energy
inside of new ideas and plans bubbling
to start something.
d. New material
beginnings. A new project that will lead to material growth.
12. Knight
a. Ready to put ideas
into action
b. It is the sign of
the arrival of some message or event that will bring about a high energy from
an emotional experience. It also undertakes the execution of the idea the
started with the page of cups.
c. The Knight of Swords
is a powerful figure full of life and energy who needs to be balanced with a
realisation of responsibility and compassion. It happens sometimes that once we
have set our mind on something we find
that there is no stopping him! He does
not see, nor care about, any upcoming challenges, risks or dangers, and instead
moves forward with his strong intent to succeed and win. This needs to be
d. Engaged in hard toil
to meet and fulfill the dreams Time for focus,
good planning and execution skills.
13. Queen
a. Creative energies
are high and you can sustain and execute your creative vision.
b. Rely on your own
institutions rather than logic etc. Also maternal feeling of focusing on the
well being of others.
c. Clarity of mind.
Thought that can rise above and look from above.
d. Prosperity as well
as nourishing home environment with nurturing vibes all around that a certain
level of material security brings.
14. King
a. Visionary and goal
oriented. Your ideas will create a series of actions by everyone who will
gravitate towards you.
b. Balanced
emotionally. Does not get carried away by emotions but does not repress them.
c. Courage and
intellectual authority. Now is the time to use rationality and clear thought
rather than emotional or physical urges.
d. Pinnacle of material
achievement and the power that comes with it.