Monday, July 07, 2008

Partaking of the sensations of the body

How can I continue to get an unending stream of sense impressions from the body? How Do i remember to sense my body all the time?

Quote from Pentland "I need to come back to the work of sensation because the container is coated in me through the transformation of my energies. And this transformation cannot take place at the level of my functioning—the forms that this energy takes. As long as I’m taken by that level, there can be no transformation.

So I begin to discover through the work of sensation that I can be aware of energy and vibration before they have taken form.

And this is the first step towards that transformation by which a container could exist for my inner life, which would give me the opportunity to study the appearance of the forces that act through these energies."


Serendipity said...

This reminds me of Vipassana meditation. I'd done the 10-day course once. For some reason I could never go back to it once that period was over.

HARISH said...

Ive been wanting to do the Vipassana for a long time..but never got the luxury of the 10 days break...but i have the same experience..things one has access to in " meditation conditions" seems to just be out of reach when one is out of it. But somewhere deep inside there may have bin a shit..a teeny weeny movement

Serendipity said...

What do you call the meditation that you practice now? Have you done any of the alternative healings - like Reiki, etc.? I used to only do this at one time. Seems like ages ago. Everyday I think I should restart....

HARISH said...

No never got to Reiki..its more simple practices of just sitting for about 15 minutes in the morning before the day starts. Then during the day try a kind of "witnessing" and keep a sensation of the body.
Trying to keep it simple and not all that heavy duty..Life is beautiful and as a certain quality of awareness grows , life looks even more beautiful..and each experience is more intense