I seem to have an ignore button..whose job is to quickly sweep under the carpet any impression falling on my. When I caught the bastard in the act, it was amazing. There is a constant stream of impressions coming to me..be it the impression of a stranger or the impression of a planeful of people as I enter an aircraft..or inward shrinking to avoid touching people in a crowd. And for a millisecond i experience it. VEry clearly. And then before it gets registered into me consciously, the Ignore button appears and very clearly says "ignore this" and its gone.
And therefore my life is lived partially!
So constant vigilance..for the Ingore button
Am thinking that it's good to have an ignore button cos there's so much I wish I didn't feel. However, in turning things off before I feel them, would I risk not feeling things I need to feel?
hey Serendipity,
its an interesting thought. got me thinking about it. I guess one one hand its about being stronger by being open. Sometimes fear is fear of the unknown and when you actually face it, its not as bad as you thought or imagined. And then from that point onwards you get stronger. A bit like the vaccine.
Yet at another level, something so strong can actually devastate us. Scar us for life. And therefore ignore button.
So what do we do?
I guess that is why life is exciting. There is no formula..set rules..each new moment we face maybe we deal with it as the moment calls for?maybe live life intuitively?
so maybe i just watch..and not just keep the ignore button off or on..either ways.
quite insightful comment Serendipity..
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