We therefore, through God's help, intending to follow the steps and precepts of Solomon, therefore to your receiving of such a high mystery, we profess to be one chief principal or beginning. Note therefore that the first and chief principal or beginning is the Divine Majesty, and the true invocation must come from the very faith of the heart, the which faith the works shall declare. For Solomon said there is one only God, one might or power, one faith, of whom one work, one principal or beginning, and of whom the perfection and effect of every work comes, although this be divided into many parts. For like as all the whole parts do savour and smell of the body, even so likewise of these things come all perfection and effect.
In the name therefore of the true and living God, who is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending, which is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three persons and one God, the giver of life, and the destroyer of death. For he destroyed our death and through his resurrection restored us again to life.
Of the making of the Seal of God, for the knowledge of the first part, of the knowledge of the diety, for the knowledge of the second part, in the third part of the vision of angels, the fourth of the constrinkesyon, the fifth part of the bonds of dead men.2
Of angels there are three kinds. Some are celestial, some are of the air, and some are of the earth. Of the celestial, there are also two kinds. Some of them serve God only, and those are the nine orders of angels, that is to say, cherubin, seraphin, thrones, dominations, virtues, principates, potestates, archangels, and angels. Of whom it is to be spoken among mortal men, for they will not be constrained by any artificial power. And therefore they ought not be invocated, for they always stand before the Divine Majesty, and are never separated from His presence. Yet because the soul of man was created with them, and to there likeness, looking to be rewarded with them may through the gift and grace of God, his body yet living behold the Divine Majesty, and with them to praise and to know God the creator, and this knowledge is not to know God in his majesty and power, but ever as Adam and the prophets did know him.
Therefore, the Christian man only works truely to come to the vision of the Deity, and in all other works. And although three sorts of men do work by this art magic, yet it is not to be thought that there is any evil in this name Magian, for this same name Magian signifies in the Greek tongue a philosopher, and in the Hebrew tongue a scribe, and in the Latin tongue it signifies wise. And so this name of art magic is compounded of this word magos which is as much to say as 'wise,' and of ycos which by interpretation is 'knowledge.' For by it a man is made wise. For by this art a man may know things present, past, and to come
IV.] Here follows the making of the Seal of the true and living God
Then, below that circle make another circle, distant from the first by two barley grains (on account of the two Tablets of Moses), else the distance from the first can be three grains (on account of the three persons in the Trinity.)
Then below those two circles in the uppermost part, which is called the southern angle, make a single cross, the leg of which may slightly enter the innermost circle.
Then, from the right side of the cross, write .h. (the "exalation"), then .t., then .o. then .e. x . o. r. a. b. a. l. a. y. q. c. i. y. s. t. a. l. g. a. a. o. n. o. s. v. l. a. r [t]. y. t. c. e. k. s. p. f. y. o. m. e. m. a. n. a. r. e. l. a. c. e. d. a. t. o. n. o. n. a. o. y. l. e. [y]. o. t. m. a. and these letters may be made an equal distance apart, and may surround the circle. And with that series of letters which was previously named the circle will thus be filled with the great name of the Lord, Schemhamphoras, of 72 letters.
This done, in the middle of the circles, namely in the center, make a pentagram thus:

And below the other in the right angle, these two: .a.l.
and in the next after those, these two: .l.a.
and in the next after that: .l.c.
and in that following: .u.m.
Then, around the pentagram make a heptagon; it may touch the uppermost side of the pentagram,
And in the same side of the heptagon write this name of the holy angel, which is Casziel.
And in the next side from the right-most, the name of the holy angel, which is Satquiel.
Then in the next Samael, and in the next Raphael, afterwards Anael, afterwards Michael, followed by Gabriel. And thus the seven sides of the heptagon will be completed.
Then, around that preceding heptagon, make another heptagon, not made like the first, but in such a manner that the one side of it will intersect the previous side of the same.
Then make another such heptagon, like the first, whose seven angles touch the seven angles of the second heptagon, and the which should be shown doubled.
Then, in each of the angles of the second heptagon make a cross.
Then, in that side (of the second heptagon) which goes from the last angle to the second angle of the same, in that part which is above the first syllable of Casziel, this syllable from a sacred name of God should be written: la, and above the last syllable of the same (Casziel) should be written this syllable: ya, and in the space [between] the intersection and the second cross should be written the syllable ly.
Then, in that side which extends from the first angle of the second heptagon, and continues to the third angle of the same, this holy name of God should be written: Narath, and the first syllable, Na should be written in that space of the same side which is above the first syllable of Satquiel, and the syllable Ra in the space which is above the last syllable of the same, and the two letters 't,' 'h' made in that place which is in the same side between the side intersecting itself and the third cross.
Then, in that side (of the same second heptagon) which extends from the third angle of the same to the fifth of the same, should be written this holy name of the Creator, which is called Libarre, such that the syllable Ly is written above the first syllable of Raphael, and the syllable bar is over the last syllable of the same, and the syllable re in that space of the same side which is between the side intersecting itself and the fifth angle of the same second heptagon.
Then, in that side (of the same second heptagon) which is farthest from the fifth cross, this other sacred name of the Creator should be written: Libares, such that the syllable Ly is written in that space of the side which is above the first syllable of Michael, and the syllable ba in that space of the side which is above the last syllable of the same (Michael), and the syllable res in that space of the same side which is between the side intersecting itself and the last cross.
Then, in that side (of the same second heptagon) which goes from the second angle (of the same second heptagon) to the fourth, this other holy name should be written: Lialg cum coniunctiua ita quod coniunctiua in illo loco eiusdem lateris scribatur which is above the first syllable of Samael and this syllable ly in that space of the same side which is above the last syllable of the same (Samael), and this syllable alg in that place of the same side which is between the side intersecting itself and the fourth cross.
But beware that the coniunctiua (connective) should be written thus: [figure] with the inscription intersecting, because of the fear of God malum volitum dividentem.
Then, on that side (of the same heptagon) that goes from the fourth cross to the sixth, write this other sacred name of God: Ueham, such that the syllable ve is written above the first syllable of Anael, and the letter h is above the last syllable of the same, and the syllable am is in the space of the same side which is [inter]secting the side itself and the sixth cross.
Then on that side which goes from the sixth angle (of the same second heptagon) to the first angle, this other sacred name of God should be written: yalgal, such that the letter y is written in the space of the same side which is above the first syllable of Gabriel, and the syllable al is above the last, and the syllable gal should be written in the space of the same side which is between the intersection and the first cross.
Then, in the middle of the first side and the third heptagon, to the right, should be written vos, and in the next place Duymas, and in the next Gyram, and in the next Gram, andin the next Aysaram, and in the next Alpha, and in the next
Then, in that small space which is under the second and the third angle of the first heptagon, should be written this name of God: el,
and in that small space which is to the right under the second and third angles of the heptagons under the second cross, this name: ON,
and in the next space under the third cross, again this name: el,
and in the next under the fourth cross, again: ON,
and in the next under the fifth cross, again: el,
and in the next under the sixth cross, again: ON,
and in the next under the seventh cross:
Then in that small space which is enclosed between the first angle of the second heptagon and the second angle of the same, and the first side of the third heptagon, and the part touching those angles of the circle, draw a single cross in the middle, namely in that space. And in the top-left space of the cross, write the letter: a,
and in the top-right space of the cross this letter: g,
and in the lower-right space write another letter: a,
and in the fourth lower space this other letter: l.
Then in the middle of the next small space to the right, write this name of God: Ely,
and in the next, this name: Eloy,
and in the next: Christos,
and in the next: Sother,
and in the next: ADONAI,
and in the next: Saday.
After this you shall know that commonly in the exemplars the five-cornered star or amulet is made of red, with the space within dyed saffron [yellow], and the first seven-cornered star of azure, the second of saffron, the third of purple, and the round circle of Black.
And the space between the circles where the name Schemhamphoras is, is died with saffron. At other spaces are to be coloured with green.
But in operations it must otherwise be done. For it is made with the blood either of a mole or of a turtledove, or a lapwing, or of a bat, or of them all, and in virgin parchment of a calf, or of foal, or a hind calf [i.e. deer]. And so is the Seal of God perfect.
And by this holy and consecrated seal after it is consecrated, you may work operations which shall be declared afterwards in this book. The manner of consecrating of this holy seal ought thus to be as followeth.
After this you shall know that commonly in the exemplars the five-cornered star or amulet is made of red, with the space within dyed saffron [yellow], and the first seven-cornered star of azure, the second of saffron, the third of purple, and the round circle of Black.
And the space between the circles where the name Schemhamphoras is, is died with saffron. At other spaces are to be coloured with green.
But in operations it must otherwise be done. For it is made with the blood either of a mole or of a turtledove, or a lapwing, or of a bat, or of them all, and in virgin parchment of a calf, or of foal, or a hind calf [i.e. deer]. And so is the Seal of God perfect.
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