Sunday, February 25, 2018

Post Awakening notes

Awakening is the first Bhumi(ground) characterized by uninterrupted awareness. This is as per buddhist literature. The uninterrruped awareness allows an insight that there is only KNOWING. Thus there is no cessation of thought or emotion but a radical change in perception that somehow does not cause identification.
However there has been great help post awakening - firstly of course Mooji. Then the teachings of Dzogchen. Post awakening teachings of Dzogchen appears so organic and non-violent.  There is no more process technique or remorse associated with "not living upto a spiritual benchmark".  This is probably because these are now the domain of the mind. The Octaves come and play and move on - like fish coming to feed and be fed. A constant exchange of energies that happens by a divine algorithm and all is KNOWN and SEEN. Just KNOWN and SEEN - nothing more nothing less.
However it is still not freedom yet. Here Adhyashanti has been of great help giving a helpful pointer.

He says post the Awakening "from" the mind there is a slow settling in the heart and the emotional settling allows the experiencing of UNITY. Which really is wish of my Being. Gurdjieff has understood this UNITY as a function of Higher Intellectual centre possibly after the connection with the Higher Emotional Centre which witnesses the emptying of the lower centres.

The current stage it appears is emptying of the content of the mind. Yet there is still emotional identification I see in me. There is no complete freedome from lying for example. But there is nothing to do - the Octaves will come lawfully and do their thing and I will be present unmoving and KNOWING.

Gratitude because while there was no ground of teaching post awakening and no pre-awakening teachings can help post awakening, help came in the form of Mooji ji, William Bagley, Dzogchen and Adhyashanti.

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