This is an exploration on VIEWS. Like all Expressions, this has validity only for the moment and is subject to the Limitations of the View of the Expression.
View is the unique experience of aliveness or the unique interpretation and expression of the vivid display as perceived by each of us.
First insight is that all Views are equal. No View is superior on inferior to any other. Each View is Appropriate to their unique expression of life. The View and Expression of Life are the same thing as seen in different states or described in different definitions by different Views.
View no only includes perceptions and experiences but also actions. Thus the View of a Hedonist is not inferior to the View of a Sage. Therefore it is said in the Bhagavad Gita - Do not Disturb people who are in sleep. Or as Christ said - Do not cast pearls to Swine. It was not meant in any derogatory manner. It was to prevent violence on another View. Each View thinks their Views is superior and rightly so because it is after all an Expression of their own View.
While each View is Unique, at their source is a Commonality - that of a Pristine, Continuous Awareness that is the base, foundation or ground or stage for all expressions or Views. One way to get a sense of this is ..if we were for a second, "switch off" Awareness...even nothing will not be experienced.
The View that is currently experienced is that this stage is that the Stage and its Views/Expressions are not two separate but that the expressions emerge from the Stage itself as expressions or displays of the Stage itself. Thus the most used analogy of Waves and the Ocean.
How can we inquire into the nature of these Views ? What determines what appears in the View at any point of time? It must be nature of the state of the View at any point. And what determines the nature of the State? If we go by the dictum of As Above so Below then we could say that when we see the Cosmology outside that projects the Psychology it appears that the planetary positions, the influences of distant stars and further their influence on the people and situations around us - elegantly described in astrology - all these in their elegant dance impact their influence each moment.
And we understand from astrology that the planetary configuration at the time of birth calibrates these influences to begin with.
This thus partially answers the question - Why do all of us have such unique views.
This brings us to the second aspect of the perceptions changing each moment.
While the Pristine Awareness is unmoving then what changes. The insight is the it is the View that changes. This View changes because this View is the function of two aspects
(a) The starting point of the View is the planetary position at the time of birth.
(b) Then as Gurdjieff says the Ascending and Descending Octaves comes into play.
They seem to follow a specific law and all proceeds perfectly.
How do they proceed ?
The Insight is that the two primary impulses of the Pristine Awareness seems to be the following :
(a) Love, Compassion - that results in the expression of manifestation.
(b) Rest - Tired of manifestations and resultant suffering.
So when manifestation proceeds of out love, the View is that attribute. And it is constantly proceeding outward away from Source. Thus the Views change with the movement of its coming forth and the energy of manifesation.
The opposite in case of proceeding towards Rest.
However it now appears that eventually the journey is towards Rest. Even the hedonist pursuing wealth and desires eventually want rest by quenching this energy that is propelling him/her. And find rest. Lovemaking is an example of how the eventual rest comes from the orgasmic release of the energy. The experience of orgasm also gives food and nourishment to that which experiences it. But like the Law of Marginal utility after a while there is saturation and "not as much niceness of experience" from repeated consumption. Paralelly the "non-permanence of this rest" then changes the direction of the energies appearing in the View to find something that can give permanent rest. The View then displays energies that lead in the direction of the Ascending Octave.
We see a characteristic of the View of the Descending Octave is that of 'identification' - caused by the strength of the manifesting energies as compared to the vitality of the View as per its lawful calibration.
Again when the View now brings energies into its field which would be now classified as Ascending Octave, the identification continues and the person starts calling himself/herself as a seeker or spiritual aspirant. All energies that are lawfully (and with compassion) brought into the View are seen by the seeker as his/her own efforts. But these "efforts" then starts slowly expanding the span of the View - largely executing the energy of sacrifice of impressions collected during the manifesting phase of the Descending octave - described in Hindu and Buddhist traditions as Karma.
For most in the Ascending Octave - moving towards rest it is mixed with sometimes the View having display of energies that carry impulse of manifestation and sometimes towards Rest. This is why even practices carry the impulse of Manifestation and Intent even though the intent is Rest.
At some point the View expands enough that the View is also experienced as being self-evident requiring no form or description, along with the View of the play of all energies in it.
But each impulse and display in the View is a lawful and intelligent manifestation of the Pristine Ground and therefore all sacred. Each much be thus allowed to flower freely. Depending on the state of the View sometimes there are conflicting energies - but if no intent is applied, the energies resolves it by themselves and proceeds. That is always the sacred outcome. And when sacred outcomes are allowed the View becomes more intelligent, wider and truer. But this is a function of Grace. It is not a technique. This is the biggest gift and freedom View - freedom from effort. A huge burden is lifted.
This is what Kabir was alluding to possibly in his poem
Bhala hua mori gagari phooti, Mein paniya bharana se chhooti re, Mere sar se tali balaa
What relief now that
The pot is shattered
I am free finally
From the labour
Of daily filling
water in it.
But this is not any superior to the View of the Seeker which requires intent, process, technique and effort. At the right time the View will change with saturation and the same law that applied to the hedonist.
So eventually may Grace bless us with its glance.c Acknowledging with gratitude the Views of all teachers but especially the Views of Gurdjieff and Longchenpa.
This is the View that is flowing now. May the View expand at its own Will. May the View encompass all the proclamations of sages - that everything is Light. Just as water becomes solid, Light is Viewed as solid objects in this View.