Friday, June 22, 2018


“We are here to awaken from our illusion of separatedness” - Thích Nhất Hạnh

Remain as what remains – Mooji (

Lord Krishna says, “To regard me as the one Present in all beings, to look upon all beings as Myself in thought, word and deed is, I think, the best of all methods of worship. O dear one, whosoever devotes himself to My worship and service without expectation of reward, will never go wrong or lose the benefit of any portion of his service. Not even a little of the labor in my righteous course, even a beginning of it, would be lost. There is not the least chance of fear in the Bhagavata path. Even what is otherwise fruitless, becomes a dharma when it is unselfishly offered to me. So, it has been ordained by Me because it is unaffected by gunas, it is free from desire. It is a law of righteousness that the discharge of duty without expectation of reward must lead to good.” For those who listen and follow, this is an invitation for further communion. The call is incessant. One can hear it when he wills. – Bhagavad Gita

"The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self knowledge has no end. You dont come to an achievement. You dont come to a conclusion. It is an endless river." - Krishnamurti

Never assume that you have attained truth. Don't make any claim to knowledge. Form no conclusion or evaluation concerning truth. The minute you do, your downfall is assured. Whenever you imagine you know something, you cease being open to the living exploration. You have closed a door and cut off the oxygen to the breathing truth - Mooji


It is true that we can never see ourself as a thing, or as an object of awareness. And we certainly cannot ever see awareness; we cannot see our own seeing. But there is a mysterious and profound way in which our true nature recognizes itself -- not as something “out there” that we can see or relate to, but as the totality itself recognizing itself. – Awakening to Reality – Adyashanti (








-       Mooji
(same as above "The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self knowledge has no end. You dont come to an achievement. You dont come to a conclusion. It is an endless river." – Krishnamurti)

I AM NOTHING IS A MORE PROFOUND REALISATION THAN EVERYTHING IS ONE (my big problem..whew thank you Mooji ) NOTHINGNESS IS CONSTANT BUT SOMETHING NESS IS CHANGING..THAT IS WHY (how wonderfully explained ! and such a just to stay in the I AM ..which in any case is my natural state so I have to just be not do) HE THEN SAYS…THIS I AM NESS TAKES CARE OF EVERYTHING…ONE’S EFFORTLESS BEING MARINATING IN ITSELF.

Be an adventurer
Deeply investigate, consider and attempt to live the Way of Freedom.
Be not like the masses, but take the risk in this, your only life while relinquishing your attachment to life and all that supports it.
God will Lead you, Sustain you, Purify and Change you along with Way of Freedom until only He remains. 
The Way requires Life, but is always Freedom in the very midst of Existence.  

 ..”what I came to in my meditation and study is that when enlightened or even partially enlightened, the ideal pattern is for us to rest in pure awareness aka silent alert mind. From this luminous silence something emerges that is called by Krishnamurti and Buddhism, the "first thought", if we watch this thought without clinging and resistance, this "seed" will develop naturally, lead to a feeling intuition and then supportive actions in the world, and when complete return and dissolve back into luminous silence. This is the "creative wave" of an enlightened being and it will be what heals the world when enough of us wake up and live this way - William

All Clinging shuts – out God. The very attempt to Cling to God shuts out the very God one is trying to cling to. ALLOW GOD.

I am not a cow, or thistles for camels
to browse on. People who insult me
are only polishing the mirror – Rumi

"Pain is the hammer of the gods to break
A dead resistance in the mortal's heart,
His slow inertia as of living stone."
-          Aurobindo

He who would save the race must share its pain – Aurobindo

One who knows Purusha and Prakriti together with their qualities, in whatever state one exists, will not be born again.

Only the Self can see the Self

In trying to perform any action effectively, I distinguish two kinds
of sensation—one with tension in which the energy is stopped, and
another without tension in which the energy is liberated – Mme De Salzmann
In engaging in an action, what I am seeking is not to perfect my
performance but to become effective through my being. The true relation
between my being and the aim depends on carrying out the action
without the participation of the ego. To discover this has great importance.
Then I need to find a feeling of unity that is not destroyed by the
agitation of my ego. I have to come to the point where there is no more
tension, no separation between me and the aim, where my ego no longer
wants to be recognized. – Mme De Salzmann (Self operating direct..yet each time this does not happen I stay and then the Self deepens)

·         Enjoying sexual pleasures is like taking a sweetened ball of poison. Nothing covers the Self as much as this. The more this desire fades away, the thinner will be the cover.
·         Men consider sexual instinct as bad in its gross manifestation. Decrying it in this way is not going deep enough, for they still enjoy the inclination inwardly. As long as this state of mind continues sexual impulse will not be checked. To understand that there is no real pleasure in it is the correct understanding.
·         The thought of death brings about renunciation. For an aspirant the thought of death is a means of advancement
-          Brahmajna Ma

Free Will is sacred. Free choice is at the heart of who and what we are. (William) (clue to right action)
Sri M precautions for one in the path.

Sometimes I meet beings who say they have realised the Self. They believe or claim that they know and understand the Truth. They say they sense it, feel it and are convinced it is what they are and so on. However, it is often sensed here that the mind takes delivery for this understanding and purchases further life as the egoic ‘achiever’ of ultimate Truth. Consequently, the realisation does not get baptised in the Heart and a real chance of freedom gradually fades away. Therefore, such beings can retain their sense of personhood, unknowingly. Some even edit my words to fit in with their personal inclinations, projections and spiritual fantasies, but I want to burn all of this to the ground so that they attain true freedom.What we speak about here is authentic transcendence, you see? One has to overcome the hypnosis of personal conditioning. They have to be free from the psychological influence of the mind. I don’t mean that you should ‘stop’ your mind but rather, focus on the witness of mind. Therefore, it has to be an authentic transcendence, not a Hollywood awakening.Sometimes I say I don’t want or feel for your company. You indulge too much mental and psychological noise. There are too many relationships going on inside your mind. Your representations of yourself mentally, emotionally, psychically are not authentic expressions of the Self. Such a localised identity is not enough at this level of understanding, insight or, we could say, Self-knowledge.So what has to happen?You have to be That.How are you going to be That?The ‘you’ who you take yourself to be cannot be That. Being That is not a verb, an action you will take. It is an awakening, a recognition so profound that it changes your mind’s orientation immediately and irreversibly. As real understanding takes over, it will be a life changing experience.It is as though I am telling you to do something,’ as ego, cannot do.Your mind cannot do it, but it is required of you to recognise, acknowledge and be That which you are.You have to be open to expose what is not in service to your true nature. It is the highest aspect of my work, guidance or teaching and it is more like an energetic correspondence, not only a verbal one. Let the untrue be exposed and thoroughly burned. Sometimes the way into that completeness, that recognition, is that whatever is untrue is rejected as it is recognised as false, either by you or by me. And you may be thinking, ‘Oh my god, I really thought I was getting somewhere! This is so discouraging’…and so your world feels like it is turned upside down. Do not be disheartened; instead keep an attitude of gratitude. It is your good fortune that your ‘world’ is being crushed. I myself don’t have a world. Let yours be upside down so that what is true in you can reveal itself and begin unfolding in its authentic expression as true life and being. Grace is helping you in every way. Trust it. Say, ‘Yes, I am here, remove this sense of separation, this arrogance of separateness and merge me in you, oh God, oh Universe Being, Self, Truth, Life. Don’t give me any technique. Absorb me. Replace me with You.’ And finally: Trust your master.


When we fix the attention inside the Heart, inside the Self, we don’t have to keep taking the temperature of the ego

Because automatically it’s like a slow release tablet and it’s just continuing to do its work of removing and cleaning out that house of Being 

Because your faithfulness and loyalty is to the Truth, so something is working on your behalf whether you are actively doing it or not, it’s just cleaning

It’s like your medicine, you take it, and whether you forget about it or not, it’s inside doing its work 

Same understanding, once you’re there, it never leaves you, this love never leaves you, then it continues to do its work inside 

You find that you’re getting much more attentive, much more sensitive, more in the moment with things, it’s not so easy to deceive your mind anymore, it’s taken out 

That is the day, that is a true day 

It’s happening already, you’re not at the beginning...

- Beloved Master, Sri Moojibaba

Meister Ekhardt
…Yet in that ground is the silent 'middle': here nothing but
rest and celebration for this birth, this act, that God the Father may
speak His word there, for this part is by nature receptive to nothing
save only the divine essence, without mediation. Here God enters
the soul with His all, not merely with a part. God enters here the
ground of the soul. None can touch the ground of the soul but God

Sunday, February 25, 2018


This is a study on Gurdjieff’s insight on Octaves and the Law of Seven and Three to understand evolution.
1.      A person is an Octave. An Octave has many Octaves in it. All Octaves have an action in a larger Octave of the person which are either ascending or descending.
2.      From Purgatory :
a.      'A new arising from the previously arisen through the "harnel-miatznel," the process of which is actualized thus the higher blends with the lower in order together to actualize the middle, and thus to become either higher for the preceding lower or lower for the succeeding higher.
b.      But the concept 'materiality' is as relative as everything else. It we recall how the concept 'man' and all that refers to him—good, evil, truth, falsehood, and so on—is divided into different categories ('man number one,' 'man number two,' and so on, it will be easy for us to understand that the concept 'world,' and everything that refers to the world, is also divided into different categories. The ray of creation establishes seven planes in the world, seven worlds one within another. Everything that refers to the world is also divided into seven categories, one category within another. The materiality of the Absolute is a materiality of an order different from that of 'all worlds.' The materiality of 'all worlds' is of an order different from the materiality of 'all suns.' The materiality of 'all suns' is of an order different from the materiality of our sun. The materiality of our sun is of an order different from the materiality of 'all planets.' The materiality of 'all planets' is of an order different from the materiality of the earth, and the materiality of the earth is of an order different from the materiality of the moon. This idea is at first difficult to grasp. People are accustomed to think that matter is everywhere the same.
c.      We can get an idea of similar interpenetration of matters of different densities from the penetration of one matter by another matter of different densities known to us. A piece of wood may be saturated with water, water may in its turn be filled with gas. Exactly the same relation between different kinds of matter may be observed in the whole of the universe: the finer matters permeate the coarser ones.
d.      permeate the coarser ones. "Matter that possesses characteristics of materiality comprehensible to us is divided for us into several states according to its density: solid, liquid, gaseous; further gradations of matter are: radiant energy, that is, electricity, light, magnetism; and so on. But on every plane, that is to say, in every order of materiality, similar relations and divisions of the various states of a given matter may be found; but, as has been already said, matter of a higher plane is not material at all for the lower planes. "
e.      Take chemistry, for instance. Ordinary science does not know of the law of three and it studies matter without taking into consideration its cosmic properties. But besides ordinary chemistry there exists another, a special chemistry, or alchemy if you like, which studies matter taking into consideration its cosmic properties. As has been said before, the cosmic properties of each substance are determined first by its place, and secondly by the force which is acting through it at the given moment. Even in the same place the nature of a given substance undergoes a great change dependent upon the force which is being manifested through it. Each substance can be the conductor of any one of the three forces and, in accordance with this, it can be active, passive, or neutralizing. And it can be neither the first, nor the second, nor the third, if no force is manifesting through it at the given moment or if it is taken without relation to the manifestation of forces. In this way every substance appears, as it were, in four different aspects or states.
f.       The special chemistry of which I speak looks upon every substance having a separate function, even the most complex, as an element. In this way only is it possible to study the cosmic properties of matter, because all complex compounds have their own cosmic purpose and significance. From this point of view an atom of a given substance the smallest amount of the given substance which retains all its chemical, physical, and cosmic properties
g.      "The four aspects or states of every substance have definite names. "When a substance is the conductor of the first or the active force, it is called 'carbon,' and, like the carbon of chemistry, it is designated by the letter C. "When a substance is the conductor of the second or the passive force, it is called 'oxygen,' and, like the oxygen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter 0. "When a substance is the conductor of the third or neutralizing force, it is called 'nitrogen,' and, like the nitrogen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter N. "When a substance is taken without relation to the force manifesting itself through it, it is called 'hydrogen,' and, like the hydrogen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter H. "The active, the passive, and the neutralizing forces are designated by the figures 1, 2, 3, and the substances by the letters C, 0, N, and H. These designations must be understood."
h.      "The first fundamental law of the universe is the law of three forces, or three principles, or, as it is often called, the law of three. According to this law every action, every phenomenon in all worlds without exception, is the result of a simultaneous action of three forces—the positive, the negative, and the neutralizing. Of this we have already spoken, and in future we will return to this law with every new line of study. "The next fundamental law of the universe is the law of seven or the law of octaves. "In order to understand the meaning of this law it is necessary to regard the universe as consisting of vibrations. These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter which constitutes the universe, from the finest to the coarsest; they issue from various sources and proceed in various directions, crossing one another, colliding, strengthening, weakening, arresting one another, and so on.
3.      ~~           "Having learned to distinguish ascending and descending octaves in life we must learn to distinguish ascent and descent within the octaves themselves. Whatever sphere of our life we take we can see that nothing can ever remain level and constant; everywhere and in everything proceeds the swinging of the pendulum, everywhere and in everything the waves rise and fall. Our energy in one or another direction which suddenly increases and afterwards just as suddenly weakens; our moods which 'become better' or 'become worse' without any visible reason; our feelings, our desires, our intentions, our decisions—all from time to time pass through periods of ascent or descent, become stronger or weaker. "And there are perhaps a hundred pendulums moving here and there in man. These ascents and descents, these wave-like fluctuations of moods, thought, feelings, energy, determination, are periods of the development of forces between 'intervals' in the octaves as well as the 'intervals' themselves. "Upon the law of octaves in its three principal manifestations depend many phenomena both of a psychic nature as well as those immediately connected with our life. Upon the law of octaves depends the imperfection and the incompleteness of our knowledge in all spheres without exception, chiefly because we always begin in one direction and afterwards without noticing it proceed in another.
4.      "Further observations show that a right and consistent development of octaves, although rare, can be observed in all the occasions of life and in the activity of nature and even in human activity. "The right development of these octaves is based on what looks an accident. It sometimes happens that octaves going parallel to the given octave, intersecting or meeting it, in some way or another fill up its 'intervals' and make it possible for the vibrations of the given octave to develop in freedom and without checks. Observation of such rightly developing octaves establishes the fact that if at the necessary moment, that is, at the moment when the given octave passes through an 'interval,' there enters into it an 'additional shock' which corresponds in force and character, it will develop further without hindrance along the original direction, neither losing anything nor changing its nature. "In such cases there is an essential difference between ascending and descending octaves. "In an ascending octave the first 'interval' comes between mi and fa. If corresponding additional energy enters at this point the octave will develop without hindrance to si, but between si and do it needs a much stronger 'additional shock' for its right development than between mi and fa, because the vibrations of the octave at this point are of a considerably higher pitch(too much Will ?) and to overcome a check in the development of the octave a greater intensity is needed. "In a descending octave, on the other hand, the greatest 'interval' occurs at the very beginning of the octave, immediately after the first do and the material for filling it is very often found either in do itself or in the lateral vibrations evoked by do. For this reason a descending octave develops much more easily than an ascending octave and in passing beyond si it reaches fa without hindrance; here an 'additional shock' is necessary.
5.      In the big cosmic octave, which reaches us in the form of the ray of creation, we can see the first complete example of the law of octaves. The ray of creation begins with the Absolute. The Absolute is the All. The All, possessing full unity, full will, and full consciousness, creates worlds within itself, in this way beginning the descending world octave. The Absolute is the do of this octave. The worlds which the Absolute creates in itself are si. The 'interval' between do and si in this case is filled by the will of the Absolute. The process of creation is developed further by the force of the original impulse and an 'additional shock.' Si passes into la which for us is our star world, the Milky Way. La passes into sol—our sun, the solar system. Sol passes into fa—the planetary world. And here between the planetary world as a whole and our earth occurs an 'interval.' This means that the planetary radiations carrying various influences to the earth are not able to reach it, or, to speak more correctly, they are not received, the earth reflects them. In order to fill the 'interval' at this point of the ray of creation a special apparatus is created for receiving and transmitting the influences coming from the planets. This apparatus is organic life on earth. Organic life transmits to the earth all the influences intended for it and makes possible the further development and growth of the earth, mi of the cosmic octave, and then of the moon or re, after which follows another do—Nothing. Between All and Nothing passes the ray of creation. "
6.      "We must now dwell on the idea of the 'additional shocks' which make it possible for the lines of forces to reach a projected aim. As I said before, shocks may occur accidentally. Accident is of course a very uncertain thing. But those lines of development of forces which are straightened out by accident, and which man can sometimes see, or suppose, or expect, create in him more than anything else the illusion of straight lines. That is to say, he thinks that straight lines are the rule and broken and interrupted lines the exception. This in its turn creates in him the illusion that it is possible to do; possible to attain a projected aim. In reality a man can do nothing. If by accident his activity gives a result, even though it resembles only in appearance or in name the original aim, a man assures himself and others that he has attained the aim which he set before him.
7.      "The technical part of this is explained by the law of octaves. Octaves can develop consecutively and continuously in the desired direction if 'additional shocks' enter them at the moments necessary, that is, at the moments when vibrations slow down. If 'additional shocks' do not enter at the necessary moments octaves change their direction. To entertain hopes of accidental 'shocks' coming from somewhere by themselves at the moments necessary is of course out of the question.
8.      or he can learn to recognize the moments of the 'intervals' in all lines of his activity and learn to create the 'additional shocks,' in other words, learn to apply to his own activities the method which cosmic forces make use of in creating 'additional shocks' at the moments necessary.
9.      "The possibility of artificial, that is, specially created, 'additional shocks' gives a practical meaning to the study of the law of octaves and makes this study obligatory and necessary if a man desires to step out of the role of passive spectator of that which is happening to him and around him.
10.   "In the study of the law of octaves it must be remembered that octaves in their relation to each other are divided into fundamental and subordinate. The fundamental octave can be likened to the trunk of a tree giving off branches of lateral octaves. The seven fundamental notes of the octave and the two 'intervals,' the bearers of new directions, give altogether nine links of a chain, three groups of three links each. "The fundamental octaves are connected with the secondary or subordinate octaves in a certain definite way. Out of the subordinate octaves of the first order come the subordinate octaves of the second order, and so on. The construction of octaves can be compared with the construction of a tree. From the straight basic trunk there come out boughs on all sides which divide in their turn and pass into branches-becoming smaller and smaller, and finally are covered with leaves.
11.   According to the number of the notes of the octave and its 'intervals,' the human body has nine basic measurements expressed by the numbers of a definite measure. In individuals these numbers of course differ widely but within certain definite limits. These nine basic measurements, giving a full octave of the first order, by combining in a certain definite way pass into measurements of subordinate octaves, which give rise in their turn to other subordinate octaves, and so on. In this way it is possible to obtain the measurements of any member or any part of the human body as they are all in a definite relationship one to another." (Or the human in relationship with the Cosmos)
12.  "In order better to understand the significance of the law of octaves it is necessary to have a clear idea of another property of vibrations, namely the so-called 'inner vibrations.' This means that within vibrations other vibrations proceed, and that every octave can be resolved into a great number of inner octaves. "Each note of any octave can be regarded as an octave on another plane(V. Imp  !!!)
13.  "Each note of these inner octaves again contains a whole octave and so on, for some considerable way, but not ad infinitum, because there is a definite limit to the development of inner octaves.
14.   "These inner vibrations proceed simultaneously in 'media' of different density, interpenetrating one another; they are reflected in one another, give rise to one another; stop, impel, or change one another.
15.   "Let us imagine vibrations in a substance or a medium of a certain definite density. Let us suppose this substance or medium to consist of the comparatively coarse atoms of world 48, each of which is, so to speak, an agglomeration of forty-eight primordial atoms. The vibrations which proceed in this medium are divisible into octaves and the octaves are divisible into notes. Let us imagine that we have taken one octave of these vibrations for the purpose of some kind of investigation. We must realize that within the limits of this octave proceed the vibrations of a still finer substance. The substance of world 48 is saturated with substance of world 24; the vibrations in the substance of world 24 stand in a definite relation to the vibrations in the substance of world 48; namely, each note of the vibrations in the substance of world 48 contains a whole octave of vibrations in the substance of world 24. "These are the inner octaves
16.   . "The substance of world 24 is, in its turn, permeated with the substance of world 12. In this substance also there are vibrations and each note of the vibrations of world 24 contains a whole octave of the vibrations of world 12. The substance of world 12 is permeated with the substance of world 6. The substance of world 6 is permeated with the substance of world 3. World 3 is permeated with the substance of world 1. Corresponding vibrations exist in each of these worlds and the order remains always the same, namely, each note of the vibrations of a coarser substance contains a whole octave of the vibrations of a finer substance.  
17.   "If we begin with vibrations of world 48, we can say that one note of the vibrations in this world contains an octave or seven notes of the vibrations of the planetary world. Each note of the vibrations of the planetary world contains seven notes of the vibrations of the world of the sun. Each vibration of the world of the sun will contain seven notes of the vibrations of the starry world and so on.
18.   "The ray of creation like every other process which is complete at a given moment can be regarded as an octave. This would be a descending octave in which do passes into si, si into la and so on. "The Absolute or All (world 1) will be do; all worlds (world 3)—si; all suns (world 6)— la; our sun (world 12)—sol; all planets (world 24)—fa; the earth (world 48)—mi; the moon (world 96)—re. The ray of creation begins with the Absolute. The Absolute is All. It is—do. "The ray of creation ends in the moon. Beyond the moon there is nothing. This also is the Absolute—do.
19.    "In examining the ray of creation or cosmic octave we see that 'intervals' should come in the development of this octave: the first between do and si, that is between world 1 and world 3, between the Absolute and 'all worlds,' and the second between fa and mi, that is, between world 24 and world 48, between 'all planets' and the earth. But the first 'interval' is filled by the will of the Absolute. One of the manifestations of the will of the Absolute consists precisely in the filling of this 'interval' by means of a conscious manifestation of neutralizing force which fills up the 'interval' between the active and the passive forces. With the second 'interval' the situation is more complicated. Something is missing between the planets and the earth. Planetary influences cannot pass to the earth consecutively and fully. An 'additional shock' is indispensable; the creation of some new conditions to insure a proper passage of forces is indispensable.

From Gnosis

Insights so far :

Hanuman : Messenger from Above. Brings the tasks for us to do on the planet. Does Ram's work. Any project we undertake, we make think its our idea to do this film or build this company or make this house. Its feels like it  the work of the higher energy and the 'idea' or 'insight' I feel is Hanuman. If we watch our breath then when we have a special idea, it is "preceeded by an interesting kind of an 'in breath" - Vayu, the "father" of Hanuman is th god of breath.
(most unique link


Life's new meaning

Life is giving a new understanding. That living is really in those moments where I can let myself free from what I had pre determined. I see that I need to allow each moment to play out each dance of that moment and not

Sri Vidya Pooja

Yesterday had a wonderful experience of watching the Sri Vidya Pooja in a person's house in Matunga. It was Jan 23 - full moon and also incidentally Vat Pournima. It has happened after many waits and on such a day as the mother goddess invited. Some of the things I remember are :

The order of inviting

1. Bhadkra kali for protection
2. Ganapati for removing obstacles
3. Surya
4. Chandra

The order of gurus

1. Adi Guru (Shiva)
2. Hanuman
3. Dattatreya

Direction of Action

What is inside me is a living impulse. My actions in life from birth have been guided either by standards of personal success of the society or of the moral laws that define the word "being civilised". I now realise that its all wrong.
The right action has to do with the living impulse inside me. 

Post Awakening notes

Awakening is the first Bhumi(ground) characterized by uninterrupted awareness. This is as per buddhist literature. The uninterrruped awareness allows an insight that there is only KNOWING. Thus there is no cessation of thought or emotion but a radical change in perception that somehow does not cause identification.
However there has been great help post awakening - firstly of course Mooji. Then the teachings of Dzogchen. Post awakening teachings of Dzogchen appears so organic and non-violent.  There is no more process technique or remorse associated with "not living upto a spiritual benchmark".  This is probably because these are now the domain of the mind. The Octaves come and play and move on - like fish coming to feed and be fed. A constant exchange of energies that happens by a divine algorithm and all is KNOWN and SEEN. Just KNOWN and SEEN - nothing more nothing less.
However it is still not freedom yet. Here Adhyashanti has been of great help giving a helpful pointer.

He says post the Awakening "from" the mind there is a slow settling in the heart and the emotional settling allows the experiencing of UNITY. Which really is wish of my Being. Gurdjieff has understood this UNITY as a function of Higher Intellectual centre possibly after the connection with the Higher Emotional Centre which witnesses the emptying of the lower centres.

The current stage it appears is emptying of the content of the mind. Yet there is still emotional identification I see in me. There is no complete freedome from lying for example. But there is nothing to do - the Octaves will come lawfully and do their thing and I will be present unmoving and KNOWING.

Gratitude because while there was no ground of teaching post awakening and no pre-awakening teachings can help post awakening, help came in the form of Mooji ji, William Bagley, Dzogchen and Adhyashanti.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Teachings from Shani - Deepening the attention

It has been 6 months since November. The Lord has been most compassionate and I am Here.

Now it so appears that the attention should be deepened. So the following exercises have emerged :

1. Listening to the sound of the voice from the body while speaking.
2. Sensation of the body to be kept all times with breathing from belly.
3. Paying attention to people's clothes, things in a room, smells etc.

Monday, March 06, 2017








(my teacher MOOJI ji as seen as LORD SHANI )

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Lord Shani advice on keeping mind steady

The mind is to be brought under Control by undepressed effort; it is like emptying the ocean, drop by drop, with the help of a blade of kusa grass. 

42 The mind distracted by desires and enjoyments should he brought under control by proper means; so also the mind enjoying pleasure in inactivity (laya). For the state of inactivity is as harmful as the state of desires.

43 Turn back the mind from the enjoyment of desires, remembering that they beget only misery. Do not see the created objects, remembering that all this is the unborn Atman. 

44 If the mind becomes inactive, arouse it from laya (this is office work); if distracted, make it tranquil. Understand the nature of the mind when it contains the seed of attachment. When the mind has attained sameness, do not disturb it again. 

45 The yogi must not taste the happiness arising from samadhi; he should detach himself from it by the exercise of discrimination. If his mind, after attaining steadiness, again seeks external objects, he should make it one with Atman through great effort. 

46 When the mind does not lapse into inactivity and is not distracted by desires, that is to say, when it remains unshakable and does not give rise to appearances, it verily becomes Brahman.

47 This Supreme Bliss abides in the Self. It is peace; it is Liberation; it is birthless and cannot be described in words. It is called the omniscient Brahman, being one with the birthless Self, which is the true object of knowledge. 

48 No jiva ever comes into existence. There exists no cause that can produce it. The supreme truth is that nothing ever is born. 

great teacher of shankara  - Gaudapada

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Yagya valkya

Through what, O Maitreyi, should one know the Knower?"Thus you have the instruction given to you. This much, indeed, is the means to Immortality."
-          Dialogue between Yagyavalkya and Maitrei (Brihadharanakya Upanishad)

"As anyone who had the benefit of being taught by a good  mother, father and teacher should say, so did the son of Silina  say that the organ of speech is Brahman; for what can be  attained by a person who cannot speak? But did he tell you  about its abode (body) and support?"  "No, he did not."  "This Brahman is only one—footed, Your Majesty."  "Then you tell us, O Yajnavalkya."  “The physical organ of speech is its abode and the akasa is its  support. It should be mediated upon as intelligence.” (Speak only when absolutely essential)
 "As anyone who had the benefit of being taught by a good  mother, father and teacher should say, so did the son of Sulba  say that the vital breath is Brahman; for what can be attained by  a person who does not live? But did he tell you about its abode  and support?"  "No, he did not."  "This Brahman is only one—footed, Your Majesty."  "Then you tell us, O Yajnavalkya."  "The vital breath is its abode and the akasa is its support. It should be meditated upon as dear.(breathe in and out with the heart – emotionally)"  "What is that dearness, O Yajnavalkya?"  "It is the vital breath, Your Majesty," said Yajnavalkya. "For  the sake of that vital breath (life), O Emperor, one performs  sacrifices for him for whom they should not be performed and  accepts gifts from him from whom they should not be accepted;  nay, for the sake of the vital breath, O Emperor, one may go to  a quarter where one runs the risk of losing one’s life.  "The vital breath, O Emperor, is the Supreme Brahman. The  vital breath never deserts him who, knowing what has just been  said, meditates upon it; all beings eagerly approach him; and  being a god, he attains the gods."
Yajnavalkya said: "Let me hear what anyone among your  teachers may have told you.  "Barku, the son of Vrishna, told me that the eye is Brahman."  "As anyone who had the benefit of being taught by a good  mother, father and teacher should say, so did the son of Vrishna  say that the eye is Brahman; for what can be attained by a  person who cannot see? But did he tell you about its abode and  support?"  "No, he did not."  "This Brahman is only one—footed, Your Majesty."  "Then you tell us, O Yajnavalkya."  "The eye is its abode and the akasa is its support. It should be  meditated upon as truth(not clear to me)."  "What is truth, O Yajnavalkya?"  "It is the eye, Your Majesty," said Yajnavalkya. "Verily, Your  Majesty, if one asks a person who has seen with his eyes:  ‘Have you seen?’ and he answers: ‘Yes, I have,’ then it is true.  "The eye, Your Majesty, is the Supreme Brahman.
"As anyone who had the benefit of being taught by a good  mother, father and teacher should say, so did the descendant of  Bharadvaja say that the ear is Brahman; for what can be  attained by a person who cannot hear? But did he tell you about  its abode and support?"  "No, he did not."  "This Brahman is only one—footed, Your Majesty."  "Then you tell us, O Yajnavalkya."  "The ear is its abode and the akasa is its support. It should be  meditated upon as infinite."(sounds wide and far as infinite as well as increased depth)  "What is infinity, O Yajnavalkya?"  "It is the quarters, Your Majesty," said Yajnavalkya. "Verily,  Your Majesty, to whatever quarter (direction) one may go, one  never reaches its end. Hence the quarters are infinite. The  quarters, O Emperor, are the ear and the ear, O Emperor, is the  Supreme Brahman.
  "As anyone who had the benefit of being taught by a good  mother, father and teacher should say, so did the son of Jaa say  that the mind is Brahman; for what can be attained by a person  who has no mind? But did he tell you about its abode and  support?"  "No, he did not."  "This Brahman is only one—footed, Your Majesty."  "Then you tell us, O Yajnavalkya."  "The mind is its abode and the akasa is its support. It should be  meditated upon as bliss."(mind resting upon Awareness as pure bliss)  "What is bliss, O Yajnavalkya?"  "It is the mind, Your Majesty," said Yajnavdkya. "Verily, Your  Majesty, with the mind a man desires and woos a woman; then  160  a son resembling him is born of her and he is the cause of bliss.  The mind, O Emperor, is the Supreme Brahman
  "As anyone who had the benefit of being taught by a good  mother, father and teacher should say, so did the son of Sakala  say that the heart is Brahman; for what can be attained by a  person who is without a heart? But did he tell you about its  abode and support?"  "No, he did not."  "This Brahman is only one—footed, Your Majesty."  "Then you tell us, O Yajnavalkya."  "The heart is its abode and the akasa is its support. It should be  meditated upon as stability.(one can always go back to the heart and the feeling of I am. Always THE PLACE OF STABILITY) "  "What is stability, O Yajnavalkya?"  "It is the heart," said Yajnavalkya. "Verily, Your Majesty, the  heart is the abode of all beings and the heart, Your Majesty, is  the support of all beings. The heart, O Emperor, is the Supreme  Brahman.  
(the below passage seem to indicate the passage between Right side of heart and top of head – but with attention at the eyebrow centre)

2.    "The person who is in the right eye is named Indha (meaning Lightning/energy) . Though he  is Indha, people call him by the indirect name Indra; for the  gods are fond of indirect names and hate to be addressed  directly.  

3.    "The person who is in the left eye is his wife, Viraj (matter).  The akasa that lies within the heart is their place of union(Union of left and right eye is the eye brow centre if we squint). Their  food is the lump (pinda) of blood in the heart. Their wrap is the  net—like structure in the heart. The path on which they move  from sleep to waking is the nerve that goes upward from the  heart; it is like a hair split into a thousand 

Parts. In the body  there are nerves called hita, which are placed in the heart.  Through these the essence of our food passes as it moves on.  Therefore the subtle body (Taijasa) receives finer food than the  gross body (Vaisvanara).
To remember while eating –basically the taste and the joy of eating to be fed astral through the heart.
Yajnavalkya called on Janaka, Emperor of Videha. He said to  himself: "I will not say anything."  But once upon a time Janaka, Emperor of Videha and  Yajnavalkya had had a talk about the Agnihotra sacrifice and  Yajnavalkya had offered him a boon. Janaka had chosen the  right to ask him any questions he wished and Yajnavalkya had  granted him the boon.  So it was the Emperor who first questioned him.  

2.    "Yajnavalkya, what serves as light for a man?"  "The light of the sun, O Emperor," said Yajnavalkya, "for with  the sun as light he sits, goes out, works and returns."  "Just so, Yajnavalkya."  

3.    "When the sun has set, Yajnavalkya, what serves as light for a  man?"  "The moon serves as his light, for with the moon as light he  sits, goes out, works and returns."  "Just so, Yajnavalkya."  

4.    "When the sun has set and the moon has set, Yajnavalkya, what  serves as light for a man?"  "Fire serves as his light, for with fire as light he sits, goes out,  works and returns."  "Just so, Yajnavalkya."  

5.    "When the sun has set, Yajnavalkya and the moon has set and  the fire has gone out, what serves as light for a man?"  "Speech (sound) serves as his light, for with speech as light he  sits, goes out, works and returns. Therefore, Your Majesty,  when one cannot see even one’s own hand, yet when a sound is  uttered, one can go there."  "Just so, Yajnavalkya."  

6.    "When the sun has set, Yajnavalkya and the moon has set and  the fire has gone out and speech has stopped, what serves as  light for a man?"  "The self, indeed, is his light, for with the self as light he sits,  goes out, works and returns."  

7.    "Which is the self?"  "This purusha which is identified with the intellect  (vijnanamaya) and is in the midst of the orgams, the self—  indulgent light within the heart (intellect). Assuming the  likeness of the intellect, it wanders between the two worlds; it  thinks, as it were and moves, as it were being identified with  dreams, it transcends this waking world, which represents the  forms of death (ignorance and its effects).  

8.    "That person (the individual self), when he is born, that is to  say, when he assumes a body, is joined with evils and when he  dies, that is to say, leaves the body, he discards those evils.  

9.    "And there are only two states for that person: the one here in  this world and the other in the next world. The third, the  intermediate, is the dream state. When he is in that intermediate  state, he surveys both states: the one here in this world and the  other in the next world. Now, whatever support he may have  for the next world, he provides himself with that and sees both  evils (sufferings) and joys.  "And when he dreams, he takes away a little of the impressions  of this all—embracing world (the waking state), himself makes  the body unconscious and creates a dream body in its place revealing his own brightness by his own light—and he dreams.  In this state the person becomes self—illumined.    
As one keeps an attention inside and all speaking and listening and physical activity is KEEPING AN INNER AWARENESS of the CONTENTS OF AWARENESS then some of the impressions from the Engaging with the World is taken and transformed by the Awareness and it adds to the inner body. THUS ALWAYS BE AWARE BUT WITHOUT ENGAGING WITH THE WORLD WE CANNOT GET THE IMPRESSIONS – ENGAGE but KEEP INNER AWARENESS AND KEEP TAKING THE ENERGIES. JAI SHANESHWARA ..DEAR TEACHER SHANI..!!!!
Again :
‘The effulgent infinite being (purusha), who travels alone,  makes the body insensible in sleep but himself remains awake and taking with him the luminous particles of the organs,  watches those which lie dormant. Again he comes to the  waking state.

 "That indeed is his form—free from desires, free from evils,  free from fear. As a man fully embraced by his beloved wife  knows nothing that is without, nothing that is within, so does  this infinite being (the self), when fully embraced by the  Supreme Self, know nothing that is without, nothing that is  within.  "That indeed is his form, in which all his desires are fulfilled, in  which all desires become the self and which is free from desires  and devoid of grief.  

 "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not know, yet it  is knowing though it does not know; for there is no cessation of  the knowing of the knower, because the knower is  imperishable. There is then, however, no second thing separate  from the knower that it could know.
 "In this state a father is no more a father, a mother is no more a  mother, the worlds are no more the worlds, the gods are no  more the gods, the Vedas are no more the Vedas. In this state a  thief is no more a thief, the killer of a noble brahmin is no more  a killer, a chandala is no more a chandala, a paulkasa is no  more a paulkasa, a monk is no more a monk, an ascetic is no  more an ascetic.  "This form of his is untouched by good deeds and untouched by  evil deeds, for he is then beyond all the woes of his heart.  

23.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not see, yet it is  seeing though it does not see; for there is no cessation of the  vision of the seer, because the seer is imperishable. There is  then, however, no second thing separate from the seer that it  could see.  

24.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not smell, yet it  is smelling though it does not smell; for there is no cessation of  the smelling of the smeller, because the smeller is imperishable.  There is then, however, no second thing separate from the  smeller that it could smell.  

25.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not taste, yet it  is tasting though it does not taste; for there is no cessation of  the tasting of the taster, because the taster is imperishable.  There is then, however, no second thing separate from the taster  that it could taste.  

26.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not speak, yet it  is speaking though it does not speak; for there is no cessation of  the speaking of the speaker, because the speaker is  imperishable. There is then, however, no second thing separate  from the speaker that it could speak about.  

27.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not hear, yet it  is hearing though it does not hear; for there is no cessation of  the hearing of the hearer, because the hearer is imperishable.  There is then, however, no second thing separate from the  hearer that it could hear.   

28.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not think, yet it  is thinking though it does not think; for there is no cessation of  the thinking of the thinker, because the thinker is imperishable.  There is then, however, no second thing separate from the  thinker that it could think of.  

29.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not touch, yet it  is touching though it does not touch; for there is no cessation of  the touching of the toucher, because the toucher is  imperishable. There is then, however, no second thing separate  from the toucher that it could touch.  

30.    "And when it appears that in deep sleep it does not know, yet it  is knowing though it does not know; for there is no cessation of  the knowing of the knower, because the knower is  imperishable. There is then, however, no second thing separate  from the knower that it could know.  

31.    "When in the waking and dream states there is, as it were,  another, then one can see the other, then one can smell the  other, then one can speak to the other, then one can hear the  other, then one can think of the other, then one can touch the  other, then one can know the other.  

32.    "In deep sleep it becomes transparent like water, the witness,  one and without a second. This is the World of Brahman, Your  Majesty. This is its supreme attainment, this is its supreme  glory, this it its highest world, this is its supreme bliss. On a particle of this bliss other creatures live."  Thus did Yajnavalkya teach Janaka.