Thursday, November 22, 2012

Right Action series

Blog note 1
Right Action Notes:
The framed quote in the Christian hospital wall, rings very true. “ I do not want. When I am in the quiet streams and mountains, like a shepherd, he leads me”. It is amazing for me how much of wisdom is there in this and yet one has to go through hardships in life to understand the direction of this statement.
One of the toughest learnings is to know what we cannot do. We are puppets. From our childhood, we are taught that we make our destiny. That if we work hard or try hard, we will make all our dreams come true. That I believe is only part of the learning.
What is the source of our wishes or dreams. It appears that the seeds are sown by a higher level – we in our ignorance see it as our wish, our dream, our ambition. We run after it not knowing that it is part of a larger activity that the higher energies, or gods have initiated. The direction of the effort therefore is not holistic. And therefore the activity does wrong and does not bring the desired happiness – whether the dream or wish was fulfilled or not. What are the wrong things that go ?
  1. Time: We want to outcome of efforts within a certain time frame – while they could fructify over a different time frame, often longer than expected. This brings in pain and anxiety. If we knew that once we do the action, the results follow another trajectory and that we need to trust and wait, a lot of the pain and anxiety could reduce depending on how much one is willing into abandon any requisition of time but just keep faith that the outcome will happen in due course that that would be the best case scenario for me.
  2. Selfishness: We are so identified with the possible benefits of the outcome that we brush and run over people so we can achieve our goals. This causes the pain cycle because we break the lawful process in which the activity needs to proceed and give us a backlash. If somehow we can remember that there is a larger goal that the gods have and our part is valid but subordinate to their direction, then at each point where we meet a roadblock, we then wait. Wait to hear from the gods what needs to be done. And we surely get the answer. In normal circumstances whenever we meet a road block, we use our past ‘familiar means’ by which we dealt with this problem. If we have trust, we can wait and tap the entire realm of the ‘other million possibilities’ that can get a chance to manifest, if we, for once stop using the familiar over and over and over again. This therefore requires a great skill in knowing when to act and when to wait – in active attention. It is not a giving up. It is a lover waiting for her lover. She know she can only wait. She cannot force him to come. She does not give up and go to sleep. Her remaining in active waiting is the force that brings her lover home –as though that message goes inside his head quite unknown to him.
The moment we allow this possibility of the realm of the unknown to manifest, it opens oneself to a great freedom and a life that is so rich with experiences as well savouring the fruits of our labour when it is ripened by the gods and our waiting and not artificially ripened with the power of our ego, and its manifesting force, money. Money especially is the enemy of waiting and the slave of time. 

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