Sunday, January 01, 2017

A Normal Being Wishes to Live for Ever - G I Gurdjieff

A Normal Being Wishes to Live for Ever
    - G I Gurdjieff

A normal being wishes to live forever. A normal man is one who not only has actualized his inherited potentialities, but has freed himself from his subjectivity.
We are made in the image of God, and God's attribute is immortality. If God wishes to live he has shared that wish with all of us. He has also provided the means by which that wish to live may exist forever. This wish to live constitutes a being. Once being alive there is no choice, we must live for ever.
The representative of God in any individual is that which tells him how or what God would do in any situation. Your powers are to actualize, to be aware of your presence. This is your money in the bank, your cash, your earning ability.
Next to awareness, the most important thing is Time. The flow of time through us gives us our chance to extract what we can. Time is a three fold stream, passing through our three centers. We fish in this stream, what we catch is ours, what we don't is gone. Time does not wait for us to catch all in the stream. If we catch enough. we have enough to create three bodies, and become enduring.
Time is the sum of our potential experience, the totality of our possible experiences. We live our experiences successively, this is the first dimension of time. To be able to live experiences simultaneously is adding another or second dimension of time. To be aware of this simultaneity is called solid Time, or the third dimension of Time.
I beg you, before starting on this journey to question yourself. You are plunging into the dark;Here is little lamp; I show you how to rub it; but make sure you know how to rub it.
Suffering is the price of endlessness.
Conscious labor consists of having a objective in life, as a LIFE aim, an Aim which can be pursued the whole of your life. It does not depend on the vicissitudes of life. It is the aim for which you took the trouble to be born. You are an Immortal being if you keep this aim.
If you keep this aim through this life you will have an aim strong enough to persist after this life, an aim big enough to persist through an immortal existence. 

Chronicles of Saturn in the First House 12

The Last few days esp January 1 experienced continued connection with being present and experiencing what all is happening and I am doing.
Last night heard a Mooji meditation before sleeping and woke up in the morning sensing every cell of the body in absolute bliss.
The fear of death continues to stalk in terms of possible heart attack due to diabetes. This also means that the inviduality still needs dissolving.
The only task is to remind myself to operate through awareness keeping personality out. Listening, speaking, typing. And each time the mind comes into play to notice it and also to recongise that since I know the thought, it was on the field of awareness.

Rajeev Dey also shared the passage "A Normal Man wishes to Live for ever" by Gurdjieff. Grateful to the forces because it also spoke about hanging on to the being .("This wish to live constitutes a being. Once being alive there is no choice, we must live for ever.")

The passage is below

 A Normal Being Wishes to Live for Ever
    - G I Gurdjieff

A normal being wishes to live forever. A normal man is one who not only has actualized his inherited potentialities, but has freed himself from his subjectivity.
We are made in the image of God, and God's attribute is immortality. If God wishes to live he has shared that wish with all of us. He has also provided the means by which that wish to live may exist forever. This wish to live constitutes a being. Once being alive there is no choice, we must live for ever.
The representative of God in any individual is that which tells him how or what God would do in any situation. Your powers are to actualize, to be aware of your presence. This is your money in the bank, your cash, your earning ability.
Next to awareness, the most important thing is Time. The flow of time through us gives us our chance to extract what we can. Time is a three fold stream, passing through our three centers. We fish in this stream, what we catch is ours, what we don't is gone. Time does not wait for us to catch all in the stream. If we catch enough. we have enough to create three bodies, and become enduring.
Time is the sum of our potential experience, the totality of our possible experiences. We live our experiences successively, this is the first dimension of time. To be able to live experiences simultaneously is adding another or second dimension of time. To be aware of this simultaneity is called solid Time, or the third dimension of Time.
I beg you, before starting on this journey to question yourself. You are plunging into the dark;Here is little lamp; I show you how to rub it; but make sure you know how to rub it.
Suffering is the price of endlessness.
Conscious labor consists of having a objective in life, as a LIFE aim, an Aim which can be pursued the whole of your life. It does not depend on the vicissitudes of life. It is the aim for which you took the trouble to be born. You are an Immortal being if you keep this aim.
If you keep this aim through this life you will have an aim strong enough to persist after this life, an aim big enough to persist through an immortal existence. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

From Ramana - just abida in the Self

I must remember and remind myself the following 
(a) The default state is the Self (or abiding in the Self) and the mind is the impermanent manifestation that comes and goes. We are already complete and perfect. 
(b) That the H is a fiction created by the mind. Its stupid to now live on that basis and shift base to Self.
Ramana: You are perfect and complete, so abandon the idea of incompleteness. There is nothing to be destroyed. Ahankara, the individual "I", is not a real thing. It is the mind that makes the effort and the mind is not real. Just as it is not necessary to kill a rope that one imagines to be a snake, so also there is no need to kill the mind. Knowing the form of the mind makes the mind disappear. That which is forever non-existent is already removed.

On Practice of Directly engaging with experience bypassing the mind

Read a few lines from Ekhardt Tolle and it provided a help to work with emotions.

Emotions can be experienced in the body so one can bring direct experience of awareness with the emotions through the body. This also prevents self image based emotional experiecing of joy and sorrow that gives a "personal" experience as against the objective experience.

I have seen that even mental activities like typing right now can be done directly through awarness and bypass the intellectual centre . The awarness gives you impulses of ideas so one does not have to go to the intellectual centre.
I have to practice more and more speaking directly through awareness and listening directly without personality.

But the most valuable thing from what was received from Ekhardt Tolle was that this state of being in the IAM is a simple state which is our default state. We make a such a big deal about enlightenment but it is infact a normal state and not to be considered a big achievement - which was creating issues for me. I should remain simple and normal about it because it is so.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in the First House 11

Speaking the Truth (since now there is no H to be protected by the lies)
Operating through awareness directly - speaking, listening, sensation of the body while sitting, bathing eating, listening to outside sounds. Direct means there is only awarness and the body. THe "person" should be eliminated

It is a process post death - great help from the following reading that just came up to me. It was from  a paper submitted at the All and Everything conference.

" When I experience "waking up" there is a new dimension to what is seen, a sense of depth, awareness of being aware. We do not know ahead of time when we will wake up in a moment. That is certainly something unexpected creating a hole in the moment. Something new has appeared something that sees outside of Time, bringing with it new potential. Here is a true crossroad. There is danger in that moment. I can become identified with the experience of 'bring there' and fall back to sleep imaginging I am awake. 
I can take credit for my "progress" and exalt my spiritual attaintment thus unwittingly feeding the ego instead.
Or I can thank the Work and suffer consciously, the tension between the inner and the outer. The choice is to intentionally risk manifestation, or, suffer the manifestation in progress. I either case, I watch as it enteres the 'world' and wait to discover the results.
I feel reminded of Gurdjieff's statement" Only he can have his own initiative for perceptions and manifestations in whose common presences there has been formed, in an independant and intentional manner  the totality of factors necessary for the functioning of this third world "

I need to nurture this NOT allow manifestation of old personality and suffer its death throes till I am sure it is fully dead with no remnants.
My prayer to Lord Shani.

Another quote coming a few sentences later

" When I Remember Myself, when the experience of I AM appears awareness of awareness I find myself outside of linear time. There exist new possibilities not available a moment prior. I see in that moment that the Work  is not in the future of Time but is right here, right Now, at all times.

Just above me is a world out of Time where what I had hoped to find someday in the futrue, is waiting for me NOW.

I need to stay in the I AM - at all times. Live and rest in my Being - because all else is dead or imaginary .

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in First House 10 - small door opened

This happened on 21st of December. I suddenly saw the H (my name) was a complete work of fiction. A lie created diligently by my intellectual centre.  This imaginary character was sad, happy, angry and so on. And every moment the intellectual centre reinforces this lie.

There is this hollow body inside which no body is there. And there is awareness. Till now this lie was coming in between the awareness and this hollow body. Now I need to watch this lie each time it appears as a go between. Otherwise all experiences must be directly experienced by the awareness and the awareness is recognised by the experiencing.
Life will resolve itself. As said by Maharaj When effort is needed it will happen by itself when effortlessness is required it will assert itself. The human body will traverse through its destiny  and the awareness will experience this destiny.

This by the grace of Saturn and the compassionate almighty  a small door has opened - I need to now stay with this. continue staying in the I AM and experience the Awareness with the body - sounds, tastes etc
Then each time I interact with people I watch for H to make its appearance - H is dead. I need to inform H that. Each time the mind will try to resurrect H and I think over time the mind will understand and accept.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in the First House 9

It is important to constantly stay in presence or being. When the attention comes down, we are drawn back to the mind - we come back to being a Person. When we are not persons but jut pure Awarness. I need to keep reminding myself that I am not a person and catch myself when I am. Person is bound by time and death. And the person is imagination. Its hillarious how we believe something that has been created by the mind. and served to us each time.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Mooji today unlocked for me the Essence of Seeing and the doors are open for me now.

When you initially begin to watch from a place of identity…everything has a weight, substance, meaning

But as you pay attention without interfering, just looking the energy stays with you ..and it begins to register ITSELF.. NOT THE THINGS APPEARING…you REGISTER YOUR OWN PRESENCE ..YOU BECOME AWARE OF YOUR OWN PRESENCE.
Then you seem to have less interest in the visitors(objects of perception) so your power to remain in your meditative state naturally will stay

This is the heart of seeing. Mooji may god bless you. You speak to me direct.
Thank you Shani for you speak through all teachers.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in First House 8

Today again I got reminders from the Cosmos to be in the I AM. My right side breathing had reduced with the change in practice of being aware of awareness by being aware of the framework within which the sensation of the body happens, the bed of awareness on which the sounds fall or the visuals falls.
I will continue to do both now. Even be aware of the impulse that is getting these words typed. Return to that breath as an anchor yet remember to be aware of my Existence breathing in the energy from the air and surrendering as I exhale depositing the material all around the body.

One of the helpful reminders I did get today was a quote from Maharaj

"Tirelessly I draw your attention to the one inconvertible factor - that of being. Being needs no proofs - it proves itself. If only you go deep into the fact of being and discover the vastness and the glory, to which " I AM " is the door and cross the door and go beyond, your life will be full of hapiness and light. Believe me, the effort needed is nothing when compared with the discoveries arrived at.

Chronicles of Saturn in the First House 7

Today was an interesting day because suddenly during the day I could get a sense that Awareness is the screen on which everything is projected. The things I see, the words I speak or hear, the thoughts, feelings...all these have a bed on which they rest. So I need to be constantly aware of that "on which all this rests". I did have an amazing experience listening to someone speak as the words fell on the bed..and my own thoughts on the bed ..and I also for a flash felt as it it was a common bed..the bed from where his words emerged and where it fell on my ears and my resultant thoughts.

Of couse during the day I was quickly brought back to my senses because of a crisis and I immediately saw how identified I was and how deep the identifications are rooted.

But then Nisargadatta Maharaj said that there will be frustrations and suffering but I need to persist - but now I have a new thing to keep an attention on the bed on which everything falls and from where everything rises.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in the First House - 6

The 6th chronicle is beng written and Saturn has not yet arrived in the first house ! Must be house keeping.

Meanwhile here's the practice that I seem to be clinging to desperately.

I AM practice. To sense I am.

I have got so much help from Mooji and then today heard an amazing Sohra channelling that further assisted me. The broad fundas of the practice is as under :

1. I sense I AM in the Heart.
2. THe idea is the I am Pure Awareness. But I cannot experience it.
3. Nisargadatta and Mooji both say that if I abide in the I AM over a period I will be free of the lowerI where I am stuck and be free from the lower I.
4. I need to be persistent.
5. Sohra/William Bagley said that observing and witnessing that it is the lower I that is worrying, angry, insecure will free us of the I. When we identify with it, we give it the strenght of our consciousness - but when we stop doing that it will fall away. (This is so Amazing) SO I NEED TO CONSTANTLY ASK - WHO IS GETTING ANGRY? WHY IS WORRIED etc etc. Just like Ramana exhorts.
6. Sohra also gave me  an amazing HELP in my I AM breathing. That with Inhalation I take in the energy in the atmosphere and with Exhalation I give in to more and more surrender - this is such a powerful and helpful guide. I can exhale and also deposit all the energy all around the body and also get a sensation of the body as I surrender and relax.

Thank you Saturn for these teaching are coming from Saturn to anhillate my identity.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in First House - 5

A fundemental shift yesterday after going through another dark phase. Searched for I AM practice on You Tube for some unknown reason and found this by Mooji which was exactly what I needed.
Mysterious are the ways of the universe - it is as if it guides and helps.

I am so scared of death that I am literally clinging to the I AM which is immortal.

The shift is really that now my practice is about "Resting my mind in the I AM . Staying in I AM as much as possible. Mooi says resting your attention all the time in the TIME IN THE  I AM
He also says it is the Original feeling of  one's Existence.

I also read Nisargdatta who of course says the same thing. He also said that life operates in its own order. The body is "a" body for him. The practice for I AM is staying with the I AM and each time one experiences something - asking WHO is experiencing this? THen also being PERSISTENT.

This way there will be a gradual separation between the fake I and the true I

Very heartening to hear Mooji say - If one inquires hard one finds that there is really no :I. We are the supreme reality and why then get afraid of an illusory belief that I am this body and everything will end in death. Nisargadatta says I am already dead.

I also feel that this impulse of staying with I AM is also willed by Saturn and with its blessings and guidance only can I remain in I AM . Otherwise the forces of sleep are so strong. I need to constantly remind myself that I am dying so I can return to I AM.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in First House - 4

The underlying fear of death is more real than ever before. I therefore cling to life. To breathe in I AM. I try to sense what is it TO BE ALIVE. What is born will die so I have to go and live the REAL LIFE. I dont know how to get there but Nisargadatta Maharaj says Be Tenacious and Persistent. Stay in the I AM.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in First House - 3

There is clearly a sense of sluggishness and lack of energy. Passivity pervades yet if one gets up for action it is possible to push against the passivity. Mentally however there is a black shadow and a huge weight. I prefer speaking less. However I can sense lot of sensation inside my head as though this period is good for inner watch. Meanwhile some more info

With any transit involving Sagittarius, it is essential that we be honest – in our actions and about what we are feeling. If one senses the pressures and demands of higher performance, be honest about what you feel and express this to those around you.

Saturn in Sagittarius is like a breath of fresh air since it rules more abstract values such as codes, ethics, quality control, upgrading standards, credentialing and standards of Truth. 
Those with vision, those who can see the Big Picture, those who can upgrade and maintain high standards, will do very well in this cycle.

Saturn transiting the first house begins with a Saturn conjunction to the Ascendant, a transit of personal significance. The first house is a fire house, a house that rules our personal identity. We concern ourselves with how we come across to others on a personal level with Saturn here. Our physical body becomes a focus as well. Depending on the age of the native, it may be a time when we feel our age, or it is a time when we see our bodies quite clearly. This is an excellent time for beginning health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when we look in the mirror and see ourselves clearlynot what we want to see. Our outlook on life changes to a more serious, responsible tone. In the beginning stages of the transit, you may feel frustrated with yourself, let down, and lacking in self-confidence. You might reach out to others in an attempt to validate yourself, looking for ways to boost your confidence. When these attempts fail, you may feel temporarily let down and discouraged. Rest assured that Saturn will re-work these feelings, with your help of course, until you reach a point (as Saturn moves through the house) where you have a stronger sense of self. This transit acts to transform your self-confidence in such a way that you question the source of your confidence to date, and discover a more solid base for pulling up inner strength. Saturn here acts to rip away the superficial. Illusions about the self, the body, and personal abilities will no longer be tolerated. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of the self. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress! For example, some years ago, a client began a hobby/project during a Saturn transit to her first house, something that took up a lot of her time and energy and that yielded nothing in terms of immediate financial gainuntil later! In fact, this “hobby” turned into her career in the years to follow.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Chronicles of Saturn in First house - 2

We are towards the end of November and a few weeks before Saturn transits House 1. Already the first experiencing that I have had is an irrational fear of death and disease. It was truly real and only today there was some respite.

It seems like an end gift of the 12th house and a peek of what could be expected.

Saturn House 1 is expressed in the following words

(a) We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
(b) First house Saturn apparently is all about restructuring the identity. It becomes very important to evaluate where we spend our  energy –to end superfluous obligations, to other people, and to myself.  It is said that  because we are rebuilding the very identity, we have less energy to spare during Saturn’s transit – and any commitments that stand in our way of doing this intense self-exploration may get sacked because it stands in the way of the time we need to spend working on our self

So let me see what happens as the days go by and ill try and do a regular record.

Chronicles of Saturn in First house - 1

This is the continuation of the record of my Saturn Transit. My 12th house transit is getting over and this transit has taught me "Faith" as against "Doing". Earlier I used to find meaning in Doing. But in this transit when I "did" nothing happened. But when I "wished" things came to me. Miracles at each corner.

So before the transit begins I thought I would cover some preparatory homework . So here's the first copy-paste from (

With Saturn now moving retrograde, I figured I’d check in on how I’m faring with Saturn. Saturn has been transiting my first house since September 2011. I had been looking forward to Saturn leaving my twelfth house like I looked forward to being released from an obligation I had no interest in keeping; in my twelfth, Saturn had taught me to quiet down, stop working so hard, to chill out. Dialing back and losing focus in the diffuse awareness of the twelfth house does not and did not feel natural to me. With a score of like 65 on Donna Cunningham’s Cardinal-o-meter, I flip flopped like a fish out of water. Not until Saturn entered the twelfth house did I realize how much my identity was fused with doing instead of be-ing. The week of Saturn transiting the first, initially felt like a release from bondage. That week, I reconnected with parts of my self I thought I’d lost by attending a high school reunion, and taking an art class with a master artist. In a very real sense, this was the beginning of the rediscovery of the self. But after the initial homecoming, I had to let go of that nostalgic self-reunion. There’s a Joseph Campbell quote that speaks directly to what takes place during the shift from Saturn from the twelfth into the first house(s), “We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
Keeping Up Appearances
As Saturn crosses the threshold, we are called to break with old masks – with ways of seeing our self, being in the world, showing our self and our face to the world. Yet who am I today? This is the question… and first house Saturn is all about restructuring the identity. Early on, something I had read helped me understand the consolidation of energy I began experiencing. It became very important to me to evaluate where I was spending my energy –to end superfluous obligations, to other people, and to myself.  Why was I pushing hard to be social, or work on projects that felt like a mountain of work, when I was tired, so tired? I’m already an introvert and need time to recoup energy but this was ridiculous. Both Rob Hand and Erin Sullivan say because we are rebuilding the very identity, we have less energy to spare during Saturn’s transit – and any commitments that stand in our way of doing this intense self-exploration may get sacked because it stands in the way of the time we need to spend working on our self. This is the motive behind why people may experience “fails” during this time. So if you get sacked, or your work doesn’t get published, consider it a blessing: you are in the process of rediscovering the Self that will seed a whole new 28 year cycle.  You don’t want to be wasting precious time on a hamster wheel.
Rediscovering The Self
Because of this need to restructure the identity, which entails less commitment to worldly demands, more seclusion and inner work, Saturn here can put a damper on being seen and getting noticed. This is happening because there’s a new identity re-forming. Like the pieces of a lego creation, the process of self-rebuilding is necessarily slow, careful and must be made without haste. The feeling is that every piece (friendship, career choice, obligation, cause, hobby) you decide to take on will be with you for a long while, and to not be premature. I’ve been tempted many times to define myself — to run headlong in exciting directions that, upon reflection only a mere few weeks later, I just knew wouldn’t have made me happy. It took a few experiences like this, me anticipating I had found “the answer!” only to have it dissolve, and realize I’m a work in progress and if my newfangled career mash up ideas don’t get past the starting line, it’s probably for the best. As a result of admitting I truly don’t know where I’m headed yet, I’ve learned to remain wide open to possibility, and to explore things that come along with fresh eyes, which feels very courageous and first house, while also remaining extremely discerning and realistic, which feels very Saturn.  This is a safety against running headlong into brick walls down the road, for as Erin says, “Often it remains unclear who we are while Saturn remains in the first house.” -And- “…seizing the first apparently solid opportunity to present itself is not always the best; all such opportunities need to be examined for their durability and longevity.” In short: if you can’t envision enjoying doing this for at least the next 14 years, scrap it. Or as Rob Hand, a very practical man, says of Saturn transiting the first house, “Don’t be in a hurry.”
Yet, it’s not about sitting around doing nothing. It’s a busy time. Putting the pieces together takes time, effort and often Saturn transiting the first yields new choices & direction. In my experience, however, these choices must obey another Joseph Campbell dictum, to always: “follow your heart” then given plenty of lassitude. I’ve read about people taking up hobbies now that turn into careers – later. I’ve experienced the budding of a new profession, and though I don’t know what form it will take yet, it’s been important work for me to listen to what my heart says about it every step of the way.
In Corpore (Latin, meaning In The Body)
“For the duration of Saturn’s transit through the first house, one must find creative antidotes for spiritual starvation. Nourishment for the body and soul is a difficult menu to find ready prepared.” – Erin Sullivan, Saturn in Transit
Being in the body has never been easy for me, and in all honesty it has gotten harder and improved with Saturn here. During this time I’ve had a disease return that I though I’d been finished with (on the exact weekend Saturn quincunx’d my sixth house Aries Mars). This is the harder. Chronic pain has severely limited my ability to write, create and do things I want to do. Creativity had been such a strong source of spiritual nourishment for me, albeit (and I am loathe to admit this) at the cost of other forms of sustenance. This is the lesson. As Saturn has thrown the circuit breaker on thecreative-spiritual and put much (often ALL) of my attention on being in the material body, I have had no choice but to submit to the lessons of the Taskmaster. Inasmuchas my work is cut out for me with Saturn here, I am beginning to reap some rewards from it. I found traditional cooking (Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions) or it found me -and when I did I experienced the major epiphany that I’d never actually felt deeply nourished by my food. Saturn rules traditions.  My diet, has long been far healthier and conscious than the typical American diet, but also had a lot of restrictions that left me feeling hungry, and malnourished on deep levels (natal Saturn conjunct Sun, South Node in Cancer). When I began eating a very nutrient dense diet, a diet like our ancestors ate. As a result of eating like my ancestors ate hundreds of years ago, I started feeling far more substantially nourished as a person. Of course I’m also cooking like they did, too, which means I’ll start my day cutting vegetables for a stew, or canning pickles or making crème fraiche. Time consuming? Yes. But also connecting to my body, the earth, and my spirit in a whole new way. As Erin says, “While Saturn remains in the first house we renegotiate our earthly contract.”
I’ve noticed people who have Saturn in the first, natally, often have physical limitations – thyroid disease, bone disease, juvenile diabetes to name a few – restricting one’s confidence, ease of movement, and the opportunities one can pursue.  Why is Saturn in the first so hard on the health? Is it because of the quincunx relation of the first house to the Sixth? A quincunx is an aspect of adjustment, and letting go and eliminating health-inhibiting behaviors does involve the quincunxy idea that no one wants to do: “let go, release into change.” Speaking of letting go, I haven’t lost weight, thank Goddess, as I didn’t need to, but for some this is a true benefit of this transit. Due to depression or the self-discipline and self-denial it bestows on the character, Saturn can lean people down during its ASC and first house transit – witness Angelina Jolie’s Skeletor-like appearance while Saturn in Cancer crossed her ASC, a skeletal reputation which she has never entirely lived down.
Thresholds & Doorways
Saturn rules thresholds & doorways.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

On Aligning with Life that is Eternal

The fear of death can only be allayed by a connection with that which is immortal. It has been the insight of many sages that we are immortal and it is due to ignorance that we believe that we are the body and all ends with death. This fear of death, combined with a sense of futility of life’s purpose gives a powerful force to find out that which is beyond death and live that existence rather than the existence linked to mortality. How does one find that ? For me a starting point could be to return again and again to the life throbbing inside me. This life or attention seems to be a first connection with that which incarnated into this body and so if I could live more and more in this connection maybe it could be the boat that could take one across the river from this bank that is attached and identified with mortality. This connection could also be assisted by returning to the breath – especially the sensation of the breath.  

To understand this life that incarnates life after life is a magical adventure. Let me start right away.

Saturn - insights towards the end of first phase of 2.5 years

On January 26th I would have finished the first cycle of 2.5 years of Saturn. If I look back it has been the most spiritualised period of my life. I think preparing and reading about Saturn – especially to align with Saturn and “be” Saturn got me into a helpful inner attitude of receptivity. Further situations around me caused me to do things that I normally would be lazy and passive to do. Allowing my self to do it in this Saturn period, got me a slight freedom from likes and dislikes. I think that possibly could be the gift of Saturn. I need to remember this – freedom the likes and dislikes. I also saw that while one part of my life experienced delays – there was another part that made small wishes come true. I had to wish, try and make effort and then forget about it. Then by some magic it would just happen. Sometimes even if the impulse of action kept pushing and I held back, the magic worked. I also feel receptivity also means open to receiving things and help from people – as if God is giving them to you through them. Earlier I would refuse favours (for no reason – maybe social conditioning, maybe false pride)

 It was also in this period that I managed to get my first bit of regular financial income – however modest. Even this happened by an amazing miracle. This means also that Saturn does not block your money -  and trouble you.  Saturn in 12th house is about transformation (12th house being the house of death) and I think what I learn from here will now be polished and fine tuned when it moves to the 1st house. Even now with a few weeks left, I think its impact I can begin to feel. There seems to be a sense of death and sense of wanting to find meaning in life and the direction of that finding of meaning – all of which could be the individuality aspects of the first house.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Meaning of life

Today once again woke up in the morning with the question of the meaning of life and it's pointless ness if its going to end in death.

But today was a shift in the sense that I remembered about the Buddha story and could get a sense of his similar despair when he saw the cycle of life. And that after that he set out to find the meaning of life and not cave in with the crushing weight of what he saw. 

I need to take a leaf from that and approach life similarly. To find the true meaning of life beyond the mortal. And it has to be through life work efforts of day to day struggling.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

On nursing suffering

So the last few days have been this feeling of pain in the heart. One of those things that have no reason to cause it. Usually when it has appeared in the past it has maybe lasted for a few hours at best and then the being changes. This time it is longer. Been 5 days and it starts as soon as I get up in the morning and ends somewhere in the evening as I leave for home from work.

I know my responsibility is to stay and thank fully other than few moments I feel aligned to it like a duty to share some Cosmic sorrow. The few weak moments I am identified with it but thankfully so far no self pity.
The pain is sapping. I miss my natural optimism and upbeatedness. It has taken away my sense of purpose as well as the energy that starts initiatives. It is very precious for me that energy and I feel it has got me to wherever I am.

Whenever there are moments of relief I go with my breath as a tongue to look for sadness in the corners of my heart and I find traces.

I wonder if  I my pain is part of an overall planetary situation (like it has been in the past) or something chemical in my head.

Tomorrow is another day.